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v19 Aeon MQ 7 for Matrix Mod
Also, @latts9923 is there a way to make kodi display the videocodec you assigned in you .nfo file instead of displaying the default codec? For example, in my .nfo file I have bluray selected as a codec and not h264 codec. I would like for bluray or any other video codec I selected in my .nfo file to be displayed in playback.


Please let @latts9923  try to get the media types to display more universally and stop mucking around with codec flags. I don't want to sacrifice the video codec flags in order to display something they are not meant to. If implemented properly it is possible to have BOTH media type and codec flags displayed at the SAME time using triggers contained in the file names as is the case ALREADY in some views.

Example: Try adding .bluray or .web or .dvd to the file name and BOTH media and codec flags will be displayed in many cases, but not all YET.

The media type flags have been available in MQ8 mod for some time but it's a totally new feature for MQ7. Give latts9923 some time to work the bugs out before resorting to hijacking nfo tags in order to display things that they clearly aren't intended to.

MEDIA TYPE is NOT!!! a VIDEO CODEC and vice versa, never has been nor should be. I would add the same logic applies to STREAM SERVICES as well, they are NOT VIDEO CODECS either and more appropriately should be considered NETWORKS/STUDIOS or perhaps MEDIA TYPES but definitely NOT VIDEO CODECS.

OK, that's my rant. I feel a bit better having got that off my chest. My apology if it seems a wee bit harsh but I just couldn't hold it in any longer.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7
I will start working on updates for the mediatype and videocodec code. I'm with @Juan Mortyme on the streaming service icons. I'm thinking about making them only visible for the studio icon. So, for example, if you have a Netflix movie you could display the Netflix icon, the media type icon (DVD, Blu-ray, etc.) and the videocodec. Does that work for everyone?
(2022-06-27, 14:36)latts9923 Wrote: I will start working on updates for the mediatype and videocodec code. I'm with @Juan Mortyme on the streaming service icons. I'm thinking about making them only visible for the studio icon. So, for example, if you have a Netflix movie you could display the Netflix icon, the media type icon (DVD, Blu-ray, etc.) and the videocodec. Does that work for everyone?
Sure. I´m good.
(2022-06-27, 14:36)latts9923 Wrote: I will start working on updates for the mediatype and videocodec code. I'm with @Juan Mortyme on the streaming service icons. I'm thinking about making them only visible for the studio icon. So, for example, if you have a Netflix movie you could display the Netflix icon, the media type icon (DVD, Blu-ray, etc.) and the videocodec. Does that work for everyone?
I'm not totally clear, you said, "I'm thinking about making them only visible for the studio icon. So, for example, if you have a Netflix movie you could display the Netflix icon, the media type icon (DVD, Blu-ray, etc.) and the videocodec".

I'm hoping you meant, "I'm thinking about making them only visible for the studio icon. So, for example, if you have a Netflix movie you could display the Netflix icon, as studio as well as the media type icon (DVD, Blu-ray, etc.) not the videocodec?  The way you wrote it is on one hand contradictory, saying, on one hand, only as a studio, and on the other hand, inferring as both media type and video codec. Assuming you meant, display as either Studio and/or Media instead of Video Codec, then...

Totally, I'm good with that. In fact, as a compromise for returning the Video Codec to it's previous state, I would whole heartedly support including Steaming Services as Media Types. That way anyone who feels so strongly that they absolutely must have them displayed in addition to a Studio Icon could do so by adding them to the file name. Simply included  their icon in both Studio Icon and Media Type icon packs. Easy-peasy.

For that matter, to take it to the extreme, if the Media Type is displayed directly next to the Studio (move if need be) one could have any second Studio/Network/Stream desired, in leu of the Media Type, displayed by adding the second .studio/network/steam to the file name (or even better the folder name) and, if the coloured icon pack is installed unpacked (I believe it is already) one need only drop the icons of their choice into the addon's media type folder (no texture packing knowledge required). If it's left up to the user to add only the Studio/Network/Stream icons they need/want it should have minimal unintended consequences, like title name conflicts.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7
How can I disable the show/movie information when pausing the video, so that I get a clean still image on screen when pressing "pause" with Aeon skin.

