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v18 Aeon MQ 7 Leia Mod
Yes, from the context menu is marked as seen , but the hassle it's done manually , with MOD Krypton , TV series episode and Movies it was automatically marked.
Small update request  Aeon MQ7 Leia MOD.
It would be possible create and to add 4K-UHD media flag for movie sets collection box ,usually media flag 4k-uhd is superimposed on single movies , but never superimposed on the movie sets box.on any selected view.
it's possible ?

I'm not sure why the watched flag won't display for you.

I'll have to double check on the 4K flag. I don't remember seeing that media flag anywhere on the movie box itself.
Maybe I explained myself wrong I , there 4K flag it's shown on individual houses , there are no problems.What I ask , it's if possible to add media flag 4K to the main housing for Movie Set.

practical example :as you can see from from screenshots , all my Movies Sets Collection they have the logo overlaid (SET)


I ask you , it would be possible to change and to add Media Flag 4K instead of Media Flag (SET) ?
Wanilton's Leia mod is mentioned on 1st page but cant find it does it exsist and where to find
Yes, I have tried that and cant make it work, I even choose other categories like movies, tv shows, mixed, etc problem is that twhen I open the option from the main menu there are no files in there, screen shows nothing

I see what you're talking about now. I'll have to look into that, but I think that would require not only new code but new custom cases for every view.

I'm not sure...send Wanilton a PM.
(2018-07-20, 02:56)latts9923 Wrote: @gotham_x

I see what you're talking about now. I'll have to look into that, but I think that would require not only new code but new custom cases for every view.
 I think so too , anyway , take all the time necessary to examine it , at the limit at the moment , it would be enough only for  new custom cases for some view , the most in vogue and used.
Ok, will try that, thanks

Howdy folks!

ImageTitle as text/logo option in the top menu
There was a bug with the "SHOW ORIGINAL TITLE" and "LOGO AS TITLE (ON TOP IF AVAILABLE)" buttons in the Top Menu.  JanM201 reported this bug a while back, and I thought I had it fixed.  However, I recently reinstalled KODI and found that when you toggle one of them on it enables both at the same time.  There is a new setting named "videotitle" that will be added to your settings.xml file after you install this update that fixes the problem.  You will need to go to the top menu and toggle one of the buttons for the new setting to be added.  Thanks to JanM201 for reporting the bug.

ImageDisplay local discart first in views
I've started adding code to the views xml files that will display local discart first and then revert to the Skin Helper Addon if local discart is missing. I tested this code first with Right List, so I'll start at the top alphabetically now with Glass List (included with this update) and work my down. Thanks to chrissix for the request.

07-22-18 Update (This will update the skin to v1.0.0.7)
(2018-07-27, 18:36)joanpemo57 Wrote:
(2018-03-24, 14:08)latts9923 Wrote: @ "Dave.B" De nada ! Me alegra que lo hayas hecho funcionar. Revisé esos 3 elementos que publicó y todos funcionan bien para mi fin. ¿Alguien más está viendo el mismo comportamiento que Dave.B publicó?
 Me ocurre algo parecido al reproducir musica pantalla completa,voy al menu osd y pulse en cualquier icono Kodi se cierra,aprovecho para preguntar como poner banderas a color un saludo  

Google Translate:

 Something similar happens to me when playing full screen music, I go to the osd menu and click on any icon Kodi closes, I take the opportunity to ask how to put colored flags a greeting

Mod warning: Please note this is an English only forum, if needed use Google Translate and paste in the message. Orginal message will be deleted.
(2018-07-27, 18:41)PatK Wrote:
(2018-07-27, 18:36)joanpemo57 Wrote:
(2018-03-24, 14:08)latts9923 Wrote: [font][font]@ "Dave.B" De nada! [/font][font]Me alegra que lo hayas hecho funcionar [/font][font]Revise esos 3 elementos que se publicaron y todos funcionan bien para mi fin. [/font][font]¿Alguien más está viendo el mismo comportamiento que Dave.B publicó?[/font][/font]
[font][font] Me gusta algo parecido al reproducir música pantalla completa, voy al menú y pulso en cualquier icono Kodi se cierra, aprovecho para preguntar como ponerse banderas a color un saludo  [/font][/font] 
[font][font]@ "joanpemo57"  [/font][/font]

[font][font]Google Translate: [/font][/font]

[font][font] Algo similar me sucede cuando toco música de pantalla completa, voy al menú de OSD y hago clic en cualquier icono que Kodi cierre, aprovecho para preguntar cómo poner banderas de colores en un saludo [/font][/font]

[font][font]Advertencia de modificación: tenga en cuenta este es un foro solo en inglés, si es necesario use Google Translate y pegue el mensaje. [/font][font]El mensaje original será eliminado.[/font][/font] Something similar happens to me when I play music in full screen, I go to the OSD menu and I click on any icon that closes Kodi, I take the opportunity to ask how to put colored flags in a greeting

English only please. This is your second reminder.
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I am Sorry, Something similar happens to me when I play full screen music, I go to the OSD menu and I click on any icon that Kodi closes, I take this opportunity to ask how to put colored flags in a greeting
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