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Full Version: XBMC Video Server: stream/download your library contents
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(2014-05-27, 17:03)negge Wrote: [ -> ]@sp8ced21: very good suggestion regarding the season art, I've created a ticket here which you can subscribe to if you want to know the progress on it. Unfortunately there's not much information regarding individual seasons available through the API so I think the only reasonable thing that can be added to the season list is the cover art and the number of episodes available.

Awesome will keep my eyes on that development thanks

there was one other thing not sure if it's possible with this but a wol (wake on lan) option would be awesome that way I can have my machine sleep when not in use and wake it up when I log in rather than send a wol separate to wake things up
@sp8ced21: I just added some more stuff to the season list, see this screenshot: http://i.imgbox.com/PDzqmqG4.jpg

I'll see what I can do about wake-on-LAN. It should be possible to send a magic packet, but you'd have to specify the backend MAC address in the backend configuration, and it would naturally only work if the machine running XBMC Video Server is on the same network as XBMC (which is usually the case).
(2014-05-28, 00:06)negge Wrote: [ -> ]@sp8ced21: I just added some more stuff to the season list, see this screenshot: http://i.imgbox.com/PDzqmqG4.jpg

I'll see what I can do about wake-on-LAN. It should be possible to send a magic packet, but you'd have to specify the backend MAC address in the backend configuration, and it would naturally only work if the machine running XBMC Video Server is on the same network as XBMC (which is usually the case).

awesome!! thanks alot looks great just what i was thinking think it just tidy's it up a bit, will it be possible to add the list/grid view as well as i and im sure others like to place them in a grid as i have alot of tv shows with 10+ seasons and only having them in list will mean alot of scrolling and will the WOL also be built in or will i need to manually install this from the github link you provided?

once again thanks alot for your time and effort im loving your work its people like yourself making these little extras make this community so good : )
If you haven't done so already, follow the upgrade instructions on Github to get the latest changes. Also see my reply on Github.
(2014-05-28, 01:58)negge Wrote: [ -> ]If you haven't done so already, follow the upgrade instructions on Github to get the latest changes. Also see my reply on Github.

i have upgraded and done a pull from git all ready Smile and loving it!
(2014-05-27, 21:08)negge Wrote: [ -> ]Previously you said it worked on your phone but that it looked different. Does it work or not (you should see the login screen if you browse to the right location). Take a screenshot or a photo of your device if you can cause I'm not familiar with iPhones at all.

Sorry for the confusion here! Yes it does "kind of work" I can login and browse my videos from my iPhone using either http://external IP/xbmc-video-server OR http://DNS/xbmc-video-server from safari address line. The problem is that nothing will stream through the iPhone. It opens QuickTime after I click Watch Video and eventually it times out.

I believe I fixed all other issues except for that one. It is a big issue though.

I was saying before, that it did not look right on my iPhone's browser.. I fixed this issue... It was the address I was using. http://external IP:port in the address line of Safari. That would load the default webserver interface that comes with XBMC and not your xbmc-video-server interface displayed in your screenshots. That's why it looked different to me. So I realized that was user error.

But it won't stream Confused

Edit: Also, I notice no setting that allows me to change m3u to serve me m4v. I see an allow https streaming, which is off.
The option is there, it's called "Don't use playlists when item consists of a single file". Try to stream something again after you've checked that. If it still doesn't work you'll likely have to setup the reverse proxy (see the README, it's a one time thing to get it right).
Okay, checked that option and now it gives me a warming: Possible Phishing Site

Probably because I am not using the proxy right?

Anyway, it still times out eventually. I decided to try Plex and that works perfectly with the iPhone. I am just impatient and work nights and want my library at work Nerd.

I am guessing this is an issue with Safari or something. The service works perfectly over the local network PC's. I don't have a computer off the network to test other than my IPhone or Kindle Fire HDX (both can navigate but no streaming). I'll have to wait until later today to see if I can use this on a remote PC.
Like I said, configure the proxy and it'll likely work.
It works great on external PC, I have it working right now. I had to switch Hostname to my DNS and uncheck that "Don't use playlists when item consists of a single file". Streams like a charm. Must be an issue with IPhone.
There are many things that work on a PC but not on a phone. I suspect the iOS media player doesn't like credentials embedded in URLs, something which is remedied by using a reverse proxy.
Haha, okay okay, I am going to try the reverse proxy Smile

Also, thanks for supplying this. Donate link?
Couldn't even get it setup. Guess I am stupid. I did read the readme.

What is the location? It says put anything here.. What would I put and how does it pertain to the site?

The proxy and reverse proxy lines. I used all kinds of different combinations. can I use http://mydns/xbmc-video-server ? I don't need the port with that correct? I use that on both lines correct?

Do I keep the /vfs at the end of these lines?

Lastly the authentication line. Do I put "Basic username:password" ?

I am not an expert in apache and to someone who doesn't know, the directions seemed rather ambiguous.
I've tried to explain it as best as I can, I really don't know how to make the instructions any clearer. Here's what I use myself (slightly modified):

Quote: <Location /xbmc-vfs>
RequestHeader set Authorization "Basic eGJtYzp4Ym1j"

The "/xbmc-vfs" is what you enter in the "Proxy location" field for the backend. You can use anything here, it could be "/sjhdfjsfjsdkjfh", it doesn't matter as long as you use the same thing in the Apache configuration as in the backend configuration.