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v18 Aeon MQ 7 Leia Mod
I do not know if anyone else has this problem, but i searched and searched, tried so many different things, until i changed the mq7 mod skin to another skin, and the problem was gone.
When using the aeon mq7 mod skin in a fresh kodi 18.0 leia and i play what ever movie from my library, go back to the gui, the audio starts falling away every minute or so. First i thought it was my hardware so been busy sorting that out. Then i tried all sorts of video settings and audio settings, but the problem remained. (just checked, it is also when playing live tv, or a youtube video.)

Looked at cpu gpu memory stats and resources, but this is all normal to low usage.

So then i used a different skin, and it seems there is no falling out of the audio when playing a movie and going back to gui in another skin. I already tried to delete the settings.xml file and started over, but as i said it is a fresh install of kodi 18. I tried 2 more other skins, and the problem stays away, back to the aeon mq7 mod leia skin, problem back.

Does anyone have this same behaviour, and/or is there anything else i can do to solve this problem? Has anyone have an idea what could be the problem?

Thanks in advance, it is just such a cool skin, with all the mods, i would like to use it in Leia.
You're welcome!

Good catch...I'll fix that.

Howdy...I haven't had a chance to look at this one yet.

Read this post...it could be the same problem.

Thanks for providing the info for Rom Collection Browser...I'll make that part of the next update.

I just watched a few videos from the main menu and the audio never faded out. Is anyone else able to reproduce this problem?
(2019-02-02, 14:13)clark_from_austria Wrote: my Nivid Shield make a update vonr Kodi 17,6 to 18,00

now when i want to install your Skin it always displays the Error "Abhängigkeit fehlgeschlagen" 

You used kodi 17.6 with kodi 18 MQ7 Leida Mod before and nod the MQ7 Multi-Mod? Really?
After a general kodi version update i recommend to do a fresh install (also of skins)
(2019-02-02, 15:13)latts9923 Wrote: @Alarmed
You're welcome!

Good catch...I'll fix that.

Howdy...I haven't had a chance to look at this one yet.

Read this post...it could be the same problem.

Thanks for providing the info for Rom Collection Browser...I'll make that part of the next update.

I just watched a few videos from the main menu and the audio never faded out. Is anyone else able to reproduce this problem?
I do not know what is going on, i turned debug on, and i see the memory usage of kodi is like 14Gb, dong nothing, but i do not know if this is normal, never checked in kodi 17.6.

Then just now, i decided to go back to estuary skin, to try some things, and also now suddenly in this skin, the audio stops for a second and comes back when playing video and going to gui. I had the same issues in beta and alpha when testing, but it seems i am the only kodi user having this behaviour. So one thing is for sure, it has nothing to do with your aeon mq7 mod leia skin. Thats positive right !

Well i am now thinking of going back to kodi 17.6, cause none of this behaviour in that version. t is so strange having this issue in 18 and not in 17.6. There must bne something, but hey, this is the wrong thread, i will go and "complain" in the right thread.

I'll try the 32bit version of kodi 18.0 leia first and see what happens.

Keep up the good work. Hope you will be continuing the krypton mod for a while too.
(2019-02-02, 15:57)jinux Wrote: Hope you will be continuing the krypton mod for a while too.

I also hope that! As far there is no attractive alternative to TvTunes for Kodi 18 i will also stay on Kodi 17.6 and MQ7 Multi-Mod.
Love to hear the Main Titles in background - Main feature!

Thanks for the open case mod looks great. Rightlist is one of my fav view. I have added the actors icons to show for each movie while in the library. Saves time having to go into dialoginfo for every movie.

Here is some screenshots how it looks. When you press left on the movie list the actor images show bigger version so can scroll though them. Pressing up or down returns back to list.



Feel free to add this to your mod if it works ok. You may need to check the ids and such so it doesn't collide with anything.

I hope i have included all the needed code haven't tested on your leia mod as i am still on 17.6.

Also maybe you could add a top menu button to enable or disable the actors images be even better Smile

