(2015-03-19, 15:49)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ] (2015-03-19, 14:19)senna99 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello
Can someone confirm, what's wrong in this line :
Thank you
id= needs a themoviedb id, you should also be able to use dbid=$INFO[ListItem.DBID] though.
Sorry phil65 I do not get
In what way, I needs to write a line ?
(2015-03-19, 18:20)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]<content>plugin://script.extendedinfo?info=similarmoviestrakt&&dbid=$INFO[ListItem.DBID]</content>
I tried this line a long time ago,I do not get anything in DialogVideoInfo.xml :
I also use this line in DialogVideoInfo.xml :
Quote:<window type="dialog" id="2003">
<defaultcontrol always="true">40</defaultcontrol>
<onload condition="System.HasAddon(script.extendedinfo)">RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=similarmovies)</onload>
<onload condition="System.HasAddon(script.extendedinfo)">RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=similarmoviestrakt)</onload>
Maybe I missed something, anyway thanks for everything.
I will use this line for now, until I find a solution for similarmoviestrakt.
Quote:<content>plugin://script.extendedinfo?info=youtubesearch&&id=$INFO[ListItem.Title] similar movies</content>
then perhaps it´s because of Trakt API change. That will be the next thing I tackle probably.
info=similarmovies should work though, it fetches info from TheMovieDB then.
(2015-03-19, 19:47)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]then perhaps it´s because of Trakt API change. That will be the next thing I tackle probably.
info=similarmovies should work though, it fetches info from TheMovieDB then.
For sure is my fault, I so much work on the my skin project. That I do not know, what I started to work and what I need to finish.
Best Regards
After a bit more investigation, the latest version of Extendedinfo taken from Github will install just fine on Isengard via zip, but will not install via zip on Helix 14.2rc1 (At least, not for me)
I know that within the script xml there is a way to flag similiarmovies that are in your database, but is it also possible to do the same within DialogVideoInfo.xml?
(2015-03-20, 04:40)ekim232 Wrote: [ -> ]I know that within the script xml there is a way to flag similiarmovies that are in your database, but is it also possible to do the same within DialogVideoInfo.xml?
when using info=similarmovies then database movies should have dbid property set.
What would you recommend using for the visibility for the flag image?
!IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(DBID)) should work.
(2015-03-20, 04:46)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]!IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(DBID)) should work.
Worked perfectly! This script is amazing work!
One last one....
Possible to play the available movies? I am using the following to populate the list.
<content limit="10">plugin://script.extendedinfo?info=similarmovies&&dbid=$INFO[ListItem.DBID]</content>
In order to play would I need to change to items and add onclicks? Something like the following to play the movie...
(2015-03-20, 05:14)ekim232 Wrote: [ -> ] (2015-03-20, 04:46)phil65 Wrote: [ -> ]!IsEmpty(ListItem.Property(DBID)) should work.
Worked perfectly! This script is amazing work!
One last one....
Possible to play the available movies? I am using the following to populate the list.
<content limit="10">plugin://script.extendedinfo?info=similarmovies&&dbid=$INFO[ListItem.DBID]</content>
In order to play would I need to change to items and add onclicks? Something like the following to play the movie...
I thought it was the default onclick action to play movies in the database.. at least it is for themoviedb content like director/similar/studio.
New properties for EPG_TAG in PVR
const char * strOriginalTitle; /*!< @brief (optional) originaltitle */
const char * strCast; /*!< @brief (optional) cast */
const char * strDirector; /*!< @brief (optional) director */
const char * strWriter; /*!< @brief (optional) writer */
int iYear; /*!< @brief (optional) year */
const char * strIMDBNumber; /*!< @brief (optional) IMDBNumber */
Are you plan to add in script something like this:
For director ,writer cast & original title think that old code will work and script will show in her dialog all info
How do I just launch the extended info movie dialog from a button? can't see it in the readme but, based on launching actor info, I've tried...
But that doesn't work.