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Full Version: Stereoscopic 3D support for half/full SBS, over/under, etc
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Hi there , first i want to really congratulate you for your excellent work , i am using the 3d features a lot , but noticed 3 things are missing:

1- 3D movie depth adjustment
2- 3D subtitles depth adjustment
3- Interleaved 3D on windows.

Is there any chance to implement them ?
I'm also a huge fan of the feature. I use windows 7 with HDMI connected to a LG 3D TV.
The current sbs mode is way to eye straining for me. The screens are too far apart. Adjustment for 3D depth (ie manually move the screen overlap in Stereoscopic HSBS or HOU) would be a great feature.

I was also curious if this can be adjusted in the source code (to compile for myself) so I could experiment?

Thanks, Diems
I installed the latest nigtly build the one of 20/10/2013
and still 3d anagliph doesnt work.
If the scale metod is in auto DXVA or Bicubic*
When i set a different scaler the two images are not aligned:

(if the embedded image doesnt work look this link http://imgur.com/lZ18fAY )


*Bicubic doesn't work but if i cycle thru all the scalers and i set again Bicubi works.
no work has been done for anaglyph on DXVA, so it's no surprise it's still not working. If there are some experts out there, help is welcome. Also for the row interleaved output method via DirectX
(2013-10-21, 15:05)da-anda Wrote: [ -> ]no work has been done for anaglyph on DXVA, so it's no surprise it's still not working. If there are some experts out there, help is welcome. Also for the row interleaved output method via DirectX

Yes i can imagine that anaglyph isn't very requested.
Did you mean DXVA scaling or DXVA decoder?
Because without DXVA scaling works well "just" unusable because the images are not aligned.
Unfortunately i'm not an expert...
I was able to decode it with media player classic home cinema writing a shader to do it...
...works well but mpch doesn't play 3840x1080 videos with dxva and my computer not enough powerfull for software decoding.
With these build of Xmbc (and some in the past 3840 works fine) i hope that soon will be possible to see in anaglyph.
I'd like to make a request and ask some skilled developer if it's possible to compile a version of XBMC for Mac with the following conditions:

* Inlcude latest stereoscopic support (as from Alpha 8)
* XBMC version with pre-alpha-7-state

I ask because Alpha 7 introduced an annoying bug which produces stutter and buffering on every StepForward/Backward, described here and here.

For now i have to switch XBMC versions Alpha 6 for 2D and to Alpha 8 for 3D all the time...

Many thanks in advance!!
Is there a reason you can't compile?
(2013-10-25, 07:47)nickr Wrote: [ -> ]Is there a reason you can't compile?

Yep. Too dumb. No skills. Never done it. Confused
My mostly experience is restricted to create/modify .xml, AppleScript and a little bit Python.
(2013-10-20, 11:05)opengl1971 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi there , first i want to really congratulate you for your excellent work , i am using the 3d features a lot , but noticed 3 things are missing:

1- 3D movie depth adjustment
2- 3D subtitles depth adjustment
3- Interleaved 3D on windows.

Is there any chance to implement them ?

(2013-10-20, 16:46)diems Wrote: [ -> ]I'm also a huge fan of the feature. I use windows 7 with HDMI connected to a LG 3D TV.
The current sbs mode is way to eye straining for me. The screens are too far apart. Adjustment for 3D depth (ie manually move the screen overlap in Stereoscopic HSBS or HOU) would be a great feature.

I was also curious if this can be adjusted in the source code (to compile for myself) so I could experiment?

Thanks, Diems

I don't think anything can be done about the 3D depth of the picture itself. For SBS or TAB, the two screens have to be overlapped 1:1 to get the correct 3D image and the source images are static. The 3D effect is realized by having the majority of the image area perfectly overlap (infinite distance focus), with certain elements not overlapping perfectly, causing the eyes to move towards each other to be able to focus on them (near object focus), causing them to "pop" out of the screen. To modify the depth, only those non-overlapping object areas would have to be moved closer or farther in the left-right pictures, where the rest of the image areas would have to remain the same, which is not really possible for xbmc to do.

