Repacked Textures.xbt for Aeon MQ7 Leia Mod v1.0.6.1
For anyone using the MQ7 skin v1.0.6.1 for Leia that would prefer a cleaner look without the ... being displayed on the Media Bar where there is information missing.
This Textures.xbt only differs from the original in that I have replace the flag_default.png with a clear blank .png. This will not have any adverse effect on functionality so all flags will still display if/when the required information is available.
How to install:
1) Make a backup copy of the original Textures.xbt file first in case you wish to revert back to default.
2) Unzip the download.
3) Using the Textures.xbt from download replace the existing Textures.xbt file located in the skin's "Media" folder.
Media Bar will missing info but no ...
Media Bar fully populated