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Mod Aeon MQ 9 Multi-Mod for Kodi 20 (Nexus)

Try .webrip and clearlogo.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7
What happened to my post? I swear I hit "Post Reply" this morning. Dang it!

Your webtv case problem is definitely due to me adding the webdl case. Try this...open Includes.xml and find <include name="media_case_video">. Six includes down will be the code for the webtv case. Change that visible line to...
<param name="visible" value="String.Contains($PARAM[condition]($PARAM[item]).Filenameandpath,.web.) | String.Contains($PARAM[condition]($PARAM[item]).Filenameandpath,.webtv) | String.Contains($PARAM[condition]($PARAM[item]).Filenameandpath,webrip) | String.Contains($PARAM[condition]($PARAM[item]).Filenameandpath,.webrip) | String.Contains($PARAM[condition]($PARAM[item]).Filenameandpath,.web-rip)" />

See if that fixes the missing cases.

And Juan is right...clearlogo.png is the Kodi standard. That should fix your missing logos.
(2024-02-24, 21:56)latts9923 Wrote: What happened to my post? I swear I hit "Post Reply" this morning. Dang it!

Your webtv case problem is definitely due to me adding the webdl case. Try this...open Includes.xml and find <include name="media_case_video">. Six includes down will be the code for the webtv case. Change that visible line to...

Well.. That produced a change... I now see a blank gray case on some movies ( I think i was expecting a green case with the webtv logo), others are still missing a case.
Some movies have this 

Missing case movie filenames...
Down to Earth - (2001) - Web-DL - 1080p - h265 - AAC
The Amityville Murders - (2018) - Web-DL - 1080p - h264 - AC3
The Amityville Harvest - (2020) - Web-DL - 1080p - h264 - EAC3
Antebellum - (2020) - Web-DL - 1080p - h265 - AAC

"And Juan is right...clearlogo.png is the Kodi standard. That should fix your missing logos." Ok, I think switching Contextual Art>Art-Movies/MusicVideos to clearlogo may have fixed what i was after...The logo displayed on Movie Sets kodiflix view in the upper left corner. For my understanding, are we saying that 'logo.png' is not needed or used anywhere in the platform?
Kodi ver.19.1  Aeon MQ 8 Matrix Mod Windows 10 
I tested a Movie with "Webrip" in the name (no leading or trailing periods) and it displays the WebTV case and logo in all views. I did find a bug with using Web-DL in Poster Zoom, but the rest of the views display the WebDL case and logo. I'm not sure why yours is still acting funny. I'm going to try and get an update out today...see if that fixes the problem.

Correct on logo.png...I would recommend renaming them all to clearlogo.png. You can still manually select logo.png, but Kodi will not add that image when you scan items into the library.
UPDATE #24 - This will update the skin to v1.6.4

Image Additions
  • I added code to Sets for View Type-16 that will allow you the option to display the clearlogo and plot for each Movie in the Set. There are also now three separate buttons for "PLOT:"...one for Movies, Sets and TV Shows. There is a new option for the "PLOT:" setting for Sets named "EXTENDED PLOT WITH CLEARLOGO". Thanks to Shredder_guitar for the request!
  • The country flag now displays in the media flags for Movies that have multiple Countries listed. It will display the flag of the first Country in the list.
  • The country flag now displays in the media flags and Country label (in View Type-01) for TV Shows, Seasons and Episodes.

Image Bug fixes
  • The ART settings for View Type-06 when viewing Sets was not changing the artwork for the focused item.
  • The WebDL case was not displaying in View Type-34.

  • I changed the code for the Movie country text/flag in the MQ 8 Video Info screen. It will now display up to three countries (if available) using Embuary Helper. Thanks to Fuchs2468 for the suggestion!
  • I changed the code for the "ARTWORK HELPER" button. The TV Show will still cycle the main fanart, but now the Seasons and Episodes will cycle the Season fanart. Thanks to Juan Mortyme for the request!
(2024-02-25, 13:52)latts9923 Wrote: @Shredder_guitar
I tested a Movie with "Webrip" in the name (no leading or trailing periods) and it displays the WebTV case and logo in all views. I did find a bug with using Web-DL in Poster Zoom, but the rest of the views display the WebDL case and logo. I'm not sure why yours is still acting funny. I'm going to try and get an update out today...see if that fixes the problem.

Correct on logo.png...I would recommend renaming them all to clearlogo.png. You can still manually select logo.png, but Kodi will not add that image when you scan items into the library.

After doing the lastest update, from what i can tell so far this appears to be fixed for all the movies that i noticed the issue on. Thank you for fixing!!

