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Mod Aeon MQ 8 Multi-Mod
hi @latts9923. Good afternoon ... A question. In the music section and in  the List3dview view when you choose a song from an album, the name of the selected song increases in size and, its color, changes to light blue. in which xml I can change the size of font.
(2020-02-23, 19:29)latts9923 Wrote: @bluebug
This change to the Extras box will be part of the next update.

I'll see if I can reproduce this problem with TV Shows playlists.
I forgot all about the alternative buttons you provided. They have been added to the Multi-Mod and will be part of the next update.
hi thanks for your reply look forward to update have you tried out the copy and preset section thanks for your advice
(2020-02-24, 19:12)chrissix Wrote:
(2020-02-23, 12:15)bluebug Wrote: media info button it comes up blank
sets don't have a dialogvideoinfo at all. you cannot reach this with kodi internal buttons, only with a shortcut i think. that this window pop up at all is more like a bug then a feature.
Some Skins have implemented a dialogvideoinfo for sets with workaround stuff on current kodi, but official supported it will be on Kodi 19. 
thanks for your reply would it be possible to change dialogvideoinfo for sets xml ? for this to happen or best wait untill upgrade thanks
hey @latts9923

Awesome work on everything you've done on this mod. I'm blown away, not only with all the awesome enhancements to MQ 8, but also how responsive you are to users looking for help and support. Very impressed.

One question for anyone that might know--
How do I bring up the settings to change the view during the Now Playing Screen while listening to music? Not sure if it's a bug or I'm doing something wrong. I bring up the OSD menu and hit the Playback Settings button, but nothing happens except that the OSD disappears. I have MQ 7 Leia Mod installed also, and I can get to the screen just fine through the OSD, though in MQ 7 that button is just called Settings. It's like that particular button is missing in MQ 8 mod or something. Or there's a different way of getting there that I don't know.

Thanks for the kind words!

With MQ 8, you can access the Music Viz settings from the Top Menu under "ART".
(2020-02-16, 15:53)latts9923 Wrote: UPDATE #13ImageAdditions
  • I added code to display the default fanart for Video Add-ons even if you have "EXTRA FANART" or "ARTWORK BEEF FANART" enabled. However, the curtains image will still display. Thanks to halidri for the request!

Hi @latts9923 Thanks for the update, but this point is not working for me, when i use "EXTRA FANART" or "ARTWORK BEEF FANART" for my movies and then stard a video addon like amazon or netflix, is the background  also the fanart from my last local movie.
I want the standard fanart for video addons (in this case Amazon) like picture 1, but i see the "ARTWORK BEEF FANART" from picture 2, did you understand what i mean?
When i have enabled "ARTWORK BEEF FANART", is this setting also for the video addons, same like before
the request.


Hi. I had to completely reinstall Kodi and this skin and mod. Now I no longer have watched flags. All see
ttings are correct but no options seem to display. Any ideas?
I've been working on the fanart code to fix this problem, but I haven't found a solution yet.

(2020-02-25, 01:04)latts9923 Wrote: @Jumpy73
Thanks for that info! I just added that value to the variable "widgets_cast" in IncludesVariables.xml. Can you try adding that to your file and test it?

Hi @latts9923 
I have added that code as suggested by Angelinas and it works as expected well... each query returns the right result and it has done waiting the same response time (about 6 secs --> no so quick but acceptable)

As far as movies starring is concerned, the performance is not so good and very variable too. No every query returns a result and, when it does, the response time is very variable. In my test that time has varied into the interval [6 secs; 14 secs]

Because the actors images may be stored locally (into a separate folder named ".actors"), why can't kodi use those files rather than using downloaded images by skin.helper.service? In such a way you may get back a double benefit... a lower access rate to remote images providers and a lower query response time. Does it make sense?
(2020-03-02, 04:23)latts9923 Wrote: @halburrows

OMG! Thank you so much!

Whats the trick to downloading your skin mod as they keep failing. I am using the download link in the first post.

Quote:The page isn’t redirecting properly
An error occurred during a connection to www.holybid.com.

I had the impression you created a repo somewhere and we could install the repo.
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You're welcome!

My repo is available at https://holybid.com/kodi/repo, but since this Multi-Mod is a manual install, I don't have it available on the repo...just links I make available here on the thread. I just tried a handful of the update links and they all seem to be working.
(2020-03-03, 14:27)latts9923 Wrote: My repo is available at https://holybid.com/kodi/repo, but since this Multi-Mod is a manual install, I don't have it available on the repo...just links I make available here on the thread. I just tried a handful of the update links and they all seem to be working.
I guess the problem is at my end as no-one else is complaining, but I have tried on 3 different pc's using 6 different browsers and all downloads fail. I'll try again in a few days and see if it corrects itself.
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(2020-03-03, 22:42)Karellen Wrote:
(2020-03-03, 14:27)latts9923 Wrote: My repo is available at https://holybid.com/kodi/repo, but since this Multi-Mod is a manual install, I don't have it available on the repo...just links I make available here on the thread. I just tried a handful of the update links and they all seem to be working.
I guess the problem is at my end as no-one else is complaining, but I have tried on 3 different pc's using 6 different browsers and all downloads fail. I'll try again in a few days and see if it corrects itself. 

have you tried using jdownloader?
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(2020-03-04, 01:42)ctindell81 Wrote: have you tried using jdownloader?
No I have not, but the download is now working.

@latts9923 Download is working again. Must have been a temporary glitch. I recall you created an installation video. Can you point me to where it is, or a link in the first post would be helpful. I always seem to have trouble installing your skins. I feel like such a noob.
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