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Full Version: [RELEASE] Luemmel's DVD-Ripper (Script) for Linux, Mac, and Windows
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if you use dvd-r you should be fine with almost all isos.
Quote:Well , in the future plans I see that my script could rip blue-ray ... to h264 ...
Native blue ray would need to mutch space .... 10 movies and your hd would be filled ..

I totally agree with that with size of a blu-ray you would need to compress to h264 or maybe mkv?

Quote:But rembember ,,,, my little project that I started at june 2009 ist still beta ....
it is ugly ... it may works ... and in the near future there is may a release far away from beta

First off I think that you are doing great since you just started this script in June. The rest is kinda of hard for me to understand. Are you trying to say that you are close to having a script out that is far better than the Beta version?
Rardgerard Wrote:I
First off I think that you are doing great since you just started this script in June. The rest is kinda of hard for me to understand. Are you trying to say that you are close to having a script out that is far better than the Beta version?

Many thanks .-)

Yes .... In the moment I call my build 0.5c but there are so many changes since
the last release I think about to rename it not longer Beta .... Release RC 1

* All settings are stored inside a configuration file
* Transcoding up to 2 audio languages and one subtitle
* Generating a iso ready to burn is working properly
* Allmost all shell scripts are allmost rewritten from the ground.
* All directory and file selection text-boxes has replaced by native
xbmc selection-boxes ....

Things to do in the next days ....

1.) Survive 1. august ... This date is national-day for switzerland ....
And I do normaly drink a lot of beer .... LOL Smile and my wife has a so called
drinking problem ,--) ;LOL

2.) write and integrate a iso2disk.sh script
3.) test all settings and scripts again ....
4.) Replace string 0.5C with 0.5F beause allmost anything has changed ...
5.) Puplish 0.5F in englisch and german

The french and spanish release comes 2-3 days later .....
I may speek very good french and spanisch but I don't like to translate
them at my own .... (the same nightmare like my written english)
The translations are made by members of this forum.

regards Hans
Hello anyone ;-)

Ok in here is the release 0.5F for linux (english only)


readme for 0.5F


The languages German / French / Spain coming soon also....

In my opinion this release is a great milestone .....

- Yes it can burn iso-files
- Yes , all settings are stored inside a configuration file
- It has 2 modes of operation (confirmed or with default values)
- I removed vcd / svcd and ogg-vorbis from the transcode menu
- for transcoding up to 2 audio languages and one subtitle can be selected

After starting the script the first time you have to adapt the settings..

Goto settings and change the settings to your needs

* 0 dvd-device
* 1 rip-directory
* 2 transcode directory
* 3 ssh user@localhost
* 4 default 1. audio language
* 5 default 2. audio language or none
* 6 default subtitle or none
* 7 Default Menu Entry for transcoding
* 8 default size single side dvd

you can change the settings over the script or with a editor


On important thing about burning :

I only tested iso witch where generated over the transcode screen.
I did not test directly burn a ripped iso because inside switzerland
this dual layer dvd's are so expensive ....

And yes ... this iso-generating shell-script needs a lot space ...


BTW : I survived national-day yesterday ... :-)
Why isnt it possible to leave the shell-scripts in the script/ssh folder?

Im not so happy about so many files in my home dir.

Grats for surviving and already up and going again Smile
damn... no windows version .... hopefully soon Wink
patito Wrote:damn... no windows version .... hopefully soon Wink

If I reach version 0.5G on the red-pill I do work on the blue pill to the same
level if possible. (There are may functions that I do not code for Windows)

The main problem with the blue-pill is a os called windows ....

It is IMHO a limited OS.... because ....

- there is no transcode. It may works with vlc ?
- there is no encode2mpeg.sh
- no awk
- no lsdvd
- no dvdauthor
- ps -axu | grep $1 > tmp.001
- all this little tools -> a nice operating-system should have are not
inside windows (even dd ist no part of the os)

I don't wont to start a os-war inside this forum ... This is my point of view...

Best regards
flobbes Wrote:Why isnt it possible to leave the shell-scripts in the script/ssh folder?

Im not so happy about so many files in my home dir.

Grats for surviving and already up and going again Smile

Yes ... You're right ... I can leave the scripts inside the ssh directory and
call them with a longer path .

I the next release 0.5G the scripts remaining in the ssh directory.
Thanks for the feedback ....

