2024-02-17, 21:02
It think would be great if you create individual clearart/clearlogo controls. Thanks
After modifying both files "Seasons" in some third party addons would show "clearlogo" but in addon font not real show "cearlogo".I think it dependent on the third party add-on and I am not sure it is worth pursuing.
(2024-02-17, 14:42)latts9923 Wrote: @andrzejlsSomehow I can see Season "clealogo" or "clearart" depending on what I select in Settings --> Skin Settings --> Contextual Art. Episodes show "clearart".
That change you made now says to display clearart for only Episodes if the TV Show is missing the image clearart1. You won't see anything for Seasons.
I will create individual clearart/clearlogo controls for Movies, TV Shows, Seasons and Episodes in "CONTEXTUAL ART"...can't hurt to add a little more customization.
It think would be great if you create individual clearart/clearlogo controls. Thanks
(2024-02-17, 14:42)latts9923 Wrote: Also, I think I just figured out the missing artwork for video add-ons. Try this for me if you would. Open View01-50.xml. Not far down from the top you will see "$VAR[media_art]". Above that control add this...Modifying both files, as per your instruction, provided disply of "clearlogo" in third party add-on fonts (not a real "clearlogo") in Seasons in view 17, 21 only but still nothing for Episodes.
xml:<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="center" aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
<texture background="true">$VAR[media_art_addon]</texture>
<visible>!Skin.HasSetting(view_50_art_off) + Window.IsActive(videos,addons)</visible>
Now open Variables.xml and below the "media_art" variable add this...
xml:<variable name="media_art_addon">
<value condition="[Container.Content(seasons) | Container.Content(episodes)] + !Skin.HasSetting(prefer_video_clearart_off)">$INFO[ListItem.Art(clearart)]</value>
<value condition="[Container.Content(seasons) | Container.Content(episodes)] + Skin.HasSetting(prefer_video_clearart_off)">$INFO[ListItem.Art(clearlogo)]</value>
Now see if you have artwork for Seasons and Episodes in video add-ons.
After modifying both files "Seasons" in some third party addons would show "clearlogo" but in addon font not real show "cearlogo".I think it dependent on the third party add-on and I am not sure it is worth pursuing.
(2024-02-17, 14:42)latts9923 Wrote: Crap...yep, I found the problem with the music artwork in some views. What fun coding is...change something in one spot and it affects things in 10 other places. Haha.I know the pain, did a lot of coding in MS Access and Oracle databases some years ago. Can be PITA if you ask me.