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Additional information...

No sound on any of the Shows I tried using the updated CBC addon installed on my Android mobile phone either, regardless of whether I was on the local LAN or connected to my provider. Audio stream greyed out. This worked fine using the older addon when off the LAN, as described in my previous posts.

OK, the Audio stream and closed captions are separate playlist entries.... not sure just disable the bitrate stuff in the options and it'll go back to what it was before (but whatever issues you used to have you likely still will).

I'll see if there is a way to set that explicitly.
I never touched the bitrate options when I first tried the updated addon. It doesn't matter what either of those two options is set at, I get video but no sound.

With respect to CC, I can toggle that on and the closed captioning comes up fine.

(2018-05-06, 19:49)WildPhydeaux Wrote: [ -> ]I never touched the bitrate options when I first tried the updated addon. It doesn't matter what either of those two options is set at, I get video but no sound.

With respect to CC, I can toggle that on and the closed captioning comes up fine.

Turning them both off should have sound.
Ahhh... Well, duh.. Yep, turned both off and audio/video work fine for the couple random show I tried. I'll try more later but it seems like my issues are resolved.

Good work Micahg, and thank you.

Must have just been a good day for streaming when I did the above testing. It hasn't worked a single time since then, back to the "one or more items failed..." error message a minute or so after trying to play any Show or Live station.

Just wanted to comment, I use this addon daily and the only problem I have ever had several times I had to delete the addon data file as someone suggested.

Other than that it has always worked for me. It has always opened slow but I can live with that.

Running Minix U1 Android with a VPN.

Thanks again for this addon micahg, one of my favorite.
(2018-05-09, 23:45)rocko Wrote: [ -> ]Just wanted to comment, I use this addon daily and the only problem I have ever had several times I had to delete the addon data file as someone suggested.

Other than that it has always worked for me. It has always opened slow but I can live with that.

Running Minix U1 Android with a VPN.

Thanks again for this addon micahg, one of my favorite.
Logging out shorld have the same effect....
micahg Wrote: [ -> ]Logging out should have the same effect....

Or in my case, no difference whatsoever. Lol.

Logging out has worked for me.
Just lost the Shows content as of today. Logging out and deleting the addon folder didn’t work this time.

Edit: Sorry for the false alarm. Everything magically returned.
(2018-05-11, 06:09)Warner306 Wrote: [ -> ]Just lost the Shows content as of today. Logging out and deleting the addon folder didn’t work this time.

Edit: Sorry for the false alarm. Everything magically returned.
See post one for a log posting please
(2018-05-11, 12:51)micahg Wrote: [ -> ]
(2018-05-11, 06:09)Warner306 Wrote: [ -> ]Just lost the Shows content as of today. Logging out and deleting the addon folder didn’t work this time.

Edit: Sorry for the false alarm. Everything magically returned.
See post one for a log posting please 
 If it happens again, I'll report back. Everything is there at the moment.
I can't get it to work. (System: ATV1, system build is Kinos 1.6 (latest), based on Ubuntu 12.04, Kodi is 16.1)

Logfile: https://paste.kodi.tv/liruyogije

It gave an error on the top bar after an attempt to launch, never got to a new screen. I have a CBC account that has just been created and also verified. IP address is within Canada.

Please help!
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