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Release Eminence
I got the neweset version from github and I'm on Gotham beta 3 and evrything works fine except in progress tv shows widget and adding a custom favorite to the home screen.
(2014-04-09, 15:18)da-anda Wrote: I'm using ArgusTV as backend (windows based), but thumbs are not that special I think. I'm surprised that thv doesn't support them (in doubt XBMC should extract them). And the grouping of recordings is handled by the backend - no setting for it AFAIK. My backend is grouping them when there is more than one recording for the same show.

@thumbs - no need to separate them just for that. Having icons there is nice (and needed for folders), it's just that the thumbs are duplicates in my case - but not really an issue. Was just mentioning it in case it would have been a oneliner. Don't make the skin unnecessary complicated.

edit: yep, thumbs in hub are working now. You probably should exclude/flatten folders though (if possible with the script/playlist you're using)
After a bit of google research, it seems tvheadend is the one exception that doesn't generate thumbs. It does seem like xbmc should just auto-generate them in that case but the whole pvr section works a little strange.

I was able to create folder groups with tvheadend, I realised/remembered that I had disabled it because I prefer seeing all my recordings at once according to recording order - I don't keep recordings for that long and anything I want to keep I move out to my library folders. After setting up some folders I found I could get an "all recordings" listing with the path "pvr://recordings/-1/" so I've changed the up path to that. Can you test and confirm that it works properly for a different backend? (it should flatten the path of the recordings, so no folders).

re: the channel group switching. I tried a bunch of things but it just doesn't seem possible to do for the epg timeline. It sends focus back to channel list view and any tricks/hacks to set the focus back to the epg causes a bunch of glitches in animations, so it seems that is off the table until there is a dedicated command to switch channel groups (currently there is only one for the osd channel list).

(2014-04-09, 18:09)onlinespending Wrote: love this skin. gorgeous. how hard would it be to change the color of the skin from the dark gray to something like dark blue? Is there one global location for the color values I could edit in a file somewhere? thanks
In the skin directory is a folder called "colors". Make a copy of "Default.xml" and name it what you like (e.g. "DarkBlue.xml") then edit the file. It contains all the colour values in Hexadecimal ARGB so first two digits of each are transparency values. Save it and change to the theme in Appearance Settings > Skin > Colour theme.

(2014-04-09, 21:42)bigbodiehard Wrote: I got the neweset version from github and I'm on Gotham beta 3 and evrything works fine except in progress tv shows widget and adding a custom favorite to the home screen.
You need service.library.data.provider and script.favourites addons. When the skin goes on the official repo these will be installed automatically when installing the skin, but manual installation is needed when installing from git.
Arctic Fuse - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
(2014-04-10, 01:11)jurialmunkey Wrote: In the skin directory is a folder called "colors". Make a copy of "Default.xml" and name it what you like (e.g. "DarkBlue.xml") then edit the file. It contains all the colour values in Hexadecimal ARGB so first two digits of each are transparency values. Save it and change to the theme in Appearance Settings > Skin > Colour theme.

Thanks! Two things out of curiosity, does this skin support Advance Launcher with nice views for emulator games? And what is the purpose of widget that shows up when you press down? May sound like a stupid question, but I honestly don't know. Seems to just present the same sort of content on the main screen in a different format. And again, amazing skin.
@onlinespending - Adv Launcher views use the addon views so mostly it is square. I will eventually create specific views for advanced launcher that give three different aspect options - landscape, square and poster - but its not priority at the moment.

The down widget is just an additional customisation option. I find using recently added on the home screen to be annoying because if you rip an entire season from a dvd and add it to the library you end up with the same one show as the background. I also find the widget background changing when scrolling through the tiles to be distracting so I use the global mixed widget as my background (inprogress tvshows and random movies mixed together and globally set for all tiles). The down widget lets me quickly get to my recently added shows / movies etc. from the home screen without going into the library and without needing to set them as the background.
Arctic Fuse - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
thanks for the clarification. Can't wait for the Advanced Launcher views Smile
Thanks for the Info it solved the issues . By the way I'm coming from using Artic on Frodo and I've got to say amazing work on Eminence I'm impressed you've managed to make two great skins in a such a short time.
(2014-04-04, 09:22)jurialmunkey Wrote: @clackerdacker - its controlled by the skin. Its the alarmclock lines in myvideonav. However, im going to tweak it soon anyway as it probably is a little on the fast side and you can always navigate over to it and scroll up and down to look through it quicker.

