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v18 Aeon MQ 7 Leia Mod
(2021-05-29, 13:26)latts9923 Wrote: @MB1968
I just noticed that my TV Show Top 250 icon is missing as well.

I had accidentally updated the script.module.metadatautils addon to version Maybe this is causing the issue reagarding the imdb top 250 icon.

I'm not sure whether version contains these fixes: https://github.com/kodi-community-addons...55170d7f9c

I downgraded script.module.metadatautils addon to version and applied the changes above manually. Now I just have to wait a few days, to see if the issue will be fixed.

EDIT: imdb top 250 icon is working again.
Windows 11 Pro
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Kodi 20.5 - Aeon MQ9 Nexus Mod

Android - Beelink GT King
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod
Kodi Maven Fork 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod

CoreELEC - Beelink GT King
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod

@latts9923, the correct studio icon on the boxset in KodiFlixTV only appears when I press the arrow up button. The next tv shows all have the same studio icon on the boxset, unless I press the arrow up button again. The same happens under the MQ7 Matrix mod

Windows 11 Pro
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Kodi 20.5 - Aeon MQ9 Nexus Mod

Android - Beelink GT King
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod
Kodi Maven Fork 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod

CoreELEC - Beelink GT King
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod

Looking at the code for v1.0.40, it seems to have that fix included. I am still trying to get the studio and Top250 icons to display. Once I get them working again, I'll take a look at KodiFlixTV.
@latts9923 im using your skin, is amazing. I have a question when im using the view kodiflix i go to play a movie, when i press esc i back the list of móvies. But i cant go again in fullscreen.
When playing music with fanart in the background and then play music, that has no fanart, the previous fanart is shown. It would be better to show black screen, if no fanart exist.

Maybe this problem can be solved?

Would be great!
KodiFlix displays a preview window of the video, but you can't go back to fullscreen. You need to go back to the main menu and access fullscreen that way.

I'll have to take another look at the fanart code for music viz.
I fixed a long-running problem with music viz where Kodi locks up when trying to access the OSD Music Settings if you were displaying a visualization. This will be included in the next update.
I was able to reproduce and fix the artwork problem with the "SLIDESHOW" BACKGROUND IMAGE enabled. Is this the same problem you reported?
I tested a little bit more. It seems not the same problem. It does not matter what type of background image i chose, the result is the same.

I play a song from an artist with existing artwork (with activated artist fanart, slideshow or mosaic) and i see the correct background artwork. Then i stop the song and go to an artist, that has no existing artwork. I play a song and in the background i see the artwork of the previous artist, no matter what artwork type (artist fanart, slideshow or mosaic) is set.

I would like to simply have a black background, if no artist artwork exist.

Hope this helps.

@latts9923 i Hope you are fine. Again jefe asking how i can coulored the icons i try yo install the addons icons coulored but no works.

Other question some options on the views didnt works maybe is the collections móvies.
I am unable to reproduce the fanart problem you described with "ARTIST FANART" selected.

You can install the Colored Media Icon add-on by installing my repo. Check the first post for more info.
Well ok, my workaround is puttiing a black 1px file as fanart.jpg into artist folder. There is some music from almost unknown artists in my collection, and for them there can't be found good artwork, if any ....

Thanks anyway ...

I have made a couple of changes to my Kodi setup. From now on I'm following the Kodi instructions, regarding extra video library artwork. I moved the fanart1, fanart2, etc images to the main movie/tv shows folders for the movie library. I removed the extrafanart folders. I defined all extra artwork in an advancedsettings.xml and finally I have rescanned my movie/tv show library locally by using .nfo files. Here are my experencies so far.

Movie Library
1). For the movies I have to enable "Artwork Beef Fanart" in the skin top menu to see the fanart1, fanart2, etc images.
2). Enabling "Extra Fanart" in skin the top menu, results in a black background.

Since I'm following the Kodi guidelines now, I had expected that I had to enable "Extra Fanart", instead of "Artwork Beef Fanart" to see the extra fanart images.

TV Shows Library
Section TV Shows
3). For the tv shows I have to enable "Artwork Beef Fanart" in the skin top menu to see the fanart1, fanart2 etc images. Although all my tv shows have extra fanarts in the video folder, for a lot of tv shows I don't see the fanarts rotating. Only the default fanart is displayed
4). Enabling "Extra Fanart" in skin the top menu, results in a black background.

