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Thanks, Ill let him check.
What is the best way to change a already set pvr thumb (poster, thumb, channel logo) I have the movie "The Bourne Identity" and it gets the tv series poster. I know this is as expected but is there a way to override the image or disable pvr thumbs for certain recorded tv shows or movies? the best way i could see a work around is having a custom thumbs folder.

Keep up the great work...

P.S that was just 1 example of needing to change the image. Another example is here in Australia we have a tv show called "The Border" but in usa it is called "Border Wars". The script grabs the other tv show The Border poster. Yet again I know it is what is expected but could there be a way to change it.
Marcel, I updated to latest git and ask him to try backup again,
he tried and sent me a screenshot of "global name 'unicodedata' is not defined" error, During the backup process.
I don't have the log right now, but maybe this info will be enough ?
(2015-10-10, 12:28)tomer953 Wrote: [ -> ]Marcel, I updated to latest git and ask him to try backup again,
he tried and sent me a screenshot of "global name 'unicodedata' is not defined" error, During the backup process.
I don't have the log right now, but maybe this info will be enough ?

Fix is on Git!
(2015-10-10, 06:38)Rjsachse Wrote: [ -> ]What is the best way to change a already set pvr thumb (poster, thumb, channel logo) I have the movie "The Bourne Identity" and it gets the tv series poster. I know this is as expected but is there a way to override the image or disable pvr thumbs for certain recorded tv shows or movies? the best way i could see a work around is having a custom thumbs folder.

I will start working on this tonight. You willing to test ?
(2015-10-10, 12:31)marcelveldt Wrote: [ -> ]
(2015-10-10, 12:28)tomer953 Wrote: [ -> ]Marcel, I updated to latest git and ask him to try backup again,
he tried and sent me a screenshot of "global name 'unicodedata' is not defined" error, During the backup process.
I don't have the log right now, but maybe this info will be enough ?

Fix is on Git!

Checked, still while backup:
"Decoding Unicode is not supported"

I also added the label formmating erros, because he said he never installed titan skin.
I will run a seach later in his end for one of those labels, to see where they come from.
Edit: only result is in script-skinshortcuts-include.xml , So I guess it is coming from the backup file... I will tell him to reset the skin, and re-create his backup file.
another bug I found, i'm just moved from skin.info script to your script - when it comes to movie sets cdarts...
In my showcase view, I have some mod to show all the cdarts for a movie,
and it seems that the property are not getting clear, after they set - so for example,
If SkinHelper.MovieSet.7.DiscArt is being set in "fast and furious" - when I move to Matrix, the "7" property is still availble with the previous art, even when the matrix has only 3 discs, It shows seven of them, with fast and furious art. I'm "IsEmpty" conditions..
(2015-10-10, 13:14)tomer953 Wrote: [ -> ]Checked, still while backup:
"Decoding Unicode is not supported"
Fix on Git. I've also tested it and appears to be working correctly
(2015-10-10, 19:45)tomer953 Wrote: [ -> ]another bug I found, i'm just moved from skin.info script to your script - when it comes to movie sets cdarts...
In my showcase view, I have some mod to show all the cdarts for a movie,
and it seems that the property are not getting clear, after they set - so for example,
If SkinHelper.MovieSet.7.DiscArt is being set in "fast and furious" - when I move to Matrix, the "7" property is still availble with the previous art, even when the matrix has only 3 discs, It shows seven of them, with fast and furious art. I'm "IsEmpty" conditions..

I have just checked the code and that is not true, all properties are beiing reset. I forgot to reset only one and that is the poster which will be fixed on Git in a minute.
You are aware that the script will only grab details for the current Listitem(0) in a list.. Showcase views can be a pain sometimes because you're not looking at the actual listitem.
You were right, my bad - the discart is reset - but the poster werent, and it caused my problem, because Im using the poster with cd diffuse (to make it looks like a real cd) - when discart is empty.
so It caused me the problem.
Thanks about the fix. now its working great.
about the backup, I will let you know.
Yer I am willing to test marcel.
I have been trying to do it myself but still learning python.

The closest I got was just changing the skin to read the recoreded tv folder for poster, thumb and fanart. But I had to uses your addon to scrap the images (since at least 80% of images are scraped properly), then I went through the thumbnails folder and found the images then transferred them manually to recorded tv and renamed them.

