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Mod Aeon MQ 9 Mod for Kodi 21 (Omega)
@latts9923 One thing I did notice is that the “Show Aeon MQ 8 Video Info” setting did maintain thru the update and I did not have to flip it off/on. However, the “Show Aeon MQ 8 Extended Info” did not and I did have to flip it off/ on.

Update - One thing to note is that I switched back to auto install from repo instead of installing from zip like I had been doing so perhaps that is the difference as to why “Show Aeon MQ 8 Video Info” persisted. Seems like auto installing from repo is fixed now and no longer takes forever.

wags1 is correct, the Extended Info switch is restored but the actual screen is reset to default. Sorry, I must have forgot to check, you know how that goes.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.1 Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.8| Kodi 21.1  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.3.2
@Juan Mortyme
I've been including the MQ 8 Video Info and the MQ 8 Extended Info file in the updates by mistake...it should be the default files. So when you update the skin, it should switch back to the default Video Info and Extended Info even if you reset and restore a backup. Since I'm using scripts to switch between the files, I don't see any way to retain the MQ 8 versions on an update or reset/backup.

I haven't made any changes to the repo, but I'm glad it's working for you now.
I dont' find how to have minimalist information when I pause a video.
I don't want the summary, the cover, or anything else. I just wish to have to possibilities to have "PAUSED" displayed on the screen,or simply...nothing.

I did that before, but I don't remember how...
Could someone help me ?
(2024-05-20, 19:53)Groooompf Wrote: Hi,
I dont' find how to have minimalist information when I pause a video.
I don't want the summary, the cover, or anything else. I just wish to have to possibilities to have "PAUSED" displayed on the screen,or simply...nothing.

I did that before, but I don't remember how...
Could someone help me ?
@Groooompf Goto Settings --> SKIN SETTINGS --> GENERAL SETTINGS and diselect "CHANGE PAUSE SCREEN"
Linux Mint 22 "Wilma", Cinnamon DE
NVIDIA Shield Pro, OMV NAS,  Fractal Design Define R5 Case
Kodi "Omega", FreeBSD "pfSense Plus" Firewall/Router
Perfect, that's what I was looking for !
Thank you for maintaining this theme! I noticed an issue with the ratings int eh tv and movie lists. I am not sure if I am missing something? Here are some screen shots of the issue. I was expecting the lower rated show to have a different color rating. I am using omega and version 1.2.6. Thanks in advance!



Hello, I'm new to the forum and to the skin. The skin, version 1.2.6. is amazing - the best I had so far. As I said, I did a new install- repo and skin ( using zip files). Now I switched the skin auto-update

However, my skin install has  a bug and it seems it missing something:
1. Bug - when I'm searching, using the Slyguy Extended search+ (as well the Extended search+ which is bundled with Kodi stock skin- I switched both scripts/plugins, the stok one and Slyguy one, few times, with the same bad result) the search result appears in Estuary dialog and not at all in Aeon MQ 9 Mod v.1.26 dialog. The search result freezes the screen, and I am unable to use it. I have enclosed screenshots for your reference (right mouse click & open link in a new window, or copy & paste link below)

2. It seems to me the skin misses the File Manager, I can't find the add repo command which results in it no possibility to add a repo manually- no interface to write the repo address. The workaround is to always install the repo using zip files, which sometimes is not possible.

Would you please provide some suggestions on how to fix the bug and eventually find out the File Manager, or suggest a technique for inputting manually the repo URL.
I have full SMB access to manipulate all skins xml files on my Nvidia TV Shield pro file system and external USB 1 TB SSD attached, where all Kodi files are installed

Thank you in advance for your help
You're welcome!

I am so far unable to reproduce your problem. Have you tried resetting the skin?

Howdy...glad you like the skin!

1. I've searched three times with the default search option and it returns results every time with the Estuary search results screen.

2. From Settings in the main menu, hit down twice to open the submenu and you will see the link for the Files Manager.
(2024-05-24, 21:25)latts9923 Wrote: @Karny
You're welcome!

I am so far unable to reproduce your problem. Have you tried resetting the skin?

Howdy...glad you like the skin!

1. I've searched three times with the default search option and it returns results every time with the Estuary search results screen.

2. From Settings in the main menu, hit down twice to open the submenu and you will see the link for the Files Manager.
Thanks again for the hard work and for taking the time to answer so quickly.

