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v18 Aeon MQ 7 Leia Mod
Haha...you bet!
Hi @latts9923 
This is the case that's currently displaying in the "low list" for 4K content:
Would it be possible to have a choice between these 2 cases as seen in the "right list" view:
Thanks very much.
Kodi 21 Omega (Aeon MQ 9 Mod) running on Nvidia Shield Pro
Done! Low List now has the same case control as Right List. If you change the case for Right List it will reflect on Low List as well.
Thanks very much Rofl
I presume it will be part of the next update?
Could you provide a little feedback on my previous post where I asked about 3 other things.
Thanks again for all your hard work, it's really appreciated.
Kodi 21 Omega (Aeon MQ 9 Mod) running on Nvidia Shield Pro
(2020-11-14, 16:00)latts9923 Wrote: @MB1968
Yeah, if you look at the bottom of the xml for KodiFlix, I had to copy each image and adjust the code for Center List. There are two posters that show when Movie Set Cases is enabled. If you turn it off you should only see one. At the bottom of the KodiFlix xml look for "$VAR[ListPosterVar]". Like I said there are two of them now, so edit the second one that has "Skin.HasSetting(KodiFlixMoviesCenterList)" in the visible line. For some reason, it looks like CoreELEC is throwing the coordinates off a little. You'll have to move it left, down and maybe adjust the height...that poster was a pain in the butt to get it to look right with Center List.
Here's the correct code for CoreELEC. Thanks for your support @latts9923.

<control type="image">
<texture background="true" fallback="thumbs/fallback_poster_tp.png">$VAR[ListPosterVar]</texture>
<animation effect="rotatey" start="-4" end="21" time="0" condition="true">Conditional</animation>
<camera x="1900" y="530"/>
<visible>!ListItem.IsParentFolder + [Container.Content(sets) | ListItem.IsCollection]</visible>
<visible>Skin.HasSetting(KodiFlixMovieBoxsetsActiveMovieSetCases) + Skin.HasSetting(KodiFlixMovieBoxsets) + Skin.HasSetting(KodiFlixMoviesCenterList) + !Skin.HasSetting(KodiFlixMoviesCenterFocus)</visible>
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

You bet! Yes, it will be part of the next update.

Per your previous post...
  • I fixed the problem with the Sets discart not rotating. Thanks for letting me know!
  • There is an option to switch between clearart/clearlogo in the Top Menu for Right List. I think adding more artwork would start to clutter the view.
  • Doh! That user rating flag should only be visible in KodiFlix. I fixed it...thanks for letting me know!

Thanks bud...you bet! I'll try adding that to KodiFlix with a visible line "System.Platform.Linux".
Nice! I found two minor flaws under CoreElec. Can you point me to the right direction to adjust the code and to make it perfect?

- The right edge of the poster for the first movie in the collection is visible.

- In the yellow circle something blue is visible in the background.


EDIT: I also changed the position for the clearlogo on the boxset. The studio icon was partly overlapping the clearlogo. I changed the value top 675 into 700.
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

Look at all your poster code at the bottom of the KodiFlix xml...start with <!-- Case 1 -->. The right edge is probably the poster for the first movie like you said. The blue you circled is more than likely a poster from another movie. They are all hiding behind the boxset and slide out.
Just curious, @Vimmelthevampire you're using Kodi on CoreELEC or LibreElec, aren't you?

Are you experiencing the same issues I mentioned in #2293 and #2302?
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

(2020-11-17, 01:52)latts9923 Wrote: @MB1968
Look at all your poster code at the bottom of the KodiFlix xml...start with <!-- Case 1 -->. The right edge is probably the poster for the first movie like you said. The blue you circled is more than likely a poster from another movie. They are all hiding behind the boxset and slide out.
Are you advising me to adjust this piece of code starting at line 7001? I had no luck so far by adapting the values for left and/or width. So weird that CoreELEC behaves differently than Android or Windows. Doesn't make sense to me.

<!-- Case 1 -->
<control type="image">
<texture background="true" fallback="DefaultAddonMovieInfo.png">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(Set.Movie.1.Art(poster))]</texture>
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

Yes...adjusting the left coordinate for "Set.Movie.1.Art(poster)" should fix the one with the right edge sticking out...it could be a different poster. You'll have to adjust the other poster coordinates for Case 2, 3, etc. to figure out which one is showing the small blue in the top right. It is strange that CoreELEC is throwing these images off a bit. I had to tweak the set poster coordinates a bit for MQ 8 when I ported the new code from MQ 7 as well.
(2020-11-18, 16:50)latts9923 Wrote: @MB1968
Yes...adjusting the left coordinate for "Set.Movie.1.Art(poster)" should fix the one with the right edge sticking out...it could be a different poster. You'll have to adjust the other poster coordinates for Case 2, 3, etc. to figure out which one is showing the small blue in the top right. It is strange that CoreELEC is throwing these images off a bit. I had to tweak the set poster coordinates a bit for MQ 8 when I ported the new code from MQ 7 as well.
"Should".......no luck so far. I have to do more tests and Kodi restarts. Maybe @Vimmelthevampire is willing to help.
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

Hi. I'll have a look see if it happens in Alex/ libreElec. I use 3dv2 for movies, for the cool way it drops discs.
Never been a fan of sets view. Collecting the inferior sequels and remakes to a franchise, doesn't appeal.
I find the box set seasons slide out to be too slow in kodiflix TV anyway, so I use it vanilla.
(2020-11-21, 19:20)Vimmelthevampire Wrote: Hi. I'll have a look see if it happens in Alex/ libreElec.

Would be nice if you can confirm (or deny) whether you're experiencing the same issues for the KodiFlix view.
Windows 11 Pro Kodi 21.2+Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Android /Beelink GT King Pro Kodi 21.2+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod & Kodi Maven Fork 22.0 Alpha+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod
CoreELEC/Beelink GT King Kodi 21.1+AeonMQ7 Omega Mod

UPDATE #31 - This will update the skin to v1.0.3.2

  • I added the spine and back images to List 3D and Shelf 3D for music.
  • I added the "BD/DVD CASES" control for the Right List view to Low List as well. If you change the case for one view it will also change the other. Thanks to JanM201 for the request!
  • I added the option to show animated posters to the cases that slide out in KodiFlix when "MOVIE SET CASES" is enabled. This can be disabled with the Top Menu button "CINEMAGRAPHS ART - POSTER".
  • I added a new audio flag image to the media flags. There is a new Textures.xbt for the skin as well as an updated Textures.xbt for the resource.images.mediaicons.coloured Add-on (update available in my repo and link available below). Thanks to blackreign66 for providing the image!

ImageBug fixes
  • I fixed a problem with the "EXTRAS" setting showing for KodiFlix but not for KodiFlix TV when "CENTER LIST" or "CENTER FOCUS" was enabled in KodiFlix. Thanks to Vimmelthevampire for reporting the bug!
  • I added code to support the "CINEMAGRAPHS ART - FANART" setting in Top Settings. You can now view animated fanart images in your selected view and the Video Info screen.
  • The Sets discart for Right List was not rotating. Thanks to JanM201 for reporting the bug!
  • I fixed some code with the Music views List 3D, List 3D v2, Shelf 3D, and Shelf 3D v2. They were all missing information.

Colored Media Icons v0.1.0
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Aeon MQ 7 Leia Mod13