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v19 Aeon MQ 7 for Matrix Mod

Greetings, check to make sure you have latest script.module.metadatautils and script.skin.helper.service installed I think the latest are v1.0.50 and v1.1.43 respectively. As well resource.images.mediaicons.coloured. Check the 'Detailed Info' on the Info Screen if you are getting the info filled in there then the studio icons should display after Kodi has been running for a while, how long depends on your library size. The country is also dependent on a script and can be hit and miss. Basically it should all work the same as it did with Leia.

You are correct, the third spot on the media bar is for new media type flag. But you are mistaken thinking that adding it was my idea, it was in fact Latts idea. He and I where just bouncing ideas back and forth on how to best implement a feature another user's requested. BTW, should you decide you do want to use it you need only edit your folder names not every file. Also a heads up, that feature is still a WIP so there are bugs that should be worked out with next update. I don't how to or even if it can be removed.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7

If not having the Media Type space is a deal breaker for you I can dig out the last version before it was added for you? Or if you had a Leia version that you were happy with let me know what version it was and I'll try to dig out the Matrix equivalent for you?
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7

Howdy, I figured out why my animated fanart isn't working. It all comes do to the Extra Fanart vs. Artwork Helper Fanart settings. Ever since I moved my extra fanart from Extrafanart folders to the movie's folder in my effort to follow the best practises for Matrix onward I eliminated all Extrafanart folders.

Having done so I use the Artwork Helper Fanart setting exclusively because it cycles all the backgrounds nicely. The only problem seem to be that it doesn't notice when there is animatedfanart present. Using the Extra Fanart setting activates the animated fanart when present but at the expense of using the default fanart only and not cycling, in the case where no animated fanart is present. This leaves the choice of; a) aminated fanart working and when none present only default fanart being used, or, b) cycling fanart but no animated fanart.

A side note regarding Extra Fanart setting. Even when multiple animated fanarts are located in the movie folder it only picks up the first one but if they are in an Extrafanart folder they cycle similar to the regular extra fanart. I assume the Extra Fanart setting expects any fanart1, fanart2, etc. to be in an Extrafanart folder?

So, I guess what I'm asking is can; a) Artwork Helper be changed to recognize animatedfanart, or, b) Extra Fanart be made to not be dependant on Extrafanart folder? I believe (a) would be the better option?

After a little experimenting I found a workaround. By locating the animated fanart in the movie folder and changing the file name from moviename-animatedfanart.gif to moviename-fanart.gif while using the Artwork Helper Fanart setting gets all fanarts to display and cycle normally whether they are .jpg, .gif. or mixed no matter if single or multiple files. This works but it's not ideal since it breaks the conventional rule for file naming. 

Can you look into this, thanks?
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7
@Juan Mortyme
K...I'll take a look at the fanart code.
@Juan Mortyme
It looks like the only way to revert to default fanart if you have "EXTRA FANART" enabled and the extrafanart folder is missing is to remove the extrafanart folder code altogether.
(2022-08-12, 18:27)latts9923 Wrote: @Juan Mortyme
It looks like the only way to revert to default fanart if you have "EXTRA FANART" enabled and the extrafanart folder is missing is to remove the extrafanart folder code altogether.

Alright, changing Extra Fanart setting is a non-starter then can Artwork Helper be modified to recognize -animatedfanart as well as -fanart?
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7
@Juan Mortyme
OK...I updated the code for Artwork Helper to display the animated fanart (or mulitple animated fanarts if available) if you have the setting enabled in the Top Menu. If it is enabled and the animated image/images are missing, it will revert back to using Artwork Helper to display the fanart images. I could make this work for the extrafanart folder as well if I could just figure out how to make the code see that the extrafanart folder is missing. Everything I've tried so far doesn't work.

UPDATE: I just figured out how to make the animated fanart work with the "EXTRA FANART" setting as well.
I forgot that there is already a setting in the player controls at the bottom called "FURNITURE". The default setting is "COMPLETE MODE". You can change to "PARTIAL MODE" and "HIDDEN MODE". Hidden Mode will hide pretty much everything.
(2022-08-13, 18:29)latts9923 Wrote: @kim1406
I forgot that there is already a setting in the player controls at the bottom called "FURNITURE". The default setting is "COMPLETE MODE". You can change to "PARTIAL MODE" and "HIDDEN MODE". Hidden Mode will hide pretty much everything.

