2024-02-03, 14:21
Right now there is no studio icon available for MGM+ Studios. I will create one and add it.
Right now there is no studio icon available for MGM+ Studios. I will create one and add it.
(2024-02-03, 14:21)latts9923 Wrote: @andrzejls@latts9923 Thanks.
Right now there is no studio icon available for MGM+ Studios. I will create one and add it.
(2024-01-31, 14:16)latts9923 Wrote: @MB1968I'm currently using the test version compiled by Castagnait on Github. Hopefully the fix will be implemented in the first official Kodi 21 release Thanks for reporting the issue on Github. I hope for you that it won't cause you extra work.
I created an issue on Github for this. I'll see what they report.
(2024-02-05, 11:38)Juan Mortyme Wrote: @latts9923I was able to regain bottom Media Bar in "nightly" (did not tested, yet, in "vanila" BETA 2) by going to Top Menu --> View Type and selecting "MEDIA FLAG SIZE". I think it is a great addition to GUI.
Thank you for the update!
I like the adjustable media flags size option and the multi animated fanarts.
A couple of things though. I've lost the Media Bar from the bottom of the Video Info Screen. As well as, the small Country label flag has reverted to not being displayed in cases where a movie is not found in online database. These issues exist in MQ9 on Kodi 20.3, 21.0 beta2 and 21.0 nightly 2024.02.04.
(2024-02-05, 13:45)latts9923 Wrote: @andrzejls@latts9923. I see the "cell" outline/border in "STUDIO", "MPAA" and 2 other to the right of "MPAA" field.
You're welcome!
You're right. I can see it on the TV-14 image. I opened it in Photoshop and sure enough there are some artifacts that are all but transparent. I'll compile the textures file again and make sure that fixes it. What specific flags are showing this way on yours?
(2024-02-05, 13:45)latts9923 Wrote: @Juan Mortyme@latts9923 Somehow I cannot find this code "<include>media_flags</include>" in DialogVideoInfo.xml file.
You're welcome!
Doh! I changed the name of the flags include and I forgot to modify the video info screen code. Open DialogVideoInfo.xml and find...
Change this to...
I'll take a look at the country flag.
(2024-02-05, 16:14)latts9923 Wrote: @andrzejls@latts9923. These "artifacts are only visible in TV Shows --> Seasons. It has nothing to do, as far as I can tell, with with studio icons nor mpaa. It is not a big deal, just a small visual defect that you have to really look for to see.
I can take a look at the other flags, but the studios are a different story. There are a lot of studio icons. I can look at a specific studio if you have one that is showing these artifacts.
That include is only in the MQ 8 version of video info.
(2024-02-05, 13:45)latts9923 Wrote: @Juan Mortyme@latts9923
You're welcome!
Doh! I changed the name of the flags include and I forgot to modify the video info screen code. Open DialogVideoInfo.xml and find...
Change this to...
I'll take a look at the country flag.
You're welcome!
You're right. I can see it on the TV-14 image. I opened it in Photoshop and sure enough there are some artifacts that are all but transparent. I'll compile the textures file again and make sure that fixes it. What specific flags are showing this way on yours?