But it really is not a solution just a work around and if I change skins I have to mod that as well. I wish I could help more.
(2015-10-11, 01:51)Rjsachse Wrote: [ -> ]Yer I am willing to test marcel.
I have been trying to do it myself but still learning python.

The closest I got was just changing the skin to read the recoreded tv folder for poster, thumb and fanart. But I had to uses your addon to scrap the images (since at least 80% of images are scraped properly), then I went through the thumbnails folder and found the images then transferred them manually to recorded tv and renamed them.

But it really is not a solution just a work around and if I change skins I have to mod that as well. I wish I could help more.

OK, I got stuck today in some other issues but tomorrow I will fix this.
How shall i code it ?

1. Add a setting to configure the path to the recorded tv (or better: tv thumbs folder)
2. Just save all scraped thumbs to addon_data with a directory structure based on the recordings, so you manually alter any images there

I prefer a combination of 1 and 2 myself. If no setting is applied, the service will scrape the images to the addon_data folder.
If a custom folder is supplied it will scrape the images to there.

I can also scrape other artwork like logo, banners etc if you want
Hi Marcel,

I ran into a common issue with both skin.helper.service and skinshortcuts, but wanted to post here first for your thoughts, given your work with both. Note that I'm using the latest version of each from git.

I routinely find these error messages in my log file, which I traced back to both addons scanning directory paths for playlists. The problem is that neither checks for the path's existence before reading, which results in unnecesary error messages.

(from skin.helper.service)
ERROR: static bool XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory(const CURL&, CFileItemList&, const XFILE::CDirectory::CHints&, bool) - Error getting /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/library/video
ERROR: static bool XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory(const CURL&, CFileItemList&, const XFILE::CDirectory::CHints&, bool) - Error getting /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/library/music

(from skinshortcuts)
ERROR: static bool XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory(const CURL&, CFileItemList&, const XFILE::CDirectory::CHints&, bool) - Error getting /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/library/video
ERROR: static bool XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory(const CURL&, CFileItemList&, const XFILE::CDirectory::CHints&, bool) - Error getting /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/library/music
ERROR: static bool XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory(const CURL&, CFileItemList&, const XFILE::CDirectory::CHints&, bool) - Error getting /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/skin.eminence.2/playlists/
ERROR: static bool XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory(const CURL&, CFileItemList&, const XFILE::CDirectory::CHints&, bool) - Error getting special://skin/playlists/

Since both addons are often used together, do you know why they independently scan similar paths? Might there be an opportunity to share or consolidate that function?

In any case, it would be helpful if there was an existence check before scanning a directory, as in these examples. Would you consider that please?

skin.helper.service: (resources/lib/BackgroundsUpdater.py, line ~425)
logMsg("no cache - Get playlist entries from file.... ")
playlistCount = 0
playlists = []
paths = [['special://videoplaylists/','VideoLibrary'], ['special://musicplaylists/','MusicLibrary']]
for playlistpath in paths:
    if not xbmcvfs.exists(playlistpath):
    media_array = getJSON('Files.GetDirectory','{ "directory": "%s", "media": "files" }' % playlistpath[0] )
    for item in media_array:

skinshortcuts: (resources/lib/library.py, line ~1092)
paths = [['special://videoplaylists/','32004','VideoLibrary'], ['special://musicplaylists/','32005','MusicLibrary'], ["special://skin/playlists/",'32059',None], ["special://skin/extras/",'32059',None]]
for path in paths:
    if not xbmcvfs.exists(path):
    count = 0
    for root, subdirs, files in kodiwalk( path[0], stringForce = "special://skin/" ):

Thanks for your help, and please let me know if this were better posted in the skinshortcuts forum.

Happy Thanksgiving!

p.s. I see you ran into this before in skin.titan and noted it needs fixing:
Titan Skin git Issue #30 (half-way down)
OMG! Now that will be perfect, a combination of 1 and 2. Yes I think logo's and banners ect as well then this will bridge the gap and make pvr look like the rest of kodi.

The way I was doing it within the skin was k:\Recorded TV listitem.foldername poster.jpg If I used listitem.folderpath live pvr recordings wouldn't show the image.

I hope this makes sense and helps if not sorry I am walking and typing on my phone (hard to write code snippets)
(2015-10-11, 02:32)guido1138 Wrote: [ -> ]In any case, it would be helpful if there was an existence check before scanning a directory, as in these examples. Would you consider that please?

Ah, thanks for noticing. Issue fixed in both scripts on Git.