You're welcome! This new "SHOW CAST" button (should have been enabled by default) controls the cast images for the player info screen.
For the video info poster border, you'll have to make a few tweaks. Open DialogVideoInfo.xml and near the top you'll see "media_info_layout". Change the bordertexture param to this...
<!--param name="bordertexture" value="bigposter_shadow.png" /-->
Now open Includes.xml and find "media_info_layout". Scroll down until you see two "media_case_video" includes. Under that will be two image controls. Change those to this...
<control type="image">
<aspectratio align="center">stretch</aspectratio>
<texture diffuse="spin/mask_cover3.png">spin/$VAR[GlobalCaseVarSpin]</texture>
<visible>Window.IsActive(movieinformation) + + $PARAM[case]</visible>
<control type="image">
<texture background="true">$PARAM[thumb]</texture>
<bordertexture border="-90">$PARAM[bordertexture]</bordertexture>
<visible>!$PARAM[bordersquare] + [$PARAM[case] | Control.HasFocus(50)]</visible>
<control type="image">
<texture background="true">$PARAM[thumb]</texture>
<bordertexture border="-110">bigtrailer_shadow.png</bordertexture>
I see the problem...that info shouldn't be showing for Sets in View Type-28. I introduced this problem when I added the new rating button. If you open View28-597_29-601_Wall3D.xml, scroll down to the textbox at line 247. Change the visible line to this...
<visible>!String.IsEmpty(ListItem.Rating) + !ListItem.IsCollection + !Integer.IsGreater(ListItem.UserRating,0) + String.IsEqual(skin.string(rating_info),default) | !ListItem.IsCollection + String.IsEqual(skin.string(rating_info),imdb)</visible>
Also, find FlagsContent2. Under that add this...