I might be imaging things, but it seems to be faster not slower? Have any changes been made in this area? It might have been me even as I think I was experimenting in there but the update should of killed off my changes right?
@clackerdacker - I changed it to use the new gotham list auoscroll function and removed the alarm clocks. It definitely should be slower - from 5secs to 7 secs. Make sure there are no alarm clock functions left in myvideonav.xml I'll double check when I get home from work.
Arctic Fuse - Alpha now available. Support me on Ko-fi.
Yesterday I upgraded to Gotham and switched to your skin and I must say I love it.
Great work!

However, I have a few questions and suggestions.

1) xbmc crashed and restored default tiles after trying to add the favorites background widget. (I know it says experimental, but I couldnt help trying it!)

2) The only thing I really miss is a very good looking "movie browser in libary-mode" (the rest of the skin is so beautiful!). Right now i am using the List-view, but I am not completely happy about it. It looks fine until I choose to show info (from imdb), where I get unhappy. i think font size of the info is too big and I wish the fanart was more visible and also showed the dvd/br-cover in full. I guess what i am looking for is a fanart-view (because the list-view works great when i am not in libary-mode). In the past i have been using Hybdrid, and I think that view looks great. Also these pictures shows what i am looking for:
Is it possible to implement such a feature? It would make a great skin even better!

3) Is it possible to add multiple addons to a tile in the main menu? In my case, the Favorites are used for Online TV stations (different Swedish TV-channels) and I would very much like a tile to contain a submenu (or something like it) for my other streaming services (such as Youtube, ESPN, DailyMotion)

Once again, thanks for making a really awesome skin.
(And sorry for my bad english, hope you can understand what I mean)
"pvr://recordings/-1/" is working fine on my end. I now see all recordings and no folders - awesome. The only glitch I still have is that in my case XBMC is generating the thumbnails (which is working fine in recordings view), but it seems that the widget container is not auto-updated, so on demand generated thumbs (like in case of a new recording that did not yet have a thumb) are not showing up until I re-enter PVR section and window is rebuilt. Is there something you can do about this on skin side or is it a missing feature in XBMC?
jurialmunkey Wrote:In the skin directory is a folder called "colors". Make a copy of "Default.xml" and name it what you like (e.g. "DarkBlue.xml") then edit the file. It contains all the colour values in Hexadecimal ARGB so first two digits of each are transparency values. Save it and change to the theme in Appearance Settings > Skin > Colour theme.

nice! thanks...
how about the selected item in the 'list view'?
looks like a gif / png file.
is there a way to change that as well...?

or is that beyond the scope of this conversation?
Linux Mint 18 LTS 64-bit - Kodi 17 Beta6
Odroid-C2 - Libreelec v7.90.009
I installed this skin yesterday on my HTPC for testing purposes and i must say this one is very cool. Thanks to jurialmunkey for this awesome work.
Currently I am using the Xpierence1080 skin.

This skin is working almost perfect but there are a few things that doesn't let me switch completely.

1. I think the OSD could be a little more clear. Maybe you can put the "Finished at" and the current Progress "02:30 / 20:43" at the bottom or in a new line.
I had the problem that i couldn't see those infos because the title of the movie or the epg title was too long.

2. It would be nice if the EPG Channel View had more than 5 lines at one page.

Keep up the great work.. Wink
(2014-04-10, 03:26)jurialmunkey Wrote: @onlinespending - Adv Launcher views use the addon views so mostly it is square. I will eventually create specific views for advanced launcher that give three different aspect options - landscape, square and poster - but its not priority at the moment.

That will be nice Blush and how about a dedicated game section with hub like movie/tv shows.( if it is possible).
Hi there Jurial, Stranger!

if i were to change the home tiles` colors to match those that stranger showed at #263 & #264,
what changes do i have to make?

Atv2 - 4.4.4 - untethered - Helix 14.2
(2014-04-10, 01:11)jurialmunkey Wrote: In the skin directory is a folder called "colors". Make a copy of "Default.xml" and name it what you like (e.g. "DarkBlue.xml") then edit the file. It contains all the colour values in Hexadecimal ARGB so first two digits of each are transparency values. Save it and change to the theme in Appearance Settings > Skin > Colour theme.

Was able to edit most everything, though the slanted tiles on the home screen don't appear to be customizable. They always remain gray. Same for some of the icons like the circular arrow icons which are gray as well. Looks like I'd have to edit those PNG files? surprised the tiles aren't handled similarly to the topbar, which is also slanted.
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