Thanks @
latts9923 for these mods . I use Aeon MQ 7 Leia Mod and I love it
. I am sure Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod is going to be a great skin too.
I have 2 requests for this mod.
1. If possible could you please
automate the holiday themes like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentines, Halloween and Easter. Since these holidays have specific dates, the skin could automatically turn on a specific holiday according to the date in KODI. Something similar has been implemented in
Estuary Mod V2 by @
Guilouz (Thanks Guilouz for the great skin). In the skin settings, it would be nice if the user can turn on/off specific holidays in advance if for example they don't want the Valentines theme or Easter theme automatically turned on during those holidays.
2. The second request is similar to the first.
Birthday Theme. The user can set in advance their birth date and the theme will be set on their birthday or they can set multiple dates if multiple birthdays are provided for by the skin for other family members.
Thank you in advance. If you have time please consider. If the
Aeon MQ 8 can not support these mods now, then no problem. Maybe in the future?