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v19 Aeon MQ 8 for Matrix Mod
The new "HIDE RATING STARS" option will be available in the next update.

I was able to reproduce the Favorites error, but not every time I start Kodi. This has been reported to the devleloper in the forum.

You're welcome! You might report this in the TV Show - Next Aired forum.
Hi @latts9923 With your Matrix Mod Version i have two issues.

1. When i press info, the logo in the left corner is too big and the tagline is not on the correct position.
    With an older Leia version is all correct, see screenshots.
2. When i switch between actors, the movie poster flickers.
    With the older Leia version is all correct.
Sorry, i have no edit button, here are the screenshots.


I'm so stupid, two times the same screenshot...
I fixed the size of the logo...thanks for letting me know! I see a black "blob" flash at the top left of the poster when I change actors on Leia and Matrix. I'll see if I can figure out what that is.
Thanks @latts9923 , because the black "blob", the older leia version what i use (i use this version for matrix), was before you have changed the handle with studio icons (multiple studios, i don't like that, it's to slow for me, with older version the icon is shown quickly).
I hope so you can find it easier.
hi still getting errors on matrix unsure why
(2021-07-03, 02:37)latts9923 Wrote:
[font][font]更新 #13 - 这会将皮肤更新到 v1.0.1.3[/font][/font]

Image [font][font]添加[/font][/font]
  • [font][font]我将背部和脊椎图像添加到 Shelf 3D for Movies。[/font][font]我将图像 thumbback.jpg 重命名为 back.jpg 以与音乐艺术保持一致。[/font][font]感谢 nomnom27 的请求![/font][/font]
  • [font][font]我将顶部菜单中的“对话演员艺术”设置以及视频信息中的女演员艺术添加到剧集。[/font][font]感谢 Juan Mortyme 的请求![/font][/font]
  • [font][font]我将顶部菜单中的“SHOW ACTRESS NAME”按钮添加到右侧列表视图的电视节目和剧集。[/font][font]我还在剧集中添加了“EXTRA ART”按钮。[/font][font]感谢 Juan Mortyme 的请求![/font][/font]

Image [font][font]Bug修复[/font][/font]
  • [font][font]当布局为默认且启用中心列表时,我修复了 KodiFlixTV 的常规/动画焦点环绕的问题。[/font][font]感谢 andrzejls 报告错误![/font][/font]
  • [font][font]I fixed a problem with KodiFlixTV where the episode thumbnail would slide to the left of the surround border when the "DEFAULT" layout and "CENTER LIST" was selected.[/font][/font]
  • [font][font]我解决了使用 Arial 字体集时语言不显示的问题。[/font][font]arial.ttf 字体文件的版本不正确。[/font][font]感谢 wuwei163 报告错误![/font][/font]

  • [font][font]我增加了 Shelf 3D 中的面板同人画尺寸,使其与 Shelf 3D v2 相同。[/font][font]感谢 nomnom27 的请求![/font][/font]
  • [font][font]查看季节时,“艺术品助手粉丝”艺术品设置现在显示在顶部菜单中。[/font][font]感谢 MB1968 的请求![/font][/font]
Hello @wuwei163

We are an English forum. Please also post a translation. Google Translate is ok
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You need to post in English.
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(2021-07-27, 09:10)Karellen Wrote: @wuwei163

You need to post in English.

I tried the new version today and it can indeed display Chinese, but after a while, the Chinese on the homepage will disappear, and the words "movie" and "music" will be blank. It seems that the font is not supported. I hope you can check it again. Thank you. The Chinese display in the secondary menu is normal.
I ran into this problemImage
Let me work on the Arial fontset and see if I can get the menu to work.
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