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v19 Aeon MQ 7 for Matrix Mod

As of this last update the fanart is not working with the Artwork Helper setting for either movies nor television shows. Default Fanart setting works and I have no ExtraFanart folders so I didn't test Extra Fanart setting. Something with the Artwork Helper broke. Same results in Nexus version.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7
@Juan Mortyme
I just noticed that last night as well. I have a fix for that. Open IncludesVariables.xml and find "value_videoextrafanart". At the end of the second "<value condition=" line, remove " | [Window.IsActive(videos) + !Container.Content(addons)]".
(2022-11-26, 17:05)latts9923 Wrote: @Juan Mortyme
I just noticed that last night as well. I have a fix for that. Open IncludesVariables.xml and find "value_videoextrafanart". At the end of the second "<value condition=" line, remove " | [Window.IsActive(videos) + !Container.Content(addons)]".

Roger, that did the trick.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7

Hey bud, I was just thinking that if you are going to start pushing out Nexus versions of your skins maybe it's time to start new MQ7 and MQ8 v20 threads? You know, just to avoid clutter and confusion in the existing threads.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7
@Juan Mortyme
Howdy! Yeah, I'll definitely create a new Nexus thread for both skins, but I won't be posting any more updates to the Nexus version until v20 is officially released. I posted the first version just to test the new Nexus repo.

There is something not right with the artist artwork when browsing Music Videos by artist. When browsing Music Videos by Artist only the Artist Thumb is displayed no clearlogo, clearart, fanart, fanart#, etc. nor the artists Bio. Just the artist thumb on a black screen. I should mention I'm using the Right List View. However, when browsing Music by Artist the all artwork and Bio is displayed as expected. The Artist Information folder is fully populated. This behavior is not new it's been like this for so long I don't remember if it ever did work. Any ideas?

CORRECTION: The Bio info is displayed while browsing.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7
@Juan Mortyme
I'll do some looking, but I don't think I can display the Artist fanart while browsing the Music Video content by Artist.
UPDATE #32 - This will update the skin to v1.0.3.2

Image Additions
  • I added code to the Right List, List 3D, List 3D v2, Shelf 3D, and Shelf 3D v2 music views that will display multiple clearlogo images from fanart.tv using Skin Helper (just like music viz). If the Skin Helper script fails, it will fallback to the local clearlogo images (clearlogo, clearlogo1, etc.) using Artwork Helper. Finally, if you only have one local clearlogo image, it will fallback to that.
  • I added the animations and the back image to layout 3D of music viz if you have "HIDE JEWEL CASE" enabled. Thanks to Chalklands for the request!
  • I added a new button to SKIN SETTINGS > OPTIONS MENU named "SHOW ALTERNATE FONT FOR PLOT". Enabling this will change the Movie/TV Show plot font throughout the skin to Arial. Arial is a monospaced font, so if you have columns in your custom plot info, the text will be aligned. Thanks to Juan Mortyme for the request!
  • I added the studio icons Saban Films and The Daily Wire.
  • I added the alphabet scrollbar to the music view Magazine 3D. Thanks to Chalklands for the request!
  • I added the discart to Glass List for music.

Image Bug fixes
  • I fixed a problem with the position of the audio flags for Poster List.
  • I fixed a problem with the artwork not displaying when "ARTWORK HELPER FANART" was selected for Movies/TV Shows.
  • I fixed a problem with the confirm buttons at the top when adding Music files. The "SETTINGS" button was positioned on top of the "NO" button.
  • The Glass List view was not being displayed in the music view list.

  • I moved the jewel case for the Glass List music view.
  • I made some tweaks to the music flags. The album view will now show the year the album was released after the record label.
  • The "SHOW LESS MEDIA FLAGS" setting for TV Shows in the Top Menu now controls the Season flags as well. I also resized the MPAA flag when this setting is enabled. Thanks to Jumpy73 for the request!