Rightlistview.xml On the fixedlist id=51 can change the Onleft=7000 so it focuses images when pressing left on list
<!-- #################### CAST Images #############################  -->
                <control type="group">
                    <visible>stringcompare(container.folderpath,special://profile/playlists/video/Movies.xsp) | Control.HasFocus(7000) + ![String.Contains(ListItem.Path,videodb://movies/sets)] + !Container(7000).IsUpdating</visible>
                   <control type="list" id="7000">
                         <viewtype label="list">List Info</viewtype>
                         <animation effect="slide" start="0,100" end="0,0" delay="0" time="1500" tween="cubic" easing="out" condition="!Container(7000).IsUpdating">Conditional</animation>   
                        <itemlayout height="95" width="65">
                            <control type="image">
                                <aspectratio scalediffuse="false">scale</aspectratio>
                                <texture  background="true" diffuse="thumb_poster_diffuse.png">$INFO[ListItem.Icon]</texture>
                                <animation effect="fade" start="100" end="80" time="300" condition="Control.HasFocus(7000) | Control.HasFocus(51) | Control.HasFocus(80) | Control.HasFocus(11111) | Control.HasFocus(6019)">Conditional</animation>
                                <visible condition="!String.IsEmpty(Container(7000).ListItem.Icon) | ![String.Contains(ListItem.Path,videodb://movies/sets)]">[Control.HasFocus(7000) | !Container(7000).IsUpdating | Control.HasFocus(11111)]  + ![Container.OnNext | Container.OnPrevious] + !Container(7000).IsUpdating</visible>
                        <focusedlayout height="95" width="65">
                            <control type="image">
                                <aspectratio scalediffuse="false">scale</aspectratio>
                               <texture  background="true" diffuse="thumb_poster_diffuse.png">$INFO[ListItem.Icon]</texture>
                                <animation effect="fade" start="100" end="80" time="300" condition="Control.HasFocus(7000) | Control.HasFocus(51) | Control.HasFocus(80) | Control.HasFocus(11111) | Control.HasFocus(6019)">Conditional</animation>
                                <visible condition="!String.IsEmpty(Container(7000).ListItem.Icon) | ![String.Contains(ListItem.Path,videodb://movies/sets)]">[Control.HasFocus(7000) + !Container(7000).IsUpdating] + ![Container.OnNext | Container.OnPrevious] | [Control.HasFocus(51) + !Container(7000).IsUpdating] | [Control.HasFocus(80) + !Container(7000).IsUpdating] | Control.HasFocus(9920) | [!Control.HasFocus(51) + !Container(7000).IsUpdating]</visible>
                            <control type="image">
                                <aspectratio scalediffuse="false">scale</aspectratio>
                                <texture  background="true" diffuse="thumb_poster_diffuse.png">$INFO[ListItem.Icon]</texture>
                                <bordertexture colordiffuse="$INFO[Skin.String(colortexture)]" border="-2">white.png</bordertexture>
                                 <visible condition="!String.IsEmpty(Container(7000).ListItem.Icon) | ![String.Contains(ListItem.Path,videodb://movies/sets)]">[Control.HasFocus(7000) + !Container(7000).IsUpdating]  + ![Container.OnNext | Container.OnPrevious]</visible>
                        <onclick condition="!String.IsEmpty(Container(7000).ListItem.Icon)">RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=extendedactorinfo,name=$INFO[ListItem.Label])</onclick>

<!-- arrows beside actors -->
<control type="group">
<visible>![String.Contains(ListItem.Path,videodb://movies/sets)] + !Container(7000).IsUpdating</visible>
<control type="image">
<texture flipx="true">arrow_settings.png</texture>
<control type="image">

Dim background when cast focused
<!-- Background dim when cast focused -->
<control type="image">
<texture colordiffuse="B3FFFFFF">hive_back.png</texture>
<visible>Control.HasFocus(7000) + !Container(7000).IsUpdating</visible>

Actors big image when focused
<!-- Actor Big Version -->
<control type="group">
<visible>![String.Contains(ListItem.Path,videodb://movies/sets)] + !Container(7000).IsUpdating</visible>
<animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="-1920,0" time="400" tween="cubic" easing="inout" condition="Control.HasFocus(7000)">Conditional</animation>
<animation effect="slide" start="100" end="0" time="400" condition="!Control.HasFocus(7000)">Conditional</animation>
<control type="image">
<animation effect="rotate" start="0,0" end="-2.0.0" center="auto" delay="1000" easing="out" tween="back" time="600" condition="Control.HasFocus(7000)">Conditional</animation>
<control type="image">
<texture fallback="DefaultActor.png" background="true">$INFO[Container(7000).ListItem.Icon]</texture>
<control type="image">
<control type="label">
<control type="image">

<!-- Manually added actor list -->
<variable name="value_widgetscastlist">
<value condition="Container.Content(movies) + !SubString(ListItem.Path,videodb://movies/sets,left)">plugin://script.skin.helper.service/?action=getcast&amp;movie=$INFO[Container(51).ListItem.DBID]&amp;downloadthumbs=true</value>
<value condition="Container.Content(tvshows)">plugin://script.skin.helper.service/?action=getcast&amp;tvshow=$INFO[Container(51).ListItem.DBID]&amp;downloadthumbs=true</value>
<value condition="SubString(ListItem.Path,videodb://movies/sets,left)">plugin://script.skin.helper.service/?action=getcast&amp;movie=$INFO[Window(0).Property(SkinHelper.MovieSet.0.DBID)]&amp;downloadthumbs=true</value>
(2019-02-02, 16:25)chrissix Wrote:
(2019-02-02, 15:57)jinux Wrote: Hope you will be continuing the krypton mod for a while too.

