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v17 Artwork Beef - automatically add extended artwork
(2018-01-11, 22:57)rmrector Wrote: Edit: And 0.15.1 is out with a fix for this. With the 'extrafanart' option most artwork (including the main "fanart") will still be next to the media, but additional fanart will be saved to the extrafanart directory.
 @rmrector Works like a charm now, thank you!
Hi rmrector

i just stumbled upon this addon looking for solutions to my extra art problems with Kodi scraping and AD naming policy etc. This seems to fit the bill exactly and looks great!

i have installed however i am having issue completing a full scan, my movie structure is as follows;

smb\\network share\media folder\movie name\movie and artwork files.

The issue i have is that some of my movies (about 20% and have around 1200 in total) are not unpacked i.e. they are rar files inside the movie folder. As soon as the scan hits a folder with rar files containing a movie i get error that it cannot save to the rar and the scan stops.

note i do most of my scraping in ember so almost all art is existing in the file system in format moviename-artwork type, and i have also exported from kodi to multiple files so have moviename-extrafanartXX in the movie folder also, but Kodi scraping only picks up basic artwork as you know, and AD does not recognize the new naming convention (i used to have clearlogo.png clearart.png etc but cleaned it all up after exporting to multiple files foolishly thinking as kodi exported it, that it would also automatically import on fresh scan to new DB) - i am using mysql on pc for library.

is it possible to set it so skip these rar'd movies and move to the next, or better still scan in or download and save the artwork in the folder next to the rar'd movie?

Note i am still using Jarvis 16.1

Hi, i start using your add-on and happy with it.
but i have some Issues.

Using it on Win7 - Leia (nightly 01_18)- get continuing ERRROR MESSAGE
[syntax=10:02:29.566 T:6104 NOTICE: ADDON: script.module.metadatautils v1.0.19 installed 10:02:30.491 T:5792 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<-- - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS! Error Type: Error Contents: global name 'self' is not defined Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\apps\Kodi Leia\portable_data\addons\script.artwork.beef\service.py", line 3, in from lib.artworkprocessor import ArtworkProcessor File "C:\apps\Kodi Leia\portable_data\addons\script.artwork.beef\lib\artworkprocessor.py", line 9, in from lib.gatherer import Gatherer File "C:\apps\Kodi Leia\portable_data\addons\script.artwork.beef\lib\gatherer.py", line 1, in from lib import providers File "C:\apps\Kodi Leia\portable_data\addons\script.artwork.beef\lib\providers\__init__.py", line 2, in from lib.providers.base import ProviderError File "C:\apps\Kodi Leia\portable_data\addons\script.artwork.beef\lib\providers\base.py", line 1, in import StorageServer File "C:\apps\Kodi Leia\portable_data\addons\script.common.plugin.cache\lib\StorageServer.py", line 764, in checkInstanceMode() File "C:\apps\Kodi Leia\portable_data\addons\script.common.plugin.cache\lib\StorageServer.py", line 755, in checkInstanceMode self.xbmc.log(u" StorageServer Module loaded RUN(instance only)") NameError: global name 'self' is not defined -->End of Python script error report<-- 10:02:59.888 T:6160 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<-- - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS! Error Type: Error Contents: global name 'self' is not defined Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\apps\Kodi Leia\portable_data\addons\script.artwork.beef\default.py", line 7, in from lib.artworkprocessor import ArtworkProcessor File "C:\apps\Kodi Leia\portable_data\addons\script.artwork.beef\lib\artworkprocessor.py", line 9, in from lib.gatherer import Gatherer File "C:\apps\Kodi Leia\portable_data\addons\script.artwork.beef\lib\gatherer.py", line 1, in from lib import providers File "C:\apps\Kodi Leia\portable_data\addons\script.artwork.beef\lib\providers\__init__.py", line 2, in from lib.providers.base import ProviderError File "C:\apps\Kodi Leia\portable_data\addons\script.artwork.beef\lib\providers\base.py", line 1, in import StorageServer File "C:\apps\Kodi Leia\portable_data\addons\script.common.plugin.cache\lib\StorageServer.py", line 764, in checkInstanceMode() File "C:\apps\Kodi Leia\portable_data\addons\script.common.plugin.cache\lib\StorageServer.py", line 755, in checkInstanceMode self.xbmc.log(u" StorageServer Module loaded RUN(instance only)") NameError: global name 'self' is not defined -->End of Python script error report<-- 10:03:58.810 T:7732 ERROR: Previous line repeats 1 times.]

