no, sorry, i won´t add that. i don´t think showin covers for sets makes sense.
But as this script is not dedicated to Aeon Nox, may be some other skinners will be interested by the average resolution for a movie set.
if people will run amok without that feature I will include it. but as i want to keep the JSON overhead as low as possible i won´t include more than needed.
and, as i said: it doesn´t make sense to use an average resolution. trust me.

I will check for query speed.
And average resolution is not meaningless all the time.
I have Harry Potter movie set with all movie in HD and I didn't like to see black DVD case instead of blue one ;)
(2013-03-28, 21:01)mikebzh44 Wrote: [ -> ]I will check for query speed.
And average resolution is not meaningless all the time.
I have Harry Potter movie set with all movie in HD and I didn't like to see black DVD case instead of blue one 
average is meaningless because a hd cover could also mean 2 hd movies and 1 sd movie.
so again: no, at least until some more people request that. in my opinion it´s useless and misleading information.
(2013-03-28, 21:06)MarcosQui Wrote: [ -> ]debug log as requested:
you have to use the DBID for $INFO[], not the path.
Great, working properly now, including the plot.
Thank you.
Edit: A minor issue: Set.Movies.Count doesn't return any data. If you can check...
use RunScript(script.extendedinfo,exportsettings=true)
to export your skin settings to a txt file in addon_data/skin.yourskin
and use RunScript(script.extendedinfo,importsettings=true)
to import them again.(uses SetBool() , Skin.Reset() and skin.setstring() instead of directly writing to guisettings.xml)
helpful for the case that the guisettings.xml gets broken + makes transferring settings between machines easier)
will adjust it to use a user-chosen output folder in the future.
start the script with
and you´ll get
super great cyanide & happiness webcomics. now both my favourite webcomics are available. yippie

phil, it's possible add Set.Movies.Years to show all years of respective set ?
French translations
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<string id="32001">Paramètres d'export du thème</string>
<string id="32002">Paramètres d'import du thème</string>
<string id="32003">Réinitialisation des paramètres du thème</string>
<string id="32004">Choisir l'action</string>
<string id="32005">Terminé</string>
<string id="32006">Export réussi</string>
<string id="32007">Erreur</string>
<string id="32008">guisettings.xml non trouvé</string>
<string id="32009">Import réussi</string>
<string id="32010">Import des paramètres du thème</string>
<string id="32011">Mise à jour</string>
<string id="32012">Ville</string>
<string id="32013">Pays</string>
Is it OK or do we have to wait for Transfix ?
wait for transifex i think.
added set.movies.years.
(2013-03-27, 01:37)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]ok, next one. (this is an old feature from script.extramusicinfo by pieh, credits for that script)
call the script with
and you´ll get
this uses GeoIP and returns concerts in your area including dates / venues.

use newest GIT commit for this.
How do I enable this in Nox?
(2013-04-02, 18:01)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]added set.movies.years.
Thanks phil, works fine.
Any idea on when you will send to official repository?