There is also an update to the Colored Media Icons, Colored Studios, and White Studios add-ons available in my repo.

Is there a place for the Colored Media Icons v0.2.7 to be downloaded?
You can download the latest version (0.2.8) from my repo.
UPDATE #33 - This will update the skin to v1.0.3.3

Image Additions
  • I added the ability to display multiple characterart images to Video Info for TV Shows if you have them assigned as art (characterart1, characaterart2, etc.) by using Artwork Helper. Thanks to Juan Mortyme for the request! I also updated the code for Right List to use Artwork Helper for characterart. This seems to have fixed a long standing problem where switching between Movies/TV Shows that have one or multiple characterart images would cause the characterart to stop displaying correctly.
  • I added the multi-logo code to the Magazine 3D view.
  • I added Korean MPAA ratings. To display the icons, use the following text (bold text only) as your rating...All = 전체, 12 = 12세, 15 = 15세, 18 = 불가, and R = 제한. Below are the colored versions...there are also default versions in the skin's texture file. Thanks to Youffran for the request!

  • I adjusted the clearlogo code to use the Artist's local clearlogo images for the views first. If you have multiple clearlogos for the Artist, it will use Artwork Helper to display them. If only one exists, of course it will only display that logo. If you are missing the local clearlogo, the skin will use Skin Helper to fetch the images from fanart.tv. Thanks to MB1968 for the request!
  • I adjusted the separator dimensions for the keyboard so that they all connect.
  • The "USE MEDIA CASE" setting for the Right List music view will now display for Albums and Songs.

There is also an update to the Colored Media Icons (v0.2.9) in my repo.

UPDATE #34 - This will update the skin to v1.0.3.4

Image Additions
  • I added code to style1 of music viz to display the Artist logo/logos. It will use Skin Helper first to display multiple logos and revert to the local clearlogo if fanart.tv is missing the logo image.
  • I added code to style6 and style7 of music viz to display the local clearlogo image if fanart.tv is missing the image. Thanks to Lammoth for the request!
  • I added the studio icons Shudder and ORTF and updated the TMS Entertainment icon. Thanks to Skin helper error for the request!

Image Bug fixes
  • The media case artwork was displaying for the fullscreen PVR info. Thanks to Fuchs2468 for reporting the bug and providing the fix!
  • The default music flags were displaying for Shelf 3D. Thanks to MB1968 for letting me know!

  • I changed the media label for Concerts in the Right List view to "Premiered" instead of "Country" (the Country will not display for Music Videos).

There is also an update to the Colored Media Icons, Colored Studios, and White Studios add-ons available in my repo.

Yesterday I was scrolling through my movie library and I noticed that the titles of the movies in the library were hardly visible in case of a very bright background picture. See also the attachment / picture below. I am in the right list view mode. I thought that there has always been some kind of shadow around the titles so that they were visible at any time, no mather what kind of background pictures was shown. Has this been changed in one of the last updates of the skin? How can I solve this issue?

There is a background shadow that should display for the Movie list, and for some reason I disabled that image in Matrix. I must have been testing something and forgot to enable the image again. You can fix this before the next update by opening ViewsRightList.xml and find the image code...

<!--control type="image">
<texture diffuse="shadow_mask_v.png">darkgrey.png</texture>
<animation effect="fade" end="75" condition="true">Conditional</animation>

Replace that with...

<control type="image">
<texture diffuse="shadow_mask_v.png">darkgrey.png</texture>
<animation effect="fade" end="75" condition="true">Conditional</animation>

Thanks for letting me know!
Using skin MQ 7 Mod for Nexus, I get the legend "Buffering 100%" onscreen and it does not go away, this does only happens in MQ7, can you please take a look at it when you get a chance?
Thank you.
¡¿Beg your pardon?!... english is not my mother tongue, please bear with me...
Kodi V. Nexus and Omega, Aeon MQ 7 Nexus and Omega & Aeon MQ 8 Nexus and Omega Modded by @latts9923
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