File renaming software
i was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for renaming software i used to use filebot which was free but now it has moved to a payed model and i cant get the old free version  well i did but it didnt work correctly does anyone have software they swear by TIA
(2022-04-01, 03:40)barry_21k Wrote: recommendations for renaming software

Renaming how? I use a batch script in Linux to strip everything to the bare minimum, that way Kodi's scraper has an easy time doing its job. I have no need for all 'scene crap' and other useless info in filenames which is scraped into the databases anyway.
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what i used to use was like a scraper i could drag in an entire season of a show and it would find correct episode numbers and titles then rename all of them in a kodi friendly way
You can also check out the renaming feature in Tiny Media Manager.
For Windows I can recommend Ant Renamer. It's freeware, easy to use and yet powerful.
On windows I use Bulk Rename Utility.  It does have regex but I haven't really used that (and I'm not a regex guru either).

scott s.
Honestly, yes FileBot now costs money, but it's literally $6/year. I don't know about you, but a night out can cost me $20 on the low-end. If even once during the year I decide "Rather then going out tonight, I'll stay home to watch a movie", I'll have saved the money needed to pay the FileBot subscription for years to come.

Personally, I bought a lifetime license ($48). Mathematically it doesn't make sense, but it's a great piece of software that alongside Kodi has saved me countless hours and expenses. FileBot's automated script makes it so that I don't even have to open the program, it monitors a directory and then renames/moves new videos where they need to be. As someone who writes software myself, I love discovering useful software that is worth paying for.

If you earn more than $6/hour working and have spent more than an hour looking for an alternative, you've already gone into the negative... It's a no-brainer.

I know this answer is a bit late but still may be of interest. I use Widows !0 so keep that in mind.

For general file renaming try Bulk Rename Utility.
For TV shows try Rename My TV Series. It does the same thing as Filebot but only for TV series not movies.

Both are free, work very well and are currently supported.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.1 Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.8| Kodi 21.1  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.3.2
Another software that might work is TVRename or Media Center Master.

Not sure if they offer the features you want, but I think they're worth looking into.
I develop and use DrKodi to modify files and folders so that they fit the Kodi Scrapers.

It scans your library and checks if the layout is "Kodi-conform" and prints warnings, for example if you are missing an nfo file or if the content is not as expected.

I'm still developing and polishing everything, so feedback is appreciated!

(2022-08-30, 13:37)kerner1000 Wrote:

Recently, I introduced Kodi-Tools, that scan your library and check if the layout is "Kodi-conform" and prints warnings, for example if you are missing an nfo file or if the content is not as expected.

I'm still developing and polishing everything, so feedback is appreciated!

This looks interesting! I'll definitely give it a try. I have sorted about half of my movie collection so far using some Python scripts that I wrote. I'll try yours when I do the rest of my collection to see if it works better. Maybe you could have saved me the trouble of writing my own.

You may want to check out from that link. It parses the kodi log file to find unscraped movies and then launches a web browser at You copy the URL to the correct movie and the script will make an nfo file in the correct directory with whatever is on your clipboard.
I've always used ReNamer, or, if you even need more Options the Bulk Rename Utility. Working with these two for years now
(2022-12-01, 02:38)Jankster Wrote:
(2022-08-30, 13:37)kerner1000 Wrote:

Recently, I introduced Kodi-Tools, that scan your library and check if the layout is "Kodi-conform" and prints warnings, for example if you are missing an nfo file or if the content is not as expected.

I'm still developing and polishing everything, so feedback is appreciated!

This looks interesting! I'll definitely give it a try. I have sorted about half of my movie collection so far using some Python scripts that I wrote. I'll try yours when I do the rest of my collection to see if it works better. Maybe you could have saved me the trouble of writing my own.

You may want to check out from that link. It parses the kodi log file to find unscraped movies and then launches a web browser at You copy the URL to the correct movie and the script will make an nfo file in the correct directory with whatever is on your clipboard.

The project has been moved here:
Im still heavily developing, let me know if everything works for you!
What is the name of this Linux batch file-renaming script, and where do I find it?

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