my settings

<settings version="2">
    <setting id="album.back">true</setting>
    <setting id="album.discart">true</setting>
    <setting id="album.spine">true</setting>
    <setting id="album.thumb">true</setting>
    <setting id="artist.banner">true</setting>
    <setting id="artist.clearart">true</setting>
    <setting id="artist.clearlogo">true</setting>
    <setting id="artist.fanart_limit">20</setting>
    <setting id="artist.thumb">true</setting>
    <setting id="autoaddepisodes_list" default="true"></setting>
    <setting id="centraldir.set_dir">D:\- movie set fanart\</setting>
    <setting id="centraldir.set_enabled" default="true">false</setting>
    <setting id="default_tvidsource" default="true">tvdb</setting>
    <setting id="download_artwork">true</setting>
    <setting id="enable_olditem_updates">false</setting>
    <setting id="enableservice">false</setting>
    <setting id="enableservice_music" default="true">false</setting>
    <setting id="episode.fanart">false</setting>
    <setting id="episode.thumb_generate" default="true">false</setting>
    <setting id="fanarttv_key"> edited ....because , you know why ;-) YES I HAVE A WORKING API KEY</setting>
    <setting id="final_notification">true</setting>
    <setting id="identify_alternatives">true</setting>
    <setting id="language_override">de</setting>
    <setting id="last_musicupdate" default="true">0</setting>
    <setting id="last_videoupdate" default="true">0</setting>
    <setting id="minimum_rating">2</setting>
    <setting id="movie.banner">false</setting>
    <setting id="movie.clearart">false</setting>
    <setting id="movie.clearlogo">false</setting>
    <setting id="movie.discart">false</setting>
    <setting id="movie.fanart_limit">0</setting>
    <setting id="movie.landscape">false</setting>
    <setting id="movie.poster">false</setting>
    <setting id="movie.thumb_generate" default="true">false</setting>
    <setting id="musicvideo.artistthumb">true</setting>
    <setting id="musicvideo.banner">true</setting>
    <setting id="musicvideo.clearart">true</setting>
    <setting id="musicvideo.clearlogo">true</setting>
    <setting id="musicvideo.discart">true</setting>
    <setting id="musicvideo.fanart_limit">20</setting>
    <setting id="musicvideo.poster" default="true">true</setting>
    <setting id="musicvideo.thumb_generate" default="true">false</setting>
    <setting id="only_filesystem">true</setting>
    <setting id="prefer_tmdbartwork">true</setting>
    <setting id="preferredsize">1280x720</setting>
    <setting id="progress_display" default="true">0</setting>
    <setting id="recycle_removed">true</setting>
    <setting id="report_peritem" default="true">false</setting>
    <setting id="save_extrafanart" default="true">false</setting>
    <setting id="save_extrafanart_mvids" default="true">false</setting>
    <setting id="season.banner">false</setting>
    <setting id="season.fanart">false</setting>
    <setting id="season.landscape">false</setting>
    <setting id="season.poster">false</setting>
    <setting id="set.banner">true</setting>
    <setting id="set.clearart">true</setting>
    <setting id="set.clearlogo">true</setting>
    <setting id="set.discart">true</setting>
    <setting id="set.fanart_limit">20</setting>
    <setting id="set.landscape">true</setting>
    <setting id="set.poster">true</setting>
    <setting id="setartwork_fromparent" default="true">false</setting>
    <setting id="song.thumb">true</setting>
    <setting id="titlefree_fanart">true</setting>
    <setting id="titlefree_poster" default="true">false</setting>
    <setting id="tvshow.banner">false</setting>
    <setting id="tvshow.characterart_limit">0</setting>
    <setting id="tvshow.clearart">false</setting>
    <setting id="tvshow.clearlogo">false</setting>
    <setting id="tvshow.fanart_limit">0</setting>
    <setting id="tvshow.landscape">false</setting>
    <setting id="tvshow.poster">false</setting>

Skins |  Titan M O D   •   S W A N (WIP)
@thecubasekid Yup, forgot all about rars. I'll need to investigate further, but I should be able to save artwork to the containing folder. For now you could enable "Automatically add from file system only" and disable "Download all process artwork". The first option is useful when artwork is gathered by a media manager like Ember, it can run a lot faster and uses less network resources. The second will get you running while I work on a fix, and with Ember you shouldn't be missing much artwork.

