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v18 Aeon MQ 7 Leia Mod
I didn't think about the Skin Info Service Add-on causing the problem.

Do you have that Add-on installed?
(2020-10-30, 13:56)latts9923 Wrote: @Vimmelthevampire
I didn't think about the Skin Info Service Add-on causing the problem.

Do you have that Add-on installed?
I'm sure I had it installed when I started with the MQ7 Leia mod. I always follow the install instructions precisley. But I must have removed it somewhere un time. When you go to System - Addons - Dependencies, Kodi reports that the Skin Info Service is orphaned. This is probably the reason I removed it a while ago.

I just reinstalled Skin Info Service. The Shelf3D views, work fine now. Thumbs up for pointing me in the right direction. The same counts for Vimmelthevampire.
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

UPDATE #29 - This will update the skin to v1.0.3.0

To install this version, bring up the context menu for my repo and select "CHECK FOR UPDATES". Kodi should begin downloading the skin update.

  • I made some big tweaks to the KodiFlix code. You can now display discart for Sets in the Default and DVDShelf layouts when "OPEN CASES" is selected. I also added some animation to the reflection for both layouts.
  • You can now display discart for Sets in the RightList view when "OPEN CASES" is selected. After the case closes it will display the discart for all the movies in the Set.
  • You can now view Sets with the PosterZoom view.
Thanks for the update. Very nice additions! Just curious, why doesn't discart for boxsets work, when "center list" has been enabled? You'll probably have a good explanation for it, I guess.
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

You betcha...and thanks!

The Movie Set Cases is only designed to work with Center List off. I can look at adding an option for that to work with Center List as well, but it will take some time.
@latts9923, that would be very nice.
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

I’ve updated the Kodiflix code for Movie Set Cases to work with Center List. I also noticed that there was some code not working that displays the movie discart for sets when Movie Set Cases is disabled. This will all be included in the next update.
(2020-11-09, 15:12)latts9923 Wrote: @MB1968
I’ve updated the Kodiflix code for Movie Set Cases to work with Center List. I also noticed that there was some code not working that displays the movie discart for sets when Movie Set Cases is disabled. This will all be included in the next update.
Great news. I'm looking forward to the next update.
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

UPDATE #30 - This will update the skin to v1.0.3.1

To install this version, bring up the context menu for my repo and select "CHECK FOR UPDATES". Kodi should begin downloading the skin update.

  • You can now use "MOVIE SET CASES" in KodiFlix with Center List enabled. Thanks to MB1968 for the request!

ImageBug fixes
  • I fixed a problem with the position of the focus surround for episodes in KodiFlix TV. Thanks to Vimmelthevampire for reporting the bug!
  • I fixed some code to display the discart for movies in a Set when you are using KodiFlix and you have "MOVIE SET CASES" disabled.
  • The discart for Sets was not displaying in the Right List view.

  • I increased the fadetime between fanart images. Thanks to Vimmelthevampire for the request!
Hi @latts9923 
Thank you very much for the latest updates & all your hard work, making this skin looking fantastic.
Just a couple of things from my side. 
Picture 1:
These discs used to spin, not anymore for some reason. Can you look into this.
Picture 2:
Would it be possible to give us an option to turn clearlogo on or off in the top left corner? We've got all the other art, why not add this as well to look even more awesome.
Picture 3:
Could you please move this icon down so it lines up with all the other icons on the bottom.
Thanks very much again Rofl
Kodi 21 Omega (Aeon MQ 9 Mod) running on Nvidia Shield Pro
(2020-11-11, 16:34)latts9923 Wrote: [*]You can now use "MOVIE SET CASES" in KodiFlix with Center List enabled. Thanks to MB1968 for the request!

Thanks for the update. It seems like the skinning season has opened with all the updates appearing so quickly Wink

Movie Set Cases work fine with Center List enabled. Nice! However, I also prefer to enable Center Focus and Lower Info. Because there is downside when enabling Lower Info and not using Center Focus. At the line where the rating is displayed, there is not enough room to display the text for the number of movies and total duration for filmsets. Enabling Center Focus fixes this issue. But unfortunately the Movie Set Cases don't work with Center Focus enabled. There might be a good reason for this of course. (movie sets with 10 movies i.e. Star Wars?)Image
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

You're welcome! Haha...yeah, with the weather turning colder my fishing time has been diminished, so more time for modding!

It took a lot to get Center List to work with Movie Set Cases. I can look at adding Center Focus at some point, but your are right it will only allow for a limited number of cases/discs to slide out.
(2020-11-13, 22:45)latts9923 Wrote: @MB1968
It took a lot to get Center List to work with Movie Set Cases. I can look at adding Center Focus at some point, but your are right it will only allow for a limited number of cases/discs to slide out.

I can imagine it took a lot of time. The perspective from left to right has to be right, so I guess you had to test a lot to be sure the dimensions for all images were correct.

I have disabled "Lower Info" and I'm satisfied with the current skin version. Don't spend too much time on Movie Set Cases and Center Focus.

Any idea why the collection poster on CoreELEC is displayed twice. I copied the skin files from Android to CoreELEC, to be sure CoreELEC is using the same files.

Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

Yeah, if you look at the bottom of the xml for KodiFlix, I had to copy each image and adjust the code for Center List. There are two posters that show when Movie Set Cases is enabled. If you turn it off you should only see one. At the bottom of the KodiFlix xml look for "$VAR[ListPosterVar]". Like I said there are two of them now, so edit the second one that has "Skin.HasSetting(KodiFlixMoviesCenterList)" in the visible line. For some reason, it looks like CoreELEC is throwing the coordinates off a little. You'll have to move it left, down and maybe adjust the height...that poster was a pain in the butt to get it to look right with Center List.
(2020-11-14, 16:00)latts9923 Wrote: @MB1968
Yeah, if you look at the bottom of the xml for KodiFlix, I had to copy each image and adjust the code for Center List. There are two posters that show when Movie Set Cases is enabled. If you turn it off you should only see one. At the bottom of the KodiFlix xml look for "$VAR[ListPosterVar]". Like I said there are two of them now, so edit the second one that has "Skin.HasSetting(KodiFlixMoviesCenterList)" in the visible line. For some reason, it looks like CoreELEC is throwing the coordinates off a little. You'll have to move it left, down and maybe adjust the height...that poster was a pain in the butt to get it to look right with Center List.
Thanks for sharing the pain in the butt Wink.
I'll try tomorrow.
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

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