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v18 Aeon MQ 7 Leia Mod

I've been working hard on the next update, so I'm trying to catch up on some of these conversations. On your Showcase fadelabel width, it is controlled by the include "ShowCaseValue_Extrathumbs" that is in ViewsShowCase.xml. By default the width is set to "472" and I don't see an overlap on mine.

Also, I believe I fixed the "snapping" problem with the view when "STACKED" is enabled. Find all your animation times that are set to "210" and change them to "400". I'll include this in the next update since I've already completed the update I'm trying to get out.
Thank you very much @latts9923 

All your hard work is greatly appreciated. Can't wait to see the next update Smile

Found it..  it was set to 944 for some reason. Maybe I changed it by mistake.

Changing the animation time from 210 to 400 does not fix the snapping issue for me Sad  I changed it 12 places in ViewsShowCase.xml
@latts9923 in the Shelf3Dviews the tracklist on the left side of the screen starts to scroll almost immediately. A couple of weeks ago I requested to extend the time duration before the tracklist starts to scroll. Three seconds or so before the list starts to scroll is more convenient. It wasn't implemented in the last update. I'll hope you're willing to do so in the upcoming update.
Windows 11 Pro
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Kodi 20.5 - Aeon MQ9 Nexus Mod

Android - Beelink GT King
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod
Kodi Maven Fork 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod

CoreELEC - Beelink GT King
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod


Hey bud. I've already "locked" the update since I'm about to post it. I'll take a look and let you know what to change until I can get another update posted.

  • I added the "REBOOT TO INTERNAL" option for LibreELEC users to the System Menu and as a submenu item you can add to the Shutdown menu. Thanks to the_bo for providing the button for the System Menu!
  • I added "GET ARTWORK" buttons to the Top Menu for Artwork Beef where the Artwork Downloader buttons used to be. I also changed the context menu buttons to use Artwork Beef.
  • I added code to display extra fanart added by Artwork Beef. Artwork Beef adds additional fanart (based on your settings) in the movie folder (not in an extrafanart subfolder). I also added a new button named "AB FANART" in the Top Menu under Art that enables this fanart and works in conjunction with "EXTRA FANART".
  • I added code to utilize the AutoCompletion for virtual keyboard Add-on. Once you begin to typing the autocomplete will popup at the bottom of the screen. Scrolling down from any of the keys on the bottom of the virtual keyboard will take you to the results. Thanks to kobyboy for the request!
  • I added code to display characterart for TV Shows in the RightList View.
  • I made MAJOR changes to the media case in the Right List View for movies. Similar to KodiFlix, you can now select which case you see via the popup window, and you can open the case to see the disc animation. Thanks to chrissix for providing a large portion of the code!
  • I also added the ability in the Right List for movies to toggle the case art between "POSTER", "KEYART", and "EXTRA KEYART". When either of the keyart options are enabled you can also enable the "SHOW KEYART LOGO" button.
  • I added support for the Up Next Add-on, which replaces the deprecated Next Up Add-on. There are four new files in 1080i you will need that all begin with script-upnext. You can remove the three files that begin with script-nextup. Thanks to vitocorl for the request!

ImageBug fixes
  • I adjusted the size of the Awards information in DialogVideoInfo.xml so that it doesn't overlap the IMDb Top 250 information.
  • I removed the button "GET ARTWORK AUTOMATIC" from Skin Settings > Options Menu since Artwork Downloader is no longer supported.
  • I changed the version of script.games.rom.collection.browser to "2.1.3" in addon.xml. Thanks to SteveSmith for testing that fix!
  • I fixed the Download Subtitle popup window so that your subtitle choices are easier to read. For some reason the image black.png in the Texutres file is not being displayed correctly, so I changed the code to use a different image. Thanks to MB1968 for reporting the bug!
  • I also changed the colordiffuse for some of the images in the Download Subtitle popup to make it easier to read. Thanks to StoneT for the suggestion!
  • I fixed a few things with Live TV. The channel numbers were not showing, I added a library status under Live TV that displays the total number of channels, and the channel display popup now mimics the Leia version of Estuary. Thanks to gamaru for reporting the bug!
  • The "PERSONALISE MEDIA FLAGS BAR" in the Top Menu was not focusing on the correct section of Skin Settings when selected.
  • I fixed a problem where the Artist name was displaying on top of the logo in Layout 4 of the music player. Thanks to dw2014 for reporting the bug!
  • I fixed a problem where the default lyrics were still visible when you disabled lyrics. Thanks to jinux for reporting the bug!
  • I updated the description information for Service Settings and Games and added a new image for Games. Thanks to Bruce_Banner for reporting the bug and providing the fix!
  • I fixed a problem where the TopArt was not displaying in DialogSeekBar.xml, DialogFullScreenInfo.xml, and VideoOSD.xml. Thanks to jinux for reporting the bug!
  • I added code to DialogSeekBar.xml, DialogFullScreenInfo.xml, and VideoOSD.xml to display the Movie/TV Show title as text if the logo, clearart, or banner is missing.

