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Full Version: IPTV Recorder
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Hey @primaeval today there are some errors.
In Version 0.0.38 everything was ok, but today (version 0.0.41) the loading progress in the top right corner stays on 0% and the channels won't be loaded.
I use Windows and i use an external list instead of the pvr list.
You might have just caught an addon upgrade during an update.
See if a Kodi restart fixes it.
Then try a Data Reload in the Debug menu.
Then try a Nuke.
If all that fails show me if there are errors in the kodi.log.

It is getting so complicated now I'm sure I haven't tested every possible configuration.
Kodi restart failed.
Data reload failed.
The nuke menu item is not in the menu, but it was away, yesterday, too.
What log do you need? The normal logfile or a full debug log?
Sorry i found the nuke. But it failed, too.
The NUKE item is in Maintenance now as long as you turn Debug menus on in the Settings.
I've had a spring clean.

If there is an obvious error with some python code in kodi.log just post that snippet.
Something about an exception.
Version 0.0.41 is purring like a kitten on LibreELEC

The logsnippet: https://pastebin.com/GD2YC6Xq

"It is highly recommended that you instead just switch your application to Unicode strings."

If i go back to 0.0.38 from your github there is no error.
Try 0.0.42.
I missed the xml encoding conversion bit when I added the Group Load filter earlier today.
The progress in the top right corner is working now, it goes up to 100%.
But there is still an error if i click on channel groups.
Kodi restart, reload & nuke failed.

Here's the logsnippet: https://pastebin.com/dsTXTsKL

Sorry for taking your time...
Try 0.0.43.
There was another unicode conversion problem.
My groups are just plain ascii.
I'll have to see if I can make some more international testing data.
It's working now.
Thank you very much.
Could you do me a favour and try and break it some more.
See if there is a combination of settings, channel names or group names that stop you going into certain menu items like the Browse and Search sections.
There are bound to be some more unicode errors somewhere.
The timed recording of a channel you put in there is awesome; Will work perfectly for sports if you want to be sure to record the full game.

I'm still suck however..My UserData folder looks fine (xml, m3u and db files all there with appropriate file sizes), and changing the ffmpeg output to a folder with permissions seemed to help. Though when I click to record a channel (using the Add One Time Rule) it doesn't seem to do anything. I can play the channel properly, and the channel/recording shows up correclty in the Jobs folder, but nothing actually gets recorded during the time it was set for.

Log File:


*EDIT Submitted a clean log for the mods

The forum moderators have determined that Banned_addons (wiki) are present on your system. To receive assistance here, these banned items must be removed. If a clean log is not submitted within 3 days, then the relevant post(s) will be removed after this time.
(2018-04-20, 03:16)GriffeyJuni0r Wrote: [ -> ]The timed recording of a channel you put in there is awesome; Will work perfectly for sports if you want to be sure to record the full game.

I'm still suck however..My UserData folder looks fine (xml, m3u and db files all there with appropriate file sizes), and changing the ffmpeg output to a folder with permissions seemed to help. Though when I click to record a channel (using the Add One Time Rule) it doesn't seem to do anything. I can play the channel properly, and the channel/recording shows up correclty in the Jobs folder, but nothing actually gets recorded during the time it was set for.

Log File:


*EDIT Submitted a clean log for the mods

It looks like you were trying to record from the "Full EPG" section.
That includes Channels without playable Streams. I think you tried to record a stream without a playable url.

I've changed the code now to make sure you can't record anything without a stream url.

I noticed that I didn't add a date input for the record one time job. It's in there now.

If you are still having problems look in the channels1.m3u and xmltv1.xml files to see if everything is connected properly.

The tvg-id="YOUR ID" in the m3u should match the <channel id="YOUR ID".
If there is no tvg-id it will try to match tvg-name="YOUR NAME" with the first <display-name>YOUR NAME</display-name>
If there is no tvg-name it will try to match the m3u name after the last comma with display-name.