Is there anyone out there who is using 0.5F ?
Does the burning part work for you ?
Has anyone burned a ripped-iso with the script ?
I did not test this because the price of dual-layer dvd inside switzerland
is very high. (7-8 Euro)

Regards Hans
Hello to all .-)

In the moment I do work for the release 0.5G for linux

Yes I promised to work for the blue pill after 0.5G ...

This are the main features witch I do (try to ...) integrate into the new release

* All scripts will be called from ssh-directory and not longer from the home-directory
* ripping to a remote network-xbmc or from a remote xbmc system should work
* The communicaton will be made with netcat
* Streaming to network over vlc
* I guess 2-3 weeks are the timeline for the new release.

What about 0.5F ?

I don't have any feedback ....

Besta regards from a land where the rain never stops ....
(It only rains at the weekends ... No )
Hello ;-)

There is a bug in transcoding from device to other formats with default value ....
Fix it soon ...

I wonna make a interim release 0.5G with this error fixed
and all scripts are called inside the ssh directory ....
Hello to all.)


Ok this uggly bug was fixed in this release .....
Here are the changes from the changelog :

08/08/09 0.5G We

- german resource file added
- script iso2disk.sh was not executable
- Off by one failure with audio-language (default)
- Show Error if default audio language is not found
- Show Error if secound audio language is not found
- Show Error if subtitle language is not found
- String ID 33066 for error-box added
- Search argument for pid dvd2mpeg2.sh was wrong
- Sleep-time after starting dvd2h264.sh was to short
therefore the start-window was not displayed

Ok in this release I did not changed the scripts. If you allready installed 0.5F you don't
need to copy the scripts to the home-folder.

All you need to do is to replace the python-file (default.py) and all directorys without the config directory.
If you replace the config-directory you have to change the settings again.

In the next comming release 0.5H all scripts are called from inside the ssh directory.

Happy ripping and burning

My translators did not send back the translations for spain and french ....
here would be the strings.xml to translate ....
If I would try to translate them with my poor writen spain and french skill ... I guess the result would be funny ...
I speak the 2 above languages very good .. but not writing .... (LOL result would be a typo desaster ;-)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <string id="32000">DVD-RIPPER 0.5G</string>
    <string id="32001">Please select the device for dvd</string>
    <string id="32002">Where should the rip be saved ?</string>
        <string id="32003">Edit the name of the rip including the file extension .iso</string>
    <string id="32004">Would you like to execute the command ?</string>
    <string id="32005">command : </string>
    <string id="32006">Canceld by user</string>
    <string id="32007">Ripping was sucessfull started</string>
        <string id="32008">Error by execution of the the dd command.Log-file (dvdimport.log)</string>
    <string id="32009">reserved</string>
    <string id="32010">Should the job be canceld ?</string>
    <string id="32011">Should the inserted dvd be ripped ?</string>
    <string id="32012">DVD-drive is not ready</string>
    <string id="32013">No disc found inside the drive</string>
    <string id="32014">Wrong Operating-System for the script !</string>
    <string id="32015">No write access to dvd-rip directory !</string>
    <string id="32016">There is allready a rip-job running in the background !</string>
    <string id="32017">User and host for ssh communication</string>
        <string id="32018">Mainmenu DVD-Ripper</string>
        <string id="32019">Burn a DVD from a iso-image (default values)</string>
        <string id="32020">Ripp a DVD to a iso-image (default-values)</string>
        <string id="32021">Transcode DVD to other formats (default values)</string>
        <string id="32022">Info</string>
        <string id="32023">Exit</string>
        <string id="32024">Settings</string>
        <string id="32025">Confirmed burning</string>
        <string id="32026">Confirmed ripp</string>
        <string id="32027">Confirmed transcode</string>
        <string id="32028">Tools</string>
        <string id="32029">No write access to transcode directory !</string>
        <string id="32030">Insert a empty single-layer dvd for burning and close tray</string>
        <string id="32038">Insert a empty dual-layer dvd for burning and close tray</string>
        <string id="32031">Please select dvd-iso to burn</string>
        <string id="32032">Ripping job is active </string>
        <string id="32033">Kill active rip-job and remove iso</string>
        <string id="32034">Show progress-bar</string>
        <string id="32035">Suspend active rip-job</string>
        <string id="32036">Continue suspended rip-job</string>
        <string id="32037">Back to mainmenu</string>  
        <string id="32039">Burning was sucessfull started</string>
        <string id="32050">Transcode DVD</string>
    <string id="32051">mpeg2</string>
    <string id="32052">iso for burning</string>
        <string id="32053">xvid</string>
    <string id="32054">h264</string>
    <string id="32055">Back to mainmenu</string>
        <string id="32057">Please select dvd-video-source</string>
        <string id="32058">dvd-device</string>
        <string id="32059">ripped dvd-iso from hd</string>
        <string id="32060">Please select dvd-audio-source</string>
        <string id="32061">Where should the transcoded file be saved ?</string>
        <string id="32062">Edit the name of the transcoded file wihtout any extension including "."</string>
        <string id="32066">Would you like to add a secound audio-language ?</string>  
        <string id="32067">Would you like to use subtitles for this transcoding ?</string>  
        <string id="32068">Please select the subtitle for the transcoding</string>
        <string id="32069">Please select the iso-file for transcoding</string>
        <string id="32070">Please select the directory for transcoding (default directory is shown)</string>
        <string id="32071">Transcoding was sucessfull started</string>
        <string id="33000">EULA</string>
    <string id="33001">Please read this End User Lincence carefully.</string>
    <string id="33002">By activate the "Accept" line below you accept</string>
        <string id="33003">this Ender User Licence.</string>
    <string id="33004">                                              </string>
        <string id="33005">- This programm is gpl-licenced. The gpl licence </string>
    <string id="33006">  licence is included inside the script.        </string>
    <string id="33007">- Neither the author of this script or the creators of </string>
    <string id="33008">  xbmc are responsible if you break a law by ripping or</string>
        <string id="33009">  transcode a dvd inside your current country.         </string>
    <string id="33010">- This reminder (EULA) will only be shown once.        </string>
    <string id="33011">- You are aware that all functions of this script are  </string>
        <string id="33012">  used at own risk and depend on the law in witch you  </string>
    <string id="33013">  use this script.                                     </string>
        <string id="33014">                                                       </string>
    <string id="33015">Accept                                                 </string>
    <string id="33016">I do not use this script                               </string>

