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Mod Multi-Mod addition for the MQ 7 Krypton Mod
(2017-05-07, 15:15)latts9923 Wrote: @rew88

I just tried the In Progress Widget and the movies are going away after they have been marked watched.

I have marked as watched but no success although if i run the movie to the end they disapear
please download the image


If you downloaded v1.4.0.10 of emiralles' Mod you should have JB_PodobniArtysci_v3.xml...if you don't have it I can add it here for you.

I was able to reproduce the problem. If you mark it watched from the main movie list, it will remove itself from the widget. If you mark it watched from the widget, the movie stays visible. I'll add it to my list of things to look at.
(2017-05-08, 13:28)latts9923 Wrote: @Dave.B

If you downloaded v1.4.0.10 of emiralles' Mod you should have JB_PodobniArtysci_v3.xml...if you don't have it I can add it here for you.

Thanks Bud,

I added the missing file and everything is solved. Don't know how I've missed that.
You bet bro! Yeah, I'm not sure how that got fouled up. Glad you got it fixed.
(2017-05-08, 04:52)latts9923 Wrote: @the_bo

You bet bro! Here's the image...


Cheers latts Smile

Be cool to have an animated rain effect similar to clip below. But seems there paid versions. Static is good for now cheers Big Grin

(2017-05-08, 13:37)latts9923 Wrote: @rew88

I was able to reproduce the problem. If you mark it watched from the main movie list, it will remove itself from the widget. If you mark it watched from the widget, the movie stays visible. I'll add it to my list of things to look at.
thanks man I thought it just me lol
Hi @latts9923

Just a quick question. Is TV Tunes still broken?
Kodi v18.9 (Aeon MQ8 Multi-Mod) running on Windows 10

Hmm...that would be cool.

TVTunes is like Voldemort...the Addon that must not be named.
(2017-03-18, 16:48)JanM201 Wrote: Hi @latts9923 & everybody else,

See picture 1:


The view I'm using is "My Glass List"
The 1st block red - No information
The 2nd block yellow - No information
The 3rd block blue - disc art from other movies are also displaying.
Just a reminder for you to look at the issues regarding the red block & the blue block. You did explain the issue with the yellow block.
No hurry, whenever you have time to look into it.
Thanks again for a wonderful modBig Grin
Kodi v18.9 (Aeon MQ8 Multi-Mod) running on Windows 10

Is the main download updated to (5/06/17)?

Roger that. The main download gets updated every time I post a new update.

I'll take a look when I can. I know the Rotten Tomatoes ratings are still in limbo.

I installed Emiralles & your latest mod & I don't see those problems anymore, so don't worry about it.
Can you please explain what the option show "Logo in CD" do?
Kodi v18.9 (Aeon MQ8 Multi-Mod) running on Windows 10
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Multi-Mod addition for the MQ 7 Krypton Mod4