MQ8 script-script.extendedinfo-DialogInfo.xml needs some love.
I was playing arround with script.extendedinfo and found out that for eample in the MQ8 script-script.extendedinfo-DialogInfo.xml the controll 250 is wrongly assigned:
Look at around line 418 and find:
<control type="list" id="250">
<!-- Participacao especial -->
and around line 776
<item id="13">
<!-- Participacao especial -->
This is wrong because controll/container 250 is not Special Participation but it is tvshow_roles as you can see at the beginning of script.extendedinfo/resources/lib/dialog/
class DialogActorInfo(DialogBaseInfo):
TYPE = "Actor"
LISTS = [(150, "movie_roles"),
(250, "tvshow_roles"),
(450, "images"),
(550, "movie_crew_roles"),
(650, "tvshow_crew_roles"),
(750, "tagged_images")]
So controll 250 ist wrongly assigned to Special Participation and the right controlls for Special Participations (550,movie_crew_roles and 650 tvshow_crew_roles) are missing.
I think i could correct this by myself but i am not a skinner so it would cost me hours if not days with an even dubious result so maybe @
latts9923 can have a look.
What may help:in the settings of script.extendedinfo there is an option to use the original script.extendedinfos script-script.extendedinfo-DialogInfo.xml. In the settings of script.extendedinfo in THEMOVIEDB choose "Force Native Appearence".
If that does not work you have to be a little more explicit.
Go to script.extendedinfo/resources/lib/ At the beginning of the file around line 25 find:
if addon.bool_setting("force_native_layout") and addon.setting("xml_version") != addon.VERSION:
and change it to:
if addon.bool_setting("force_native_layout"): #and addon.setting("xml_version") != addon.VERSION:
So it is relative easy to switch between the 2 Versions.
Allthough i really love Aeon MQ 8 multimod (using it for years and i was never realy tempted to switch to another skin though i tried out a few and again thanks to latts9923 and all the other people who make this skin possible) i must admit that the original script-script.extendedinfo-DialogInfo.xml looks great and fits perfectly so maybe i will stick with it.
As always, thank you for your patience and hopefully reading this long post.