        <string id="33050">Settings</string>
    <string id="33051">default dvd-device</string>
    <string id="33052">default rip-directory</string>
        <string id="33053">default transcode-directory</string>
    <string id="33054">default ssh-command</string>
        <string id="33055">default 1. audio language</string>  
        <string id="33056">default 2. audio language</string>  
        <string id="33057">default subtitle</string>
        <string id="33058">default transcoding</string>
        <string id="33059">Back to mainmenu</string>  
        <string id="33060">please type in your 2 audio-code like en / de / fr</string>        
        <string id="33061">please type in your 2 audio-code like en / de / fr  or none if you dont use this feature</string>  
        <string id="33062">configuration-file could not be opened</string>  
        <string id="33063">Please select the default-directory for rip-files</string>
        <string id="33064">Please select the default-directory for transcoding-files</string>
        <string id="33065">default size single-layer dvd</string>
        <string id="33066"> not found on this dvd</string>

        <string id="33070">Tools</string>
    <string id="33071">Start ripp-master (rip over the network to here)</string>
    <string id="33072">Start ripp-client (rip from here to a network-master)</string>
        <string id="33073">Streaming to network</string>        
    <string id="33074">Check software dependencies</string>
        <string id="33075">Back to mainmenu</string>  

I'm having all sorts of troubles trying to get 0.5G working - as a proof of concept, of course. It would be illegal to use it where I am.

Could somebody write an 'idiot's how-to' for jaunty? I seem to have everything installed but it just doesn't work.

Many thanks in advance..

Pete_London Wrote:I'm having all sorts of troubles trying to get 0.5G working - as a proof of concept, of course. It would be illegal to use it where I am.

Could somebody write an 'idiot's how-to' for jaunty? I seem to have everything installed but it just doesn't work.

Many thanks in advance..


As a proof of concept I would insert the dvd called "Catch me if you can"
this is the best concept dvd I found on the internet..

Install all the scripts from the ssh-folder to your home directory
make them executable

chmod +x dvd2*; chmod +x iso2*

After you start the script you have to adapt your settings
ssh command / dvd-device / rip-directory / transcode-directory

and very importand :
Creat a ssh-key for your user and do a test login to see that ssh is
working proberly. If this is working you can make a test with a single
script. I would make the tests with dvdripp.sh


BTW this is only a proof of concept and we help in this case ;_)

If you still have problems feel free to email me

[email protected]

OK.. so it turns out I just needed to install mencoder.

Seems to be working... I'll test it when I get home from work :o)

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