Found it
Settings>Options Menu>Change Pause Screen  (sixth from the top)
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7
(2022-06-27, 23:37)Juan Mortyme Wrote: @kim1406 

Found it
Settings>Options Menu>Change Pause Screen  (sixth from the top)

Thanks for your reply. I tried this, it will disable the movie information when pausing, but it still shows the title, current, remaining and ending times on screen. I would love to have a clean image view.

I came across a couple more little bugs:
1. Animated Backgrounds are no longer working. Posters are fine.
2. If a movie is on the IMDB Top 250 list the Media Type icon does not show, just ... in it's place.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7

In order to get a total clear 'pause' screen you might have disable all the OSD setting and even then it may still show the title. I don't know for sure, you'll have to try, and you may not want to turn off all OSD completely, but if you don't mind that you can still use keyboard shortcuts or remote for controls. It could well boil down to an all or nothing choice.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7

I've been playing around with the Media Type flags and here is what I found:

The reason they weren't showing when I added the to a folder name was because I was adding '.web' to the end of the folder name but the skin was expecting '.web.'. Since you can't have a folder name ending with a period that wouldn't work. When I moved the '.web.'  to middle of folder name it worked fine. So, I edited the IncludesVariables.xml and removed the trailing period from all  (ListItem.Filenameandpath,xxxx) entries and now they work even with media type at the end of the folder name. I also removed the leading period except for '.web' as it is the only one that is likely to conflict with any titles and the requirement of the leading and trailing periods were inconsistent anyway. This should have no effect on users who have already added '.xxxx' or '.xxxx.' to filenames. In short, now I have no leading or trailing periods required, with one exception being '.web', and now they are working wherever the trigger is in the folder or file name.

Also, would you consider changing 'tv' to 'sdtv' so as not to conflict with 'hdtv'?

The only other thing to report on Media Types is that the VHS flag is displaying as both media type and video codec, just like the hddvd flag was. Also the VHS icon could be shrunk a little.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7
I can look at adding a button to hide all that info.

@Juan Mortyme
1. The animated fanart is working for me. What OS are you using?
2. I've looked at a few Top 250 movies, and I am unable to reproduce this problem.

I'll take a look at all the media type code this weekend. I'll look at making the VHS flag smaller as well.
(2022-06-30, 12:49)latts9923 Wrote: @kim1406
I can look at adding a button to hide all that info.

@Juan Mortyme
1. The animated fanart is working for me. What OS are you using?
2. I've looked at a few Top 250 movies, and I am unable to reproduce this problem.

I'll take a look at all the media type code this weekend. I'll look at making the VHS flag smaller as well.
1. Hmm... I'm on Windoze 10. I'll check on a couple more, I don't have many movies with animatedfanart but the couple I did check aren't working. It is being detected as they are populated in the 'choose art' list. And yes I've got switch on.
2. Solved.

After a little more thought I'm not sure that dropping the leading period for media type triggers is the best idea. Because, if 'TV' isn't changed to 'SDTV' or the leading period is there it will wreak havoc on anyone with TV in their Root Folder or Source folder name. I'm still convinced dropping the trailing period is a good idea. Not only will it allow for placement at the end of folder name as well it will detect web-rip, web-dl, dvd-rip, etc.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7
(2022-06-30, 12:49)latts9923 Wrote: @kim1406
I can look at adding a button to hide all that info.

Thank you. Great to have that. If possible, could you please add possibility to disable the shading effect when pausing video.

Happy long weekend. After much testing I believe I've come up with a good naming convention for the inclusion of Media Type flags. This method allows for either folder or file names to include a trigger/keyword. It is flexible and minimally impacts regular Titles from interfering. For example you can use web, webTV, web-rip, webDL, ect. without including all possibilities in the IncludesVariable file. It also maintains consistency therefor making it easy to remember.

I found that by using a preceding dot/period without a trailing dot/period works best.
.tv (although I'd like to see this changed to the more common SDTV)

The leading dot acts as a limiter to minimize conflict. The lack of a trailing dot give flexibility and allows placement at the end of a folder name. After adjusting the IncludesVariables Media Types to this format and a couple edits to the Video Codecs section everything works smoothly. With just those I was able to add 'rip', 'dl', etc. to them and they still worked.

Let me know your thoughts on this? Also, if anyone else has an opinion or suggestion?
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7
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