thank you so much...
i did use the original confluence skin, but experienced some issues with this on kodi 20...
with Pellucid skin i was fine too, but there i was missing the
watched state , but with this version i get it again.
I only have a small question..
can i change the icon for this?
Lo Zio Thanks for the info! I looked into what you mentioned. It's only on Kodi 20+ Estuary as it seems.
TBH i think splitting this debug screen into multible tabs might not benefit it's purpose. It's not regular user information which might would benefit from the splitting, but a debug screen. Having all information at once seems more fitting to me. Still, i'll have another look and thought after some time. :-)
Thanks, you too! : D
Hi, thanks for the feedback. The main menu icons can be found within the (media/)Textures.xbt file which resides in the skin folder
Extracted: "home_icons/_home_icon_videos.png" and "home_icons/uhd/_home_icon_videos.png"
You could extract the xbt file, change the two icon variants and recompress the xbt. But every update you would have to do that again. Not ideal. ^^
I find the videos icon quite fitting. Just out of interest - how does the icon look you intent to change it to? Can you maybe show it to me?
it's not that i don't like it, but I feel the current symbol is a bit unmatching the smooth look
my setup is like that, that i have several storages in backend where all my tv-recordings, tv-shows, movies and other stuff are, so basically the symbol is correct by showing a data file since i don't separate between shows and movies....but i'd like to prefer something like in ESTUARY (default) skin...f.e. the "camera" symbol
It would give the initial view a bit of rounder touch...
I also tried using the "Video" option, but won't get anything displayed, since i don't index anything... for me in my backend i have a mysql database keeping all the data sync for all my devices.
In my home/house at all TV/Screen there is a nvidia shild and they are all configured the same... so always the same look and
Ah. I see. So you're using Kodi a bit atypical when not indexing anything. I think an optional videos icon which contains the "movies" and "tv shows" icon side by side would fit your asking?
I would not want to replace the existing icon since i think it would be unfitting for regular use cases. But i'd have some thought about an option toggle for your use case. (I also did use Kodi that way some time ago and avoided scraping for reasons, so i don't think it's that unlikely to not be the only one using Kodi that way)
Yes...the icon in your screen would be nice/perfect
snoopy78 Ok. I'll see what i can do for the next version.
jdig4240 Yep, already planned for the new version.
snoopy78 It's done. Have a look at: Skin settings – Advanced – Views and visual options – "Use alternative VIDEOS home screen icon (Pseudo library mode) (Default: Off)"
jdig4240 Colorpicker for Kodi 20+ is now implemented (among other stuff for 20+)
New skin updates for all Kodi versions now
[DialogPVRRadioRDSInfo] Added some visible conditions to avoid empty label rows and corrected some font sizes
Remark: RDS dialog support may be removed in the future due to it's highly deprecated nature, especially in context of things
[MusicOSD] Removed redundant visible condition for Radio RDS OSD button; changed conditions to always prefer EPG button over availbable RDS Info button
[VideOSD] [MusicOSD] Improved default OSD button focus conditions
[VideoFullScreen] [MusicVisualisation] Reduced label width of "Next item" text.
[MusicVisualisation] Reduced title label width to be identical to the corresponding title label from [VideoFullScreen]
[SettingsScreenCalibration] [Textures] Slight rework for all Kodi versions, moved corresponding textures to calibrate/ folder, changed texture CalibratePixelRatio.png
- Added new Skin Settings feature/option:
- - Skin settings – Advanced - Views and visual options – "Use alternative VIDEOS home screen icon (Pseudo library mode) (Default: Off)"
Kodi 19+ only
Updated language files
Kodi 20+ only
[SettingsScreenCalibration] Added movingspeed-tags for Kodi 20+ support
[SettingsScreenCalibration] Adapted and reworked Kodi 20+ Original Confluence changes by bossanova808 PR #194
[SettingsScreenCalibration] [Textures] Added CalibrateSubtitles_k20+.png due to different subtitle line y-position, added CalibrateReset.png
[DialogColorPicker] [Defaults] [SettingsCategory] [Textures] Added colorpicker dialog and settings button support:
Adapted and reworked Kodi 20+ Original Confluence changes by bossanova808 PR #194
Added textures color-button-box.png and colors/white.png
[Timers.xml] Added empty Timers.xml file adapted from Kodi 20+ Original Confluence changes by bossanova808 PR #194
THX....that's it and it's looking beautiful!
Hi again,
I found an issue when the folder or files use f.e. chinese or korean character in the name/description.
f.e. when i put this in the folder name, it won't be displays, and as soo as i try to enter the folder, it crashed
With default estruary skin, the characters are also not displayed properly but as some 'square' instead....however, it is runnig then..
snoopy78 Missing chinese characters are in fact correct, because the most used fonts do not support these characters.
Regarding the crashing: Since it's the Kodi application crashing and not the skin, i don't really know at this time. Which platform and Kodi version do you use? Please create a debug log according to the official ways.
I'm happy to have a look then.
Hi, love your work and appreciate it very much.
As regards the mouse control buttons options removal, was that enforced, aesthetic, or perhaps made redundant through lack of use?
I'm curious since I thought that, like me, most people would toggle them on.