I think I tried that earlier, anyhow, I will check it again. Thanks anyway.
(2022-06-12, 00:04)latts9923 Wrote:
UPDATE #24 - This will update the skin to v1.0.2.4

  • I adjusted the code for posters in widgets so that they all display the same aspect. I also adjusted the position of the watched flag. Thanks to loich67 for the request!
This looks fine for movies and tv shows. Unfortunately it looks very awful on other pages, e.g. Music albums, TV stations logos, Radio station logos and others. Wide logos look compressed and sometimes are almost not recognizable. Maybe you can make the aspect as an option?

I made a change to the code where the new aspect ratio only applies to Movies. It will be part of the next update.
Good to hear, thanks.

Another problem, maybe skin related:
I just setup the addon IAGL (Internet Archive Games Launcher) using Kodi Retroplayer to play Retrogames. All the time during playing any game, i see the text "Buffering ...%" in the middle of the screen.
This does not happen with Estuary Skin.

In the IAGL thread the problem was already mentioned a few years ago:

I think, this is a general problem of Kodi Retroplayer using Aeon MQ skin.

Do you have an idea?
Hmm...I"ll have to take a look at Retroplayer.
UPDATE #25 - This will update the skin to v1.0.2.5

Image Additions
  • I added the studio icons Mendelson Melendez Productions and Well Go Entertainment.
  • I added a Birthday button to the Visual Effects. This will display a Happy Birthday banner and other images. Thanks to @martinsvision for the request!
  • I added an option in the Top Menu named "OPEN CASE" for the Showcase view. This will work whether the "STACKED" button is enabled or not. I also added the option "OPEN SET AS BOXCASE" for Sets. Thanks to @Skin helper error for the request and @Mike_Doc for the code from the Madnox skin!

  • I added code to the Showcase view to display animated posters.
  • I added an option to display the DTS High Resolution Audio and DTS Master Audio icons for the audiocodec flag. Add ".dtshd-hra." to your filename to display the DTS High Res. flag. Add ".dtshd-ma.", ".dtshdma.", or ".dtsma." to display the DTS Master Audio flag.
  • I changed the TV Show case for Shelf 3D and Shelf 3D v2. It will now display the studio logo instead of "TV SERIES". If the studio is missing, it will revert back to "TV SERIES". Thanks to @Skin helper error for the request!
  • I added Movies, Sets, TV Shows, Seasons and Episodes options to the Forced View setting in the Top Menu. Thanks to @Chalklands for the request!
  • I added an option to Extra Fanart and Artwork Helper to display animated fanart (or multiple animated fanarts if available) if you have "CINEMAGRAPH FANART" enabled in the Top Menu. If the animated fanart is missing it will revert back to Extra Fanart or Artwork Helper. Thanks to @Juan Mortyme for the request!
  • I added a glowing Bluray videocodec to the Multiplex view for the focused Movie. This is a test run to see what everyone thinks. If you like the glow effect, I can add it to the other videocodecs as well. If you'd rather not have a glowing videocodec, I can add a Top Menu button to disable it. Thanks to @3000 for the request!

Image Bug fixes
  • I fixed a problem with KodiFlixTV displaying both the default and KodiFlix flags. Thanks to @Juan Mortyme for reporting the bug!
  • I fixed a problem with Sets Default Fanart and Extra Fanart settings. They were not working correctly.
  • The album art was not displaying for songs in the RightList view if "CHARACTER ART POSTER" was selected for Movies.
  • The 5th and 7th movie in the Sets flags were not displaying the aspectratio flag.
  • I fixed the problem with non-movie widgets displaying the incorrect aspect ratio.
  • The Total Art view was not displaying in the view selector list for Sets.

  • The following streaming service icons will now display as a studio flag instead of mediatype or videocodec...Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV+, Disney+, HBO Max, Hulu, Netflix. The Netflix Film and Netflix Series icons will display as mediatype icons if ".netflix_film" or ".netflix_series" are included in the file name. Thanks to @Juan Mortyme for the research and request!
  • I changed the Sets case image for Shelf 3D and Shelf 3D v2. Thanks to @Skin helper error for the request!

There is also an updated version of the Colored Media Icons add-on available on my repo.
UPDATE #26 - This will update the skin to v1.0.2.6

Image Bug fixes
  • The KodiFlix flags were displaying for KodiFlixTV whether you had "SHOW KODIFLIX FLAGS" enabled or not. Thanks to @MB1968 for reporting the bug!

  • I added code to remove the Fullscreen Middle Art artwork from the pause screen when hide furniture is selected.
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Aeon MQ 7 for Matrix Mod0