I heard that some 3D codecs contain info on the differences between the left-eye images, where they have the left picture encoded in full, and for the right picture, they only include the popping areas and sort of create the right eye image using the left eye image plus the difference. That format could potentially allow for changing depth as it would be aware of the near focus areas. I am not sure if that is being utilized commercially at the moment.

PS3 can also modify the depth in 3D games easily as it controls the source images. It simply renders the left-eye images differently based on the depth selection.

Subtitles on the other hand, are a different story. As xbmc controls the source images for them, it can potentially modify their distance from each other in the left-eye images and change their depth.
@aptalca, thank you for the extensive reply. I think your 100% correct that it would not be possible for XBMC to manipulate 3D pop effects while maintaining same depth background for example. I think it would however be possible for XBMC to manipulate the screen overlap. Technically, this would not be correct to state as 3D depth within the images, but it would alter the total depth of the whole frame. This would be sufficient in my opinion as you have the possibility to "create" more or less depth in total and adjust for most pleasant viewing (no eye strain).

Currently in XBMC without stereoscopic, when you view SBS, you can also manipulate the total screen overlap with zoom for example. This allows for adjusting the "depth" but mostly easy viewing (no eye strain). I wish this was possible in stereoscopic. The zoom however, (unfortunately:-) works as intended there.
@diems: Have you tried playing with 3D Settings on your LG TV? I can reach those on my LG by pressing "Q.Menu" while in 3D Mode.

And also, 3D subtitle depth is somewhere in settings. Well, at least the last time I used the Gotham Alpha.
(2013-09-28, 09:31)kapitan-iglu Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,
at first, new stereoscopic mode of xbmc is really great, I was dreaming about it for two years. Thaks!

Now the question: is it possible to detect when xbmc changes stereoscopis mode from (service) plugin? Something like "onPlayBackStarted()" or "isPlaying()" methods in Player class for detecting if something is playing. My goal is to change TV into 3D mode over ethernet (already tested) using service plugin when xbmc enters 3D mode (because on linux I don't have any other option).

Is there any way how to solve this?

Thank you,

(2013-09-28, 12:30)baijuxavior Wrote: [ -> ]You can check the filename for 3d content and call the plugin to change 3d mode of tv. This is the script I use for my sony tv:


Also look at jaaps code for lg tv https://github.com/jaaps/script.custom.3dmodelgtv

Thank you, I've done it (temporarily) by checking 3D tag in filename.

(2013-09-28, 12:19)da-anda Wrote: [ -> ]the stereomode of the GUI is stored in a GUI setting, so if you can bind a listener/observer to settings changes in python you could do this

But I thing that looking for acual GUI mode is "the right way". Unfortunately, I was unable to find anything relevant to "bind a listener/observer to settings changes". Could somebody point me how to do it? Some example/some addon which is already using this feature/anything/...

Thanks a lot!
(2013-10-30, 10:01)kapitan-iglu Wrote: [ -> ]But I thing that looking for acual GUI mode is "the right way". Unfortunately, I was unable to find anything relevant to "bind a listener/observer to settings changes". Could somebody point me how to do it? Some example/some addon which is already using this feature/anything/...

Thanks a lot!
There is a plugin for philips hue lights that (as far as I can see) polls regularly to see if there is anything playing (and if so switches your lights off). You might look at the logic there and see if there is a similar way to see if a 3D video is playing.
Damn Sad new ffmpeg version 2.1 still has no mvc support Sad
(2013-10-30, 10:22)nickr Wrote: [ -> ]There is a plugin for philips hue lights that (as far as I can see) polls regularly to see if there is anything playing (and if so switches your lights off). You might look at the logic there and see if there is a similar way to see if a 3D video is playing.

I already looked for some useful methods in Player() class (which philips plugin uses), but there is nothing (documented) about stereoscopic mode yet Sad