1. I didn't try to reset the skin. Would you please provide the 2-3 steps procedure to keep the preferences and where exactly do the reset. I'm still not familiar with that skin which is very nice but complex for the newbies.

2. I may see in the submenu the link "Files" and than I have acces to the shares, as well a possibility to add share. Is it possible to use that functionality to add repo URL? Or I'm still missing someting and 'Files" is not the File Manager?

Thank you for your help and best regards
@pitkin For #1:
First make sure you have the addon “Skin Helper Service Skin Backup” installed, then:

1 - Go to Skin Settings, Restore Settings, and click on Export Skin Settings and ensure that it saves a restore point.
2 - Go to Skin Settings, Restore Settings, and click on “Show Skin Reset Button” and then click on “Reset Skin”.
3 - Once that completes go back to Skin Settings, Restore Settings, and click on “import Skin Settings” and then click on the restore that you created in step 1.
Once that completes your skin should be back to the way you had it configured when you exported your skin settings in step 1.
(2024-05-24, 21:25)latts9923 Wrote: @Karny
You're welcome!

I am so far unable to reproduce your problem. Have you tried resetting the skin?

I reset the skin on one of the last updates (as directed in the notes). I just reset the skin again (both re-apply and reset), closed and re-opened kodi. My changes/settings aren't there, but I still see the same color regardless of teh rating (green). Where it should change color (at least in did in previous iterations of the skin; like mq8 mod in nexus). I must be missing something here, maybe an addon or something. <shrug>
Not sure if this helps, but seems interesting to me... If I go in the show info; in the top right; the color shows correct on the rating. The show list I am using is "view type-18"... I checked out the other view types and most of them seem to have the same issue except view type 17 which also shows the right color. Does that help, any suggestion on things to try? I appreciate your help! Smile
(2024-05-25, 01:22)wags1 Wrote: @pitkin For #1:
First make sure you have the addon “Skin Helper Service Skin Backup” installed, then:

1 - Go to Skin Settings, Restore Settings, and click on Export Skin Settings and ensure that it saves a restore point.
2 - Go to Skin Settings, Restore Settings, and click on “Show Skin Reset Button” and then click on “Reset Skin”.
3 - Once that completes go back to Skin Settings, Restore Settings, and click on “import Skin Settings” and then click on the restore that you created in step 1.
Once that completes your skin should be back to the way you had it configured when you exported your skin settings in step 1.
Thank you very much for the support, wags1. I really appreciate!!

1. I did the first 2 steps- backup and resetting the Aeon MQ 9 Mod skin;
2. then copied the backup files from "script.skin.helper.skinbackup" on a different place
3. switched to Estuary skin & uninstalled Aeon MQ 9 Mod
4. Exit Kodi and flushed Kodi cash
5. Plugged off the Nvidia Shield TV cord and restarted it
6. Started Kodi and from Estuary interface, went to Latts Kodi repo and reinstalled Aeon MQ 9 Mod skin
7. Copied back in .kodi\addons\script.skin.helper.skinbackup the backup files
8. Than performed the 3rd step in restoring the Skin Settings from the backup
All that procedure took no more than 15 min., incl. the Aeon MQ 9 Mod repo reinstall-really very, very quick and very smooth reinstall (without any turning wheel problem as mentioned somewhere in that forum tread).

Unfortunately, my problem persisted- any search is returning results within the Estuary search results dialog.

Something is messed up with the dialogues' identification.

I'm wondering whether it is possible to hack the original code in the xml files - exchanging the number of the Aeon MQ 9 Mod skin search result dialog with some unusual one in the 3000 or 5000 range f.ex and exchanging that number within the search routine.

Your suggestions and help will be really welcome
I'll elaborate a bit more regarding the hack I think is possible to be used- similar to that one which forced the music to be played in full screen ( Aeon MQ 9 Mod have that function in the settings):

<window type="dialog" id="3001">
<onload condition="!Window.IsActive(visualisation)">FullScreen</onload>

 In that hack, the conditions are to be different- onload condition, corresponding to the Aeon MQ 9 Mod search result dialog code, which will be visible should the search has a result

I'm not a coder, and probably this is only one of my stupid ideas. Don't laugh to much at me, please
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Aeon MQ 9 Mod for Kodi 21 (Omega)0