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Mod Multi-Mod addition for the MQ 7 Krypton Mod

You're welcome!
(2018-03-01, 12:41)latts9923 Wrote: @Mmatty1 

I'm working on a Leia version of MQ7 with the Multi-Mod.  So far everything is working.
Hi Latts What are the changes needed to port the mq7 skin to Leia.

I know a few info booleans need changed such as isempty to String.IsEmpty and so on.

Are there any new xml files needed to create such as for joystick support and so on for retroplayer?

Just want to know if worth the effort porting my own mod.

Thanks for any info
(2018-03-01, 13:04)latts9923 Wrote: @nomnom27

The white/color studio icon for movies that is part of the media flags at the bottom uses the addons resource.images.studios.white/coloured.  The studio icon for TV Shows uses the skins's Texture.xbt file for the white studios and resource.images.mediaicons.coloured for the color icon.  I just fixed the studio icons on the boxsets for KodiFlixTV.

I'm not sure why the Multi-Mod Textures file won't recompile for you.
Thanks latts. I manage to fix that problem. For some reason I have to move all the decompile content to another file and recompile it there. No idea why I do have to do that but it works.

I have a few suggestions for the future (it doesn't have to be in the near future haha). You don't have to add this suggestions if you don't want to. But how about adding a button or buttons where you can turn off and on the studio icon and logo.png on the tv boxset. Also adding studio icon on movie boxset and have the same option as tv boxset, to have a button or buttons to turn off and on studio icon and logo.png on the movie boxset.

Since I don't know how long coding takes, there's no hurry. Take your time.

Thanks for all your help latts.

You will need to edit just about every file in the skin to be Leia compliant.  There are also new xml files and images that need to be added.

Read here for more info.

I can look at adding those options to KodiFlix and KodiFlixTV.
first of all thank you very much for the hard work you spend on it and for the patience in responding to all our requests/comments Smile

I wanted to inform you about an issue that probably regards all Kodi users

The source for TV Shows list of Artists in "TV Shows Widget view" is surely different from that used into "Info view"
Please find below two examples usefull for understanding what I mean:



1) the source used for "TV Shows Widget view" returns wrong results. It seems to me that it returns the cast of the movie with the same name of the TV Show

If that was not enough, I have all the needed info stored locally...
Why do I have to go always on line to get back these info every time I rebuild my library (or during other events) when I have already downloaded them the first time?
Is it possible to modify the code for checking if locally stored information are available and if yes, use them, and only if not, go to the web? Or
Is it possible to find another solution for having the same info of "Info view" also in "TV Shows Widget view"?

2) Another point not solved yet is the possibility to see music album disc-art in Widget view when an audio playlist is choosen as a custom query on music library having as output an albums list

3) The music albums score is available through a 5-ranked scale while the colored stars used in kodi are based on a 10-ranked scale. Is it possible to adjust the value in order to represent it in the right values scale?
ex. If I have a music album score 4.2 (votes 246) basis 5, would it be possible to adjust the value to 8.4 (votes 246) basis 10?

Thank you so much in advance Smile
Hi Latts,

Do you know if an IMAX media flag is available? If not can one be added? I assume I would have to put IMAX in the file name for it to work?

You're welcome!

1)  The cast list for the TV Show widgets is based off the episode.  The TV Show Info page cast is the main cast of the TV Show.  These both use the Skin Helper Service Addon.  I don't know of a way to store the data locally.

2)  I am unable to get the disc art to display in widgets for music playlists.  It's gonna take someone smarter than me to figure that one out.

3)  The album rating is set to a 1-5 scale.  I can't adjust that.

I'm not aware of an IMAX flag.  I've never seen where IMAX is a valid naming convention for videos.
(2018-03-04, 23:43)latts9923 Wrote: @Jumpy73 
1)  The cast list for the TV Show widgets is based off the episode.  The TV Show Info page cast is the main cast of the TV Show.  These both use the Skin Helper Service Addon.
It seems to me that the cast list is wrong because it returns the cast of the movie with the same name of the TV Show and not the cast of the TV Show
(2018-03-04, 23:43)latts9923 Wrote: @Jumpy73
I don't know of a way to store the data locally.
If you export the movie library and you choose to export actor thumbs too, then you will find a new folder named as ".actors" (hidden folder) under the root folder of the TV Show. Then, into that folder you will find an image file for each actor of the cast (<actor name>_<actor surname>.jpg). So, the cast list in Widget view (for both Movies and TV Shows) could be populated using the actor image files stored locally
(2018-03-04, 23:43)latts9923 Wrote: @Jumpy73 
2)  I am unable to get the disc art to display in widgets for music playlists.  It's gonna take someone smarter than me to figure that one out.
ok... thank you very much for having tryed to solve the issue
(2018-03-04, 23:43)latts9923 Wrote: @Jumpy73 
3)  The album rating is set to a 1-5 scale.  I can't adjust that.
In the programming languages I know you can code the following simple statement "variable_out = variable_in / 5 * 10", where variable_in = album rating in 1-5 scale and variable_out = album rating in 1-10 scale. In such a way you can pilot the scoring stars through the variable_out and obtain the purpose.
Sincerely I don't know if the programming language of Kodi can give the possibility to do math calculations, but if so, it would be very easy to solve the problem

Tks and good night Wink
(2018-03-03, 13:12)Jumpy73 Wrote: 1) the source used for "TV Shows Widget view" returns wrong results. It seems to me that it returns the cast of the movie with the same name of the TV Show
I think i had a similar issue with two movies with same name with cast mixed up. In skin helper you can use the title or dbid to look for cast. Changed it to search for databaseID instead of title fixed it.
For those that are interested, I posted the Leia Mod for Aeon MQ7.
Hi...is the black case for uhd included in Multimod or how it comes visible ?
just put .4K in the filename.  For example something like Avengers.4k.mkv
(2018-02-26, 05:22)latts9923 Wrote: @grimmace92 

Good idea!  Done...and will be part of the next update.
Hi Latts,

Can the ceritified fresh symbol be incorporated as well?  Thanks for adding this stuff!
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Multi-Mod addition for the MQ 7 Krypton Mod4