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Mod Multi-Mod addition for the MQ 7 Krypton Mod
Some good news on request of which above , View Middle List and Viewmidlist967 ?

I was going to surprise you in a few days with the next update, but since you asked...

I have successfully ported both the Middle List and Middle List 967 Views to MQ 7. I hope to have the update posted by Friday evening.
You are fantastic , thank you for the confirmation , for nature I'm very patient. take the time it takes.
very appreciated latts9923
I have a problem with media flags are not displayed in the views I open , for necessity I did it again a clean installation Multi-Mod and New version mod MOD AEON MQ7 KRYPTON for the skin , clean installation also for Kodi DSPlayer 17.4 by aracnoz , I think that to leave nothing to the case in the configuration.
as you can see here , media flags they are almost all missing, I repeat , I repeat for all.


instead , through original installation Kodi 17.4 portable and not installing Multi-Mod and New version mod MOD AEON MQ7 KRYPTON ,
media flags they are all visible as you can see.


missing something I forgot ? because I can not explain such a situation , and starts from scratch with a new clean installation I do not want to do it.
have some suggestions to resolve ?
Hi @latts9923,

Thank you very much for the fantastic work you are doing. It is highly appreciated.

Just one question: See picture


Everything looks perfect except for the yellow blocks information not displaying. Any idea what the problem could be?

Kodi v18.9 (Aeon MQ8 Multi-Mod) running on Windows 10

You've got me stumped on that one. I can't think of a reason why the media flags won't display for you with the Multi-Mod.

Those two areas you have highlighted are pulled from Rotten Tomatoes, but they don't offer that info anymore unless you pay for it. And from what I've read, they're pretty proud of it.
(2017-09-07, 19:32)latts9923 Wrote: @JanM20

Those two areas you have highlighted are pulled from Rotten Tomatoes, but they don't offer that info anymore unless you pay for it. And from what I've read, they're pretty proud of it.

How & where do I pay for it if you don't mind me asking? Do I need to get an API Key or something?
Kodi v18.9 (Aeon MQ8 Multi-Mod) running on Windows 10
(2017-09-07, 19:28)latts9923 Wrote: @gotham_x

You've got me stumped on that one. I can't think of a reason why the media flags won't display for you with the Multi-Mod.

I see! do not none you have any idea how this might be the problem? I do not know , perhaps some Conflict file.xml . what is the file .xml that run does Media Flags ?
I installed Multi-Mod. from the file main , not update.

Let me do some more digging. Some say it's not working, but others say it does if you have your own API key.
OK. For my problem alarm re-entered , I updated some scripts and voila , Media Flags at work.

latts9923 , if I can , just a tip , on the first page put a list of all those scripts which serve the skin , my problem they were script to update!!!
Update #39

Image Middle List and Middle List 967 Views
Per gotham_x's request I've ported two new views for Movies and TV Shows.

Middle List

Middle List Sets

Middle List 967

Middle List 967 Sets

09-07-17 update

Good deal...glad you got them working!

I can certainly add a required scripts list to the first post.
Wow latts9923 the new views are awesome!

I don't know why but i can't make the disc shows in my set view

In the middle list (for sets) i have one disc wich is the poster art reduced to disc dimension,
and in the middle list 967 (for sets) i can't make the disc shows.

The single movie (in every view) has disc art shows but maybe did i done somethin wrong?

Great work!
Thank you again !
Your work is VERY appreciated. aslo for list scripts.
See you soon , maybe with a new request Wink
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Multi-Mod addition for the MQ 7 Krypton Mod4