TV Shows Library
Section Seasons
5). Enabling "Default Fanart", "Extra Fanart", or "Season Fanart" in the skin topmenu results in a black background.
In the season skin top menu there's no Artwork Beef Fanart setting in the skin topmenu. Fanart/Extra Fanart in the season windows seems broken.

I also ran into some irregularities regarding extra fanart for the music library. I'll post a separate message for this later.

EDIT: there seems to be a relation between point 3 and 5. When extra fanarts work/rotate for a tv show, the season window has a black background. When extra fanarts don't work/rotate, the season window displays the default fanart.
Windows 11 Pro
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Kodi 20.5 - Aeon MQ9 Nexus Mod

Android - Beelink GT King
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod
Kodi Maven Fork 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod

CoreELEC - Beelink GT King
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod

I've always used a duplicate of my music collection on my external usb hard drive, for adding music to the Kodi library on my Android TV box. But last week I decided to remove the music collection on my external usb hard drive and to use the music collection on my pc (samba shares).

Since I'm using a different folder structure on my pc for my music collection (three root folders/sources divided by genre: hardrock, house, pop) I need to use an Artist Information Folder on my Android TV Box, otherwise the extra artwork will not work correctly.

The Artist information Folder on my Android device, contains subfolders for each artist. Each artist folder, contains all available artist artwork: folder.jpg fanart.jpg, fanart1.jpg, fanart2.jpg etc, logo.png, clearart.png, landscape.jpg, banner.jpg. I don't use extrafanart folders anymore, just like the video library.

All available albumart (folder.jpg, discart.png, spine.jpg, back.jpg) is stored in music album folders on my pc. I have defined the extra artwork for the music library in an avancedsettings.xml. I haven't any artist art in the music folders on my pc, besides a folder.jpg for each artist. (needed for folder thumbnail preview in Windows)

After scanning my music collection into the music library, I ran into the following peculiar issue.

When I enable extrafanart in the library in the skin topmenu, I suddenly have extended artist art in the music folders on my pc. Logo.png, clearart.png, landscape.jpg, banner.jpg. I even have extrafanart folders containing: fanart0.jpg, fanart1.jpg, fanart2.jpg.
For a couple of artists, the wrong fanart is shown, although all my artist have the correct MusicBrainz Artist ID tag. I'm pretty sure that the artist art in the Artist Information Folder on my Android box is being ignored completely and all artist artwork is being downloaded from webservices instead.

Can you confirm and explain please, why the skin is downloading artist artwork to the music folders on my pc? (Artwork Beef is disabled and the same happens in MQ7 Matrix mod)

Here's a screenshot for the Pink Floyd folder on my pc. Check the date and time stamp 12-06-2021 16:07 for the extrafanart folder, banner.jpg, clearart.png, fanart.jpg, landscape.jpg and logo.png. Imho these images should not have been downloaded, since I'm using an Artist Information Folder on my Android TV Box.Image

EDIT 1: I think I found the culprit. The metadata and artwork module. I'll have to run some tests, to be sure.

EDIT 2: It was the metadata and artwork module, which downloaded artist fanart to my music folders. Question: is this module (skin dependency) still necessary, even though I prefer to download my artwork manually? What does this addon do extra, besides downloading artwork?
Windows 11 Pro
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7/MQ9 Omega Mod
Kodi 20.5 - Aeon MQ9 Nexus Mod

Android - Beelink GT King
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod
Kodi Maven Fork 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod

CoreELEC - Beelink GT King
Kodi 21 - Aeon MQ7 Omega Mod

I'll keep trying to reproduce the problem.

1. Yeah, you will have to use "Artwork Beef Fanart" if you no longer use the "extrafanart" subfolder. The "Extra Fanart" setting looks for the "extrafanart" subfolder.
2. Let me check the TV Show "Extra Fanart" setting. I'm pretty sure some of my TV Shows are still using the "extrafanart" subfolder.
3. The Metadata and Artwork module also provides the Top250 and Video Info data (release date, budget, etc.).
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