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v19 Aeon MQ 7 for Matrix Mod
@Juan Mortyme
Shows how much I scroll through the Main Menu settings...haha. That controls the cast in widgets. The bottom right will switch between cast images or text depending on the selection.

Ah...I see what you mean. I'll see what I can do with the Artist fanart.

Do you have a "<formed></formed>" field in your artist NFO?

For your discography, do you have the format set as this?


The "LastFM Albums" button is to display the missing discography. There should be additional LastFM buttons as well, but there is a problem with the Extendedinfo script for Matrix. I get an error every time I open the Music Info screen.
(2022-02-15, 20:33)latts9923 Wrote: @Juan Mortyme
Shows how much I scroll through the Main Menu settings...haha. That controls the cast in widgets. The bottom right will switch between cast images or text depending on the selection.

Ah...I see what you mean. I'll see what I can do with the Artist fanart.

Do you have a "<formed></formed>" field in your artist NFO?

For your discography, do you have the format set as this?


The "LastFM Albums" button is to display the missing discography. There should be additional LastFM buttons as well, but there is a problem with the Extendedinfo script for Matrix. I get an error every time I open the Music Info screen.

That's right, now I remember, it was a selector with the option to change to "Text" but I never changed it and I don't use widgets except for weather.

Yes, my artist nfo contians the "formed" and "disbanded" tags as well as the "born", died" and "yearsavtive" tags. With a band/group the "Training" field displays the the contents of the "formed" tag, the "disanded" tag contents are not displayed. With individual artist the "Born/Died" field only displays the "born" tag contents but the "died" tag contents are not displayed. In either case the "Years active" field is displayed correctly as per the "yearsactive" tag. So it look like "disbanded" and "died" tags are not being read as well as the "Training" field being mislabeled. 

For the discography
Do you mean in the artist.nfo? If you do then the answer is kinda, most don't but some of the artist.nfo files contain a list of albums with the year formated as above but no "musicbrainzreleasegroupid" tag. I added the "musicbrainzreleasegroupid" tag to an artist.nfo that did already have the albums listed but it made no difference. As far as I know Kodi does not import that information from the artist.nfo. I believe it is a legacy from v16 or v17 days. The reason only a few of my artist.nfo contain them is most likely that they are old ones for which I used Kodi to scrape then exported info to generate the .nfo before I found an external program to make music nfo files. Kodi may still export that info but it doesn't import it, at least that's how I read it when I looked into the artist nfo file structure in the wiki. Besides, even the artists with no discography in the nfo display a discography in the Leia version of MQ7MM. However if you are talking about the album.nfo then the answer is yes, all that info is present.

I too get extendedinfo errors when I try to use the ExtendedInfo script which is a shame because it used to be much better than EmbryInfo or TheMovieDbHelper or whatever the replacement is. I wish someone would have taken over maintenance of that script. I think it was changes at audiodb or lastFM shortly after Matrix release that screwed up the music side of it.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7

Continuing on the artist artwork topic. I can't remember if this has been reported yet? All is well now so far as background art cycling while in Artist View mode. However while browsing Albums within the artist only background art working is with Extra Fanart setting on and with extrafanart folder present. The same holds true when browsing Songs within an album. While you're mucking about with those views the label for Artwork Beef setting should be changed to Artwork Helper.

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7
@Juan Mortyme
Let me do some testing with music NFOs...I've never messed with them before.

Yeah, I changed the label to Artwork Helper across the board. I fixed the Artwork Helper code to display the fanart while browsing Albums or Songs. Thanks for letting me know!

Do you not see the Default Fanart for Albums or Songs? It's displaying for me.
Affirmative, default art setting works in all situations.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7
@Juan Mortyme
I tested the Artist NFO. It looks like everything imported, though I had to select Artwork Options > Refresh and Reload on the info page to get it all to display. I also added the Instruments label. You can add <instruments></instruments> to the nfo as well.

Try adding the <died></died> and <disbanded></disbanded> tags.

The "ROLES" button doesn't do anything, at least on the few artists I tried.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7
@Juan Mortyme
I added code to display Formed/Disbanded. The died code was there, it was just missing the "d" for "Artist_Died" (I know Billy Joel didn't die...just there for testing. Haha). I also removed the "ROLES" button...not really sure what purpose that button served.
Whew.. I'm sure Billy will glad to know that!

I think that's all the info text accounted for now.

The "Get Fanart" button doesn't do anything either in the Artist Info dialogue. The "Get Thumb" button instead seem to serve the purpose of "Get Fanart" in that it allows choice of all the different art types and not just the thumb. Now, the "Get Fanart" might just be not working on my setup due to my disabling all online art scraping but the "Get Thumb" shows all my local art so I don't think that's a factor. So I don't know but if the "Get Fanart" button doesn't work for you either, or  even if does work it seems redundant, so maybe it should be eliminated as well? If that's the case then maybe relabeling the "Get Thumb" to "Choose Art" in order to maintain consistency with other Info Dialogues would be in order?
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7

since the update to I've the problem that the audiochannel information for movies is not displayed anymore.
The information for movie sets is working well.

Unfortunately  is not online anymore. So I downgrade back to and the infomation about the audiochannels is OK.

Has anyone the same problem with

@Juan Mortyme
Those buttons actually worked with Krypton..haha. I removed the "GET FANART" button for Leia and Matrix, and renamed the "GET THUMB" button to "CHOOSE ART".

