latts9923 Here you have a link to download the translated files:
Kodi Addons spanish files
I've tried to follow your tips for the Filmstrip HD icons addon, and somehow got it to work, but let me explain:
1. I've copied the genre icons to addons\resource.images.moviegenreicons.filmstrip-hd.colour\resources, and I've translated all the file names. Then Kodi doesn't notice at all. [
Is there any particular subfolder I could create in this route for it to work?]
2. With the TextureTool you provided, I recompiled all the translated genre icon files on a Textures.xbt, and replaced the original one on addons\resource.images.moviegenreicons.filmstrip-hd.colour\resources. Then Kodi began to show some translated icons, but not all of them (there wasn't any icon in these last ones). I noticed the problem was in the files with a written accent, which were not directly recognized by Kodi.
3. I thought maybe it was a character code related problem, so I replaced the accented letter in those file names with their UTF-8 counterpart (i.e. "á" is "á", so "Fantástico.jpg" changes to "Fantástico.jpg"). I recompiled again the Textures file, and bingo! All of them are now recognized. I'd prefer to use particular subfolder directly in the Android file system, and in ANSI code, but at least there's a solution for this problem. I've included all these files in the link above, so you have the UTF-8 translated files and the recompiled Textures.xbt files, all of them in spanish (as well as the translated country flags files, these in ANSI code).
Now I have a derivated problem. When I select the Movie - Genres from the submenu, I'm able to see all the icons without trouble. But when I try to do the same thing via Widget (Movies > Genres > sort by genre) I don't see the icons. There seems to be a different set of movie genre icons in the widget than the one selected in Aeon MQ 9 for the genre submenu option, and I'm not able to find where they are taken from. This is what I see:
That's the screen when I select the Genre widget sorted by genre. The icons are correctly displayed on the bottom row.
And this is what I see when I bring down directly the widget. The icons should be on the bottom row, but I'm only able to see that "Romance" icon, which is the second one on the row. All the others aren't displayed, and besides the Romance icon is from a different icon set I cannot find on the Android file system.
Any tip for this?
Many thanks!