@mardukL This is a bug introduced into a new version of the "Common plugin cache" add-on. A new version (2.5.10) with the fix was just merged, so Kodi should update it automatically within a day, or you can "Check for updates" in the add-on browser left menu to check sooner.

thanks that did the trick! it has sorted all my logo's landscapes etc and also my pre-existing extra fanart

loving the context menu integration by the way, and also it has done wonderful things with my movie sets ;-)

i use Aeon Nox Silvo and this looks for extrafanartxx rather than fanartxx by default, giving option to cache it from the 'extrafanart' folder but with limitation of 4 extra fanarts being chached by this process, and on export from kodi it goes to the movie folder as 'extrafanartxx' so all the stuff i had displayed in silvo before i started messing with naming and creating fresh db is now present and correct again which is great however, when beef did some partial run up to the point it hit a rar, i got loads of extrafanart and i thought it would be cool if this was also displayed but silvo was not showing it.

i tried running Millhouse's texturecache.py (i use it often anyway) to see if it would help but no change even though all was definitely cached. i then tried running advanced re-namer against a movie in my file system replacing -fanart with -extrafanart then again replacing -extrafanart.jpg with -fanart.jpg - this worked with nox silvo rotating 9 extra fanart using moviename-extrafanartxx naming convention. i then repeated against the rest of my media folders in chunks (there is a maximum file count limitation so sadly could not do in one shot) however i was not able to reproduce what is happening on my test move reliably. most movies still only show 1-4 and not the extra stuff beef grabbed and i renamed to meet what silvo uses as default, still trying to understand why that is....

i have two questions based on this

1 do you know of any skins in Jarvis or Krypton that will pick up and use 'fanartxx' out of the box to show multiple fanart?
2 is there a file i could modify somewhere so beef names extra fanart as 'extrafanartxx' rather than 'fanartxx? (would be cool if there was a setting where we could configure how this is named so it would override default and folks could easily set it to what their skin is looking for)

anyway thanks for this great addon, enjoying it very much!

sorry fat fingers did double post rather than editing original...
This question probably has a very simple answer, but I can't think of it - so, apologies and thanks for bearing with me in advance!

I've just spotted the new 'download all processed artwork to file system' option - but, I can't work out why I need it.  At the moment I have all my files on NAS (unRAID) e.g. Movie_folder/movie_name and my kodi clients have a shared mysql database with thumbnails stored in userdata/Thumbnails on each machine.  I have no artwork in Movie_folder/movie_name etc etc

What are the advantages to downloading artwork?  I thought kodi scans artwork once from Movie_folder/movie_name and then loads images from the Thumbnails directory thereafter?? 

I know I'm missing something here, but I can't put my finger on it.

its useful to download for few reasons -online  artwork changes over time, stuff previously scraped sometimes disappears - i have had movies with artwork, tried creating new clean DB and scanning and then no artwork available - downloading to file system in first instance prevents this, also if you manually set artwork for some items, custom fanart per season or episode etc and then export it to file system from kodi, it will never be wiped by fresh scrape and all would come back if you did clean install, and scanning in is much faster than scraping from web, and you don't need to rely on having internet connection to scan in..

if you hose your DB or kodi install requiring fresh install, having it all local brings you back exactly to where you were - with added bonus of all the orphaned cache images that accumulate over time gone some times saving you GB's from your thumbnails folders - before i discovered Millhouse's texture script i used to periodically  delete thumbnails and texture.db, and scan to new DB to clear out all the chuff from my thumbnails...