I have a fix for this in the next update. This error presented itself in the last update when I added the new Sets media flags.
UPDATE #20 - This will update the skin to v1.0.2.0

Image Additions
  • I added a new button to the Top Menu named "SHOW DEFAULT FLAGS FOR SETS". It is located under "VIEW OPTIONS/CHANGE VIEW". This allows you to toggle between the default/new media flags for Sets. Thanks to Jumpy73 for the request!
  • I added a new view for Movies/TV Shows/Music Videos named Modern List. I've wanted to add this view for some time, I just never got around to it until now. I've made some tweaks to the original version. You can select different case art just like the Right List view. There are two more controls for the view in the Top Menu (SHOW BANNER IN PLACE OF TITLE, SLIM LIST) located under "VIEW OPTIONS/CHANGE VIEW". Also, if you select right twice it will display a window with detailed info.
  • I added the "ARTWORK HELPER FANART" option to the Top Menu for Music Videos. Thanks to Juan Mortyme for the request!
  • I added custom Extended Info scripts to the skin for Video Info and Video List.
  • I added Total Episodes to the info for TV Shows "Basic Info" in Video Info. Thanks to Angelinas for the idea!
  • I added Instruments to the Music Info for Artists.
  • I added more options to display the American TV MPAA ratings. For example, to display the TV-G rating you can now use the following in your filename...TV-G, TV G, US:TV-G, US:TV G, US: TV-G, and US: TV G. Thanks to Jumpy73 for the request!
  • I added the TV-Y and TV-Y7 icons to the American TV MPAA media flags.
  • I added more options to display the Italian and French MPAA icons. You can now use the following for Italy...T / IT: T / Rated T / Rated: T, VM6 / IT: VM6 / Rated VM6 / Rated: VM6, VM14 / IT: VM14 / Rated VM14 / Rated: VM14, VM18 / IT: VM18 / Rated VM18 / Rated: VM18. For France you can use...TP / FR: TP / FR:TP / France:TP / Rated TP / Rated: TP / U, FR: U / FR:U / France:U / Rated U / Rated: U, -10 / FR: -10 / FR:-10 / France:-10 / Rated 10 / Rated -10 / Rated: -10, -12 / FR: -12 / FR:-12 / France:-12 / Rated 12 / Rated -12 / Rated: -12, -16 / FR: -16 / FR:-16 / France:-16 / Rated 16 / Rated -16 / Rated: -16, -18 / FR: -18 / FR:-18 / France:-18 / Rated 18 / Rated -18 / Rated: -18. Thanks to Jumpy73 for the request!
  • I added five new studios...EXA Entertainment, Fickle Fish, Nagoya TV, New Regency Productions, and Rizzoli Film. Thanks to Jumpy73 for the images!

Image Bug fixes
  • I fixed a problem with missing info for Music Videos in Video Info if Basic Info was selected for Movies/TV Shows.
  • I fixed a problem with the audio label if "AUDIO AND SUBTITLE FLAGS" was set to "TEXT". The path to the audio flag was being displayed along with the text.
  • I fixed a problem with Video Info where the Music Video title was not displaying if the setting "SHOW TITLE ON TOP AS:" was set to "LOGO".
  • I fixed a problem with Video Info where the Music Video clearart was displaying behind the discart.
  • I fixed a problem with the Country Flags. The flag was not displaying in the correct position when certain conditions were met.
  • I updated the ARTWORK HELPER FANART code for Music to also display the default fanart image while browsing Albums or Songs. Thanks to Juan Mortyme for reporting the bug!
  • I fixed a problem with the clearlogo in the jewel box of the Shelf3D view not updating when selecting a different Artist. Thanks to Shredder_guitar for reporting the bug!
  • I fixed a problem with the video title not displaying in certain views when the Top Menu button "SHOW TITLE ON TOP AS:" is set to "LOGO" and either the clearlogo, clearart or banner is missing. Thanks to halidri for reporting the bug!

  • I removed the Last.fm Album label from the bottom of Music Info if Albums are being viewed.
  • I removed the "GET FANART" button from the Music Info screen, and renamed the "GET THUMB" button to "CHOOSE ART". Thanks to Juan Mortyme for the request!

Other updates
  • I uploaded a new version of Colored Media Icons, Colored Studios, and White Studios.
UPDATE #21 - This will update the skin to v1.0.2.1

Image Additions
  • I added the Netherlands MPAA ratings to the widgets and fullscreen media flags.

Image Bug fixes
  • I fixed a problem with the MPAA ratings code. I added the wrong path to the American TV, France and Italy icons. Also, the new France code was interfering with the Netherlands flags. Thanks to MB1968 for reporting this!

  • I adjusted the width of the rating and votes for Video Info to try and keep the text from scrolling. Thanks to MB1968 for the request!
Hey there @latts9923 I'm going to post a few things. sorry if it's kind of long.

Bug #1 

The tomatoe icon won't display in either tv shows or movies



It's just the tomatoe icon, the rotten and fresh icons work fine.





Bug #2

TV Icon will show up in the video codec slot no matter what, even if you have another codec written in the .nfo file

For example:
All of Us are Dead.



And American Horror Story



However I managed to fix this by removing a line located in includesvariables.xml located in "ETIQUETA DE CODEC DE VIDEO" which is:
<value condition="String.Contains(ListItem.Filenameandpath,tv) | Container.Content(tvshows) + !String.Contains(ListItem.Filenameandpath,tv)">$VAR[value_mediaicons_path]videocodec/tv.png</value>



By removing that line, the correct codec provided by the nfo file would show up in the codec slot.




That's how I managed to fix it. I just wanted you to be aware so that you could fix it in the next update.
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Aeon MQ 7 for Matrix Mod0