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v18 Aeon MQ 7 Leia Mod
UPDATE #32 - This will update the skin to v1.0.3.3

  • I added the release data and plot info to the VideoOSD screen. Thanks to Vimmelthevampire for the request!
  • I added a shadow box behind the plot to KodiFlix TV when you have the "TV ART" layout enabled to make the plot more visible. Thanks to Vimmelthevampire for the request!
  • I added code to the plot setting for Kodiflix to display either the plot or extended plot for Sets. There are now five settings...OFF, PLOT, EXTENDED PLOT, CONSENSUS, and EXTENDED CONSENSUS..

ImageBug fixes
  • For some reason the KodiFlix boxset cases were displaying incorrect colors after I compiled them in the Textures.xbt file. I removed them from the file and placed them in the media folder.
  • I fixed a problem with extrafanart not working correctly with the support of the animated fanart that I added in v1.0.3.2. Thanks to 521256 for reporting the bug!

  • I removed the option to display the animated posters when "MOVIE SET CASES" is enabled in KodiFlix. Multiple users were complaining of performance problems.
@latts9923 - Hi Latts,

Was anything changed in the Textures.xbt file for this update, or is it just all *.xml files? I just wanted to know because it's a pain for me to keep de-compiling and then recompiling it because of some images I added.


I can't upgrade from to it tells me. I can't satisfy the script.module.chirypy version 17 dependency. What do I have to do to upgrade?
I removed the folder views/kodiflix/boxsets from the Textures file to fix a bug. That was the only change.

You should be able to get v17.4.0 of the cherrypy module here.
(2020-12-05, 23:15)latts9923 Wrote: I removed the folder views/kodiflix/boxsets from the Textures file to fix a bug. That was the only change.
Thanks Latts.
You betcha!
(2020-12-04, 00:38)latts9923 Wrote: @521256
1. Yes...I will include the fix in the next update.
2. One thing you can try for the studio not displaying. Close Kodi and navigate to Kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.module.simplecache and remove simplecache.db. Open Kodi and give it a few minutes to populate that file again. The awards, release, budget and revenue info are using Skin Helper Service.
1) Yes, it's working again in the latest update. Thanks!
2) Unfortunately, also after removing the simplecache.db file the movie information (awards, revenue, budget, release etc.) from sites like TMBD, IMDB, OMDB etc. are not being displayed. It looks like the Skin Helper Service isnt't working properly after it's latest update. Or maybe one of the movie scapers that Skin Helper Service depends on doesn't scrape this information anymore after the update. I did a fresh install on a new device, had things set up the way it should be working and in the way it all worked before the update (entered the API keys, enable buttons to get also information from other sites etc.). But also on this new device, the movie information wasn't shown / wasn't scraped. 

Do you have any idea what could be causing this issue?
(2020-12-06, 14:31)521256 Wrote:
(2020-12-04, 00:38)latts9923 Wrote: @521256
1. Yes...I will include the fix in the next update.
2. One thing you can try for the studio not displaying. Close Kodi and navigate to Kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.module.simplecache and remove simplecache.db. Open Kodi and give it a few minutes to populate that file again. The awards, release, budget and revenue info are using Skin Helper Service.
1) Yes, it's working again in the latest update. Thanks!
2) Unfortunately, also after removing the simplecache.db file the movie information (awards, revenue, budget, release etc.) from sites like TMBD, IMDB, OMDB etc. are not being displayed. It looks like the Skin Helper Service isnt't working properly after it's latest update. Or maybe one of the movie scapers that Skin Helper Service depends on doesn't scrape this information anymore after the update. I did a fresh install on a new device, had things set up the way it should be working and in the way it all worked before the update (entered the API keys, enable buttons to get also information from other sites etc.). But also on this new device, the movie information wasn't shown / wasn't scraped. 

Do you have any idea what could be causing this issue?
Ok, I was a little bit to early...(-;
I manually updated all the add-ons once again that were updated during last week. Now everything seems to work again as it should be!
@latts9923 - Hi Latts,

I've been updating the skin with all the updates, but I've not used the skin for quite some time. Anyway, I just noticed today that when I pull up the DialogVideoInfo, I don't see the poster for the Movie/TV Show. I thought maybe it might have been something I missed, but I downloaded the version from your repo., ad it still doesn't work. I also tried updating all the dependencies, at least I think I did, but no luck so far. Any ideas?


Howdy...the poster on the Video Info screen is tied to the Top Menu "CASE ART:" setting in Right List.
(2020-12-06, 16:54)latts9923 Wrote: @shedrock
Howdy...the poster on the Video Info screen is tied to the Top Menu "CASE ART:" setting in Right List.
Yep, that did the trick. I guess I am way behind on all the skin changes. Big Grin

Thanks Latts. Keep up the great work.

Thanks for the update. I think I found two small bugs

1. Extrafanart for tv shows is not working correctly when switching between the movie and tv shows menu. The tv show displays the extrafanart image from the previous selected movie.
2. The IMDb ranking for tv shows is missing in KodiFlixTV view and the Dialog Info screen.

Can you confirm these issues? A quick fix for the extrafanart would be nice. If this can be done easily of course. I don't want to cause you extra work.

Thanks for removing animated poster and fanart support in KodiFlix Boxset view. The skin performance has drastically improved when Boxsets has been enabled.

Windows 11 Pro
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Kodi 20.5 - Aeon MQ9 Nexus Mod

Android - Beelink GT King
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod
Kodi Maven Fork 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod

CoreELEC - Beelink GT King
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod

You're welcome...and thanks!

1. I am seeing maybe a .5 second delay switching between Movies/TV Shows on the extrafanart, but I can't reproduce the problem where it continues to display a movie fanart image for a TV Show.
2. You are right...I just noticed that. The IMDb Top 250 still displays for movies, but not for TV Shows. I confirmed this on Krypton and Matrix as well. Must be something with the Skin Helper Service.

Glad the performance has improved.
(2020-12-07, 01:25)latts9923 Wrote: @shedrock
You're welcome...and thanks!

1. I am seeing maybe a .5 second delay switching between Movies/TV Shows on the extrafanart, but I can't reproduce the problem where it continues to display a movie fanart image for a TV Show.
2. You are right...I just noticed that. The IMDb Top 250 still displays for movies, but not for TV Shows. I confirmed this on Krypton and Matrix as well. Must be something with the Skin Helper Service.

Glad the performance has improved.
Can you try this please?

1. Enable extrafanart for movies
2. Enable extrafanart for tv shows
3. Disable extrafanart for movies
4. Disable extrafanart for tv shows
5. Enable extrafanart for tv shows

I noticed it by coincidence. I also checked it for skin version Same unexpected behaviour (tv show displays extrafanart previous selected movie)

When I restart Kodi, the extrafanarts for tv shows work fine.
Windows 11 Pro
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Kodi 20.5 - Aeon MQ9 Nexus Mod

Android - Beelink GT King
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod
Kodi Maven Fork 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod

CoreELEC - Beelink GT King
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod

I have tried that sequence three times, but I am unable to reproduce the problem.
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