i have kodi DB on my PC in mysql and have two windows tablets, two android tablets, install on my windows PC and 5 cheap Chinese android tv boxes running kodi dotted round the house in diff rooms all sharing same DB - having local artwork keeps them all synced up and matching experience across all platforms, using texturecache.py to cache in conjunction to all this all makes keeping all the same and in sync a snip - and keeps performance snappy with now slowdown in menus as kodi caches images for first time on the other instances! i just update one instance from my PC then point texturecache.py to each of the other boxes and let it do its thing... so all instance managed easily from my PC in few minutes

i am sure there are more advantages but cant think of them now!
Hello everyone,

I would like to make a request for Functions if it's possible:

my struture movies is
1 folder "MOVIES" in which the movies only.           
    F: \ MyMovies \
my struture tvshows conforms to the kodi wiki    
I use Artwork Beef with the function "download all disabled artwork to file system" deactivated
kodi 17 exports the database (xbmc_videodb_year-month-day) and all images (artworks and actors) scrapped.


a new function to add all these folders would it be feasible?

excuse me for my bad english.
thank you
@thecubasekid At the bottom of the "Advanced" add-on settings, enable the extrafanart directory. That is the way classic extrafanart has worked in the past so it may work for that skin. This seems to be an undocumented feature of a script that doesn't do much else with artwork and is only used by a couple of skins in Krypton, so I don't intend to add a switch for the name of the artwork as saved to the database, nor another option for file names.

@Streggi thecubasekid has it. It can also reduce network usage, if you have more than one Kodi device in regular use. Images are downloaded from the internet only once, then each Kodi client caches from that instead of each downloading their own copy. This may not be a big deal for many home connections, but with all of us folks using fanart.tv and other web services for free it can add up on their end.

@roby69 I have ideas for something like this, but it needs more brainstorming so won't be available anytime soon.
thanks for your answer, I will wait then.

Thanks, i did use that setting initially, but my skin defaults to 4  extrafanart and chaches the first four images in that folder however, after exporting to multiple files the chached images go directly next to the movie and the skin names as extrafanart01 - 04 and uses those essentially making the extrafanart folder redundant as it already has 4 additional images. i guess i will just use advanced re-namer to make beefs additional images extrafanart05 and upwards as my skin seems to allow more than the default 4 if done in this way...

Don't use Kodi's export for artwork, it will often give you a resized or reencoded version. Flip on downloading in Artwork Beef settings and it will grab the original, and not make a copy of any artwork that is already local. If you rename the artwork to 05+ then the next Kodi export will just make another extrafanart01 - 04.

And I missed your other question, skins that use this format for multiple fanart: the only one for Krypton that I know of is Eminence 2 mod, and for Leia there is Estuary MOD V2, and the extrafanart directory works for most other skins that have an extrafanart option.
(2018-01-18, 23:25)rmrector Wrote: @thecubasekid Yup, forgot all about rars. I'll need to investigate further, but I should be able to save artwork to the containing folder. For now you could enable "Automatically add from file system only" and disable "Download all process artwork". The first option is useful when artwork is gathered by a media manager like Ember, it can run a lot faster and uses less network resources. The second will get you running while I work on a fix, and with Ember you shouldn't be missing much artwork.

@mardukL This is a bug introduced into a new version of the "Common plugin cache" add-on. A new version (2.5.10) with the fix was just merged, so Kodi should update it automatically within a day, or you can "Check for updates" in the add-on browser left menu to check sooner.
 Thx. For that Info. Will check again. On A Jarvis version everything works fine.
Skins |  Titan M O D   •   S W A N (WIP)
I've switched from Artwork Downloader to Artbeef last week and I'm struggling with finding the settings that fits best for me.

Yesterday I was unlucky. I don't want my existing movies and tv shows images (poster, fanart, clearlogo, clearart, disc, landscape, extra fanart (10) on my external harddrive are being overwritten by Artwork Beef. And this is exactly what happened yesterday. After adding a new movie, Artwork Beef started spontaneously scanning ALL my movies and tv shows and not just the new one. "Update artwork for old items daily" was disabled, so I did not expect this behaviour and was unhappy with the outcome: 122 movie/tv show folders were overwritten.

My question:
What are the correct General Settings to prevent that the existing images on my hard drive (that have been downloaded by Artwork Downloader earlier) are being overwritten by Artwork Beef?

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Artwork Beef - automatically add extended artwork5