I also hope that! As far there is no attractive alternative to TvTunes for Kodi 18 i will also stay on Kodi 17.6 and MQ7 Multi-Mod.
Love to hear the Main Titles in background - Main feature!  

Did you try this. TV Melodies i believe it works same as TVTunes

(2019-02-02, 05:06)latts9923 Wrote: The bottom Top250 flag uses Skin Helper Service...the top right uses local info. You just gave me something new to add...I'll change the code for both the bottom and top flag to use the local info first and revert to Skin Helper if the value is 0.


You want to make a fallback? Look first local (ListItem.Top250) and if is empty (SkinHelper.ListItem.IMDB.Top250))

I have already dealt with the problem in detail and I advise you to think again or I advise you against it

The former is static
Secondary dynamic

Unless one is rescraping and reloading the database often, the lower imdb 250 ranks will quickly get mixed up and duplicates.
The lower imdb 250 ranks are very busy. Monthly fall out a lot, and many come in.

There is no rating which is better, SkinHelper top 250 or local top 250. For laymen who use their kodi db only as a means to purpose skinhelper will be the most appropriate. For some who care for their database very neat and meticulous probably the local info.

I've been thinking about it for a long time.
I want top250 in real time but I am dependent on the internet and an annoying fade in delay is there.
Or is it enough for me to update the top250 semi-annually, but are in real time in my database storaged.

Instead of making a fallback an alternative suggestion: What do you think of a toggle button?

I know how to satisfy both sides, those who only use scrapers, and those who rely on their .nfo's are very difficult.
(2019-02-02, 17:02)the_bo Wrote: Did you try this. TV Melodies i believe it works same as TVTunes

332890 (thread)

I have not tested it yet but I follow the thread very actively. Unfortunately there are still too many restrictions / defects
Hi all,
Can someone please tell me how to get this:
Does Media Companion scrape this or do I have to manually download this?
Kodi v18.9 (Aeon MQ8 Multi-Mod) running on Windows 10
Greetings. After multiple issues I decided to wipe the hard drive and install Libreelec 9.0.0. I'm trying to install your skin and I get the error the dependency on service.skin.widgets 0.0.30 could not be satisfied. Any suggestions?
(2019-02-02, 19:23)Alarmed Wrote: Greetings. After multiple issues I decided to wipe the hard drive and install Libreelec 9.0.0. I'm trying to install your skin and I get the error the dependency on service.skin.widgets 0.0.30 could not be satisfied. Any suggestions?
You need to install the skin widgets before installing. Download from link below and try again.

(2019-02-02, 19:20)JanM201 Wrote: Hi all,
Can someone please tell me how to get this:
Does Media Companion scrape this or do I have to manually download this?
Character Art for Movies Thread:

To your question/problem:

Thats kinda easter-egg @latts9923 implementet:

            <!-- Movie Characterart -->
            <control type="multiimage" id="98766">
                <aspectratio aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>            
                <imagepath background="true">$INFO[ListItem.Path,,characterart/]</imagepath>
                <animation type="WindowOpen" condition="true" loop="false" reversible="false">
                <effect type="fade" start="0" end="100" time="500" delay="5000"/>
                <animation effect="fade" start="0" end="0" time="0">WindowClose</animation>                
                <visible>Container.Content(movies) + !Skin.HasSetting(nocharacterartrightlistvideo)</visible>                    

Movies have to be in folders
In a Movie folder have to be the folder "characterart"
In the folder "characterart" have to be one or more .png files

(Cause it's a multiimage function when more than one .png file is in there then it is a sideshow, naming of .png files does not matter)

Look Showcase:

Multiimage examples:

Most sexy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0l-b3_MKaBQ



There is no support from fanart.tv, ArtworkBeef, MediaCompanion, or other stuff for that, you have made and collect all four your own.
Love Aeon MQ 7. It's brilliant. Thank you so much for all your hard work.

Quick bug report.
When I use the showcase mode to view my movies (which I do) if I enable "Stacked" in view options, it does not flow from cover to cover but instead blinks from cover to cover, and it looks really bad without the animation. I think it has to do with the number of movies in the directory. I have > 1.000 movies and while it was still scraping and there were fewer movies, it worked fine. 

See this video for example: 
(2019-02-01, 23:55)latts9923 Wrote: Image@Noobie76

No, there's a button in the Top Menu under KodiFlix Options titled "Disc Art" that's part of the Boxsets view.
 I have that ticked to on as well, but it’s still not working for me.
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