The movie set clear logo does give this view a more 'completeness' look to it, IMO; nice job dude!
*update* just noticed on the movie set change, can the release year still be included somewhere in the plot info? underneath the logo?
Kodi ver.19.1  Aeon MQ 8 Matrix Mod Windows 10 
Hello @latts9923 I haven't written in your threads for a while. I continue with aeon mq7 in kodi Leia. I came across this by chance. but I don't understand exactly how the multi mod works. Should I download kodi Nexus? or does it work on any kodi? artwort beeff does it work? or is there any substitute? Sorry for so many questions but I don't quite understand how this multi mod works. how you are always the best and the best skin we can have. If this multi mod works well, I'm going to try it because Kodi Leia gives me a lot of problems with unexpected closures. Thanks for everything, greetings friend.

MQ7 Mod has versions for Matrix and Nexus but not Omega yet (coming soon). Artwork Beef is dead, replaced by settings in the Media Settings that cause Kodi to import any and all artwork into it's database when first scanning/scraping new additions to the library.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7
(2024-02-25, 21:34)Juan Mortyme Wrote: @Eladios

MQ7 Mod has versions for Matrix and Nexus but not Omega yet (coming soon). Artwork Beef is dead, replaced by settings in the Media Settings that cause Kodi to import any and all artwork into it's database when first scanning/scraping new additions to the library.

Hello mate. What a joy to read here too. thanks for the information. Tomorrow I will install kodi Nexus and aeon mq7. I will follow the installation instructions.
I have seen that it is already quite advanced. I imagine everything works well. I tried it in version but it didn't convince me. especially since artwort beeff didn't work.

If he is now dead, how can we choose the logo and images from the saga collection. When I tried it, no logo appeared in the sagas. Good friend, thank you for everything, you are also always here to help. all the best
You're welcome! Thanks...yeah, the clearlogo and plot addition does look pretty cool. I can look at showing the year in front of the plot...similar to the tagline for Movies.

Howdy, good to hear from you. For your local artwork, you can use Artwork Dump to pull in your artwork to Kodi.

For Sets, if you have local artwork saved for your Set, Artwork Dump will add that artwork as well...provided that the Set folder is named the same as the Set in Kodi.

A lot changed beginning with Matrix. Even though you want to jump to Nexus I strongly recommend reading the MQ7 Mod for Matrix thread first then MQ7 Mod for Nexus where you can post your questions about the MQ7 Mod.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson
Using: Windows 10 Pro | Kodi 21.0 + Aeon MQ7 Multi-Mod 1.0.2 | Kodi 21.0  + Aeon MQ9 Multi-Mod 1.2.7
I see you have the option to select a custom background image for each submenu item, but I don't think that was ever fully implemented in the skin.
@latts9923, Thank you for that. Thought I might have been doing something wrong.

If that could be implemented at some point in the future, that would be great. Definitely not a show stopper. But having different artwork for sub menu choices would go a long way towards improving the look and ease of use of that functionality on a big screen.

Overall, absolutely love this mod. It is my favorite skin by far. I'm having so much fun dialing it in to my personal tastes. You really have done a fantastic job. Thanks again for all your hard work here.
Is MQ9 ever going to get the animated menu bars frm MQ8 like the lava, Halloween ect. Is it even possible ?
There seems to be an old issue that has resurfaced for me regarding background fanart for TV shows/seasons/episodes (movies/movie sets seem to be fine). 
What I want is... 

With Artwork helper enabled... 
View  24 - TV Show - cycling background or static fanart (doesn't matter to me at this level) - this is working
View  26 - Seasons - cycling background or static fanart (not season-fanart) This works with static fanart, except for when season fanart is present, I don't want season-fanart to display
View  17 - episodes - cycling background fanart (not season fanart) This sort of works... I will see 1 fanart then instead of cycling another fanart, I see the default tv shows background

The reason I don't want season fanart is because TMM pulls in DVD case size fanart as season fanart and so the image is stretched out...this seems to be common for what is pulled for this type of artwork. 
I have Artwork Helper enabled, but i get varying results depending on which fanart option is selected, but none of them fit the criteria on what I'm looking for. 
Can someone guide on what SHOULD be the correct option (I feel like the correct option for this swas skin helper fanart, but that seems not to be working) ? I'm not sure at this point if this is a legit bug or if a setting is off.

Note: I temporarily switched back to the Aeon mq9 skin instead of aeon mq9-nexus mod and these issues are not present and works as desired.
Kodi ver.19.1  Aeon MQ 8 Matrix Mod Windows 10 
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Aeon MQ 9 Multi-Mod for Kodi 20 (Nexus)0