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v19 Aeon MQ 8 for Matrix Mod
You're welcome! Did you edit your Movies submenu to only have the two listings?

You're welcome! You bet...it was your idea to add that feature, so I wanted to give you credit.
@latts9923  hi thanks for your reply, i didnt edit anything but what i am trying for is your skin to act like aeon nox espescially with sub menu , when i look at your skin in cat eg movies then go to submenu it seems that i can only add so many cat to sub menu so i had to figure out a way to add all items in cat then add to sub menu through super favourites  this is why there is only 2 cat in sub menu , in aeon nox you can add as many items in sub menu as you want like this  .
i saw that you put the latest update for your skin so i tried it out download the files and over rit the orignal files restarted kodi and it went back to the estuary skin when i went to get the skin back it was not there unsure what happened but i will start again..  hi i redone kodi matrix with your skin put everything i wanted into the skin that i was intrested in done update to new version of skin i dont think my new menu bar works with the update version of your skin 1014 as it goes back to early version and had to reinstall  or re add things like resource.images.skinthemes.aeonmq not sure if the issue is me or the update  thanks for your help and advice

(2021-07-25, 13:37)latts9923 Wrote: @halidri
I fixed the size of the logo...thanks for letting me know! I see a black "blob" flash at the top left of the poster when I change actors on Leia and Matrix. I'll see if I can figure out what that is.

Hi @latts9923 Both issueses are not fixed with latest update.
@latts9923 Thanks for the update and the rating stars toggle! Two things I noticed using music layout 7 - 

1 - The next track toggle doesn't seem to turn on or off the next track display, it's always on.
2 - The banner doesn't show up at all anymore no matter if you have the banner toggle on or off. I honestly don't know if the banner toggle worked before or not as I always had it on but now the banner does not rotate thru the displays in the lower right like it used to. I only get the albums and the next track displays.
Is anyone else having issues with the studio logos, revenue, budget, oscar info working.  I've had it working in the past but then it just suddenly quits.  I have the api keys in metadatautils.  I'm starting to think this could be a mysql issue but not sure.  Its really frustrating.  I can usually get it to work for a little while with a fresh install but it always quits working.  Any tricks to get it working again without having to rebuild everything?  I've tried deleting simplecache adn restarting kodi but it doesn't fix it.  Thanks!
(2021-08-14, 12:25)latts9923 Wrote: @ChiWang
If you follow the installation guide in the first post, it should install with no problems.

no Sorry ist's not working on android Boxes or nvidia Shield.
@latts9923  Thanks for making the batman theme I designed!! you rock! Except, I don't find any of the holiday/star wars/ batman theme images anywhere? Do I have to implement my own images?

*update* NVM! I figured it out
(2021-09-11, 18:17)Shredder_guitar Wrote: @latts9923  Thanks for making the batman theme I designed!! you rock! Except, I don't find any of the holiday/star wars/ batman theme images anywhere? Do I have to implement my own images?

You have to download Additional Aeon MQ themes file from the first page, first post. To use theme you have to install addon Skin Themes - Aeon MQ from kodi repository.
If you go to SETTINGS > CUSTOMISE MAIN MENU, scroll down to MOVIES and go left to access the submenu items, you should be able to edit a list of 20 submenu items.

Doh! You're right...I fixed the Leia version, but not the Matrix Mod. It will be part of the next update. Thanks for letting me know!

I just disabled "SHOW NEXT TRACKS" and it does not show on the Music Viz screen. I just noticed Similar Artists isn't working on Matrix...neither MQ7 nor MQ8. I'll take a look. Thanks for letting me know!

My info is not displaying either. I'm working on it.

Hmm...I have it installed on my Fire TV Cube. How far do you get before it fails for you?

You bet bud! Thanks for the inspiration...haha.
@latts9923 Thanks for checking. Not sure about "Similar Artists" as it's not something I ever use. I was talking about Banner. Prior to this release using Layout 7, the lower right display used to cycle thru 3 displays for me - 1 Artist Albums, 2 - Banner, 3 - Next Track. Now all I get is Artist Album and Next Track, the Banner display is missing no matter how I set the Banner toggle.
@latts9923  thanks for your reply yes your right with eg movies but if you want to add another cat  example through my menu 1 and call it documentry then go to submenu i think you only get about 12 spaces for the submenu items .. can the submenu have more spaces in for more items or can you advise how to add more than 12 items to submenu with out going through super favourites to add all your items in to a folder then put your folder into submenu thanks for your help and advice
Similar Artists is what displays the banner and artist albums. I just figured out the problem. If you go to SETTINGS > ADD-ONS > MY ADD-ONS > ALL, scroll down to ARTIST SLIDESHOW, selected the add-on and select CONFIGURE. I selected ALBUM INFO and enabled DOWNLOAD ALBUM INFO FROM THE LAST.FM, and then selected SIMILAR ARTISTS and enabled DOWNLOAD SIMILAR ARTISTS FROM LAST.FM.

I'm not sure how to add more than 12 items to that menu item. I'll have to take a look.
@latts9923  thankyou for your reply it would be great to have more submenu space under cutom categorys . as not sure if there is any other way to put more that 12 submenu items in submenu without using super favourites
@latts9923 Thanks a bunch for looking into it. 2 things (all using Layout 7) - 
1 - NM about "Next Tracks". That is working correctly. That is actually a list of next tracks that displays at the top of the screen. I was confusing that with the "Next Track" (singular) that is one of the displays that rotates thru at bottom right.
2 - I have always had the Artist Slideshow add-on configured the way you describe. Just to make sure thought I did go in and change it and then change it back. I still get no banner display as one of the items that rotates thru on the bottom right like it used to. No big deal, it is what it is.
(2021-09-12, 14:25)latts9923 Wrote: @grimmace92
My info is not displaying either. I'm working on it.

Ah ok!  Appreciate you looking into it.  If you are able to fix it please let me know what versions of skinhelper and metadatautils you are using.  Thanks!
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