  • I adjusted the position of the Metacritic logo and score in DialogVideoInfo.xml to center them in the box.
  • I adjusted the size of the KodiFlix Options in the Top Menu so that all the options are now visible.
  • I adjusted the size of the logo on a handful of views that display either the title or logo as title (depending on your settings). It is now the same size as the logo on the top of the Video Info screen. Thanks to koldtoft for the request!
  • I changed the list for ViewsRightList and ViewsRightListTV to "list" instead of "fixedlist" so that the titles don't scroll unless you reach the bottom of the page. Thanks to StoneT for the request and MB1968 for providing the change!

02-15-19 update (This will update the skin to v1.0.1.5)

You're welcome!

What system are you running Leia on? I changed the time to 400 on Krypton and Leia and the animation looks much better on both.
You made a certain view far too transparent in the latest update. It shows up when you are notified that you are installing dependencies for an add-on, or when selecting artwork. Perhaps elsewhere as well. Makes it very hard to read.

Hi, Thanks for the work on MQ7 for Leia

I have 2 questions that maybe I can have help with.

First: I recently have an Nvidia shield and have setup Kodi using the 1.0.14 version but it does not "auto update" to 1.0.15
is the update process only to install the 1.0.15 .ZIP file manually?

Second: I think this one is a bug, With the kiosk modes turned on pushing the up button on the main menu still brings up the "flexible widget" selection screen, I think the widget selection should be locked out when kiosk modes are turned on? Or maybe I am missing an option somewhere else to disable this!

Again, thanks for the work

What steps did you take to get the Choose Art window to display on the movie view? I have been unable to reproduce that. The Choose Art window always looks like this for me...

The same background appears for dependencies as well.

You're welcome!

For now the update is a manual affair. I'm still trying to get the Skin to update via my Repo. It downloads and begins the install, but then ends up failing every time.

I'm not aware of a setting to disable the Flexible Widgets in Kiosk Mode. I'll see what I can do.
Thanks for the quick reply, i'll perform the manual update.
I was only concerned that if I did a manual update it may reset the skin to default settings which may lead to much adjusting settings to get it perfect again Smile

You betcha. No, you won't lose any of your settings if you manually install the update file. The update will actually add a few new settings to settings.xml.

I got there by bringing the context menu up on a film, and selecting "Get Artwork - GUI Mode". Incidentally, this doesn't actually work when trying to select an artwork. Nothing gets changed. The same transparent background also occurs though when going to the information page, and selecting "Choose Art". This mode actually does work. I also got the transparent view when installing a new add-on, and being informed that it is installing dependencies (not the dependency view itself in the add-on section of settings).
(2019-02-16, 03:32)latts9923 Wrote: @MB1968

Hey bud. I've already "locked" the update since I'm about to post it. I'll take a look and let you know what to change until I can get another update posted.
No problem. I'll wait patiently for your instructions to tweak the xml file.

Thanks a lot for the update. We keep you busy, don't we? Time to take a step back.
Windows 11 Pro
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Kodi 20.5 - Aeon MQ9 Nexus Mod

Android - Beelink GT King
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod
Kodi Maven Fork 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod

CoreELEC - Beelink GT King
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod

Hi @latts9923 - Thanks to your video I was able make fanart finally work in Smile ! Awesome! Again - BIG thanks!

I have a few quick questions please if you have the time -

Are you able to make (AB extra) fanart to work also in List 3D and List 3D v2 (in movies)?
Also - How should I name local logo files in music folders? Nothing I do (or set in Kodi\MQ7\AB) seems to work and display those. They're currently named clearlogo.png .
And last - Do you have a repository with this skin in it you can share (or have I missed it?)?